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Old 05-20-2018, 02:50 AM
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 445

First, if you're going to change anything for zoning, it's all in either, zone_points
table or doors table.
Anything you have to click on to zone, is a door. Anything you just run through,
like a "zone line" is in the zone_points table.

In the zone_points table is some columns that will need to edit, to send
your client to where you want it to go.

target_y, target_x, target_z, target_heading and target_zone_id.
To get the target_zone_id, you can look in the zone table for the zoneidnumber
which is what you need for the target_zone_id.

BUT, you're also getting into things that may require files needed by your client and/or
further editing for character creations.
Example: You want to create a human character in the old version of Freeport East
(freporte) or the new version (freeporteast) ?
The destination for those would have to be edited in the char_create_combinations
table and the start_zones table.
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