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Old 06-08-2008, 09:57 PM
Cripp's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The Shire
Posts: 474

ok where was I...

Next, open LoginServer.ini that you just added into LoginServer folder.

make it look just like this.. (this step isnt completely necessary, just for personal ref.)

Next, go back and open the Server folder that you created.

In the SC Package, go to the Server folder, and select the following files
(the files selected are all the server files, the ones that arent are either the
server source or minilogin files. Yes, you need LoginServer.ini )

You can also grab the clean_ini folder as well if you wish.

After you add those files, open LoginServer.ini and db.ini
edit them, make them look similar to... those, close, and open all of the bootzones.bat files
(boot1zone.bat; boot5zones.bat; boot5morezones.bat)
change each line, the part with the IP address in it. change it to
either localhost or your IP... it looks like that. you may also change the to localhost if you wish.

OK now, create a new mysql database to whatever you named it in db.ini (i called it simpleclient)
and source in the eq55sc.sql file to it.

im assuming you already know how to do that...

To be Continued yet again.. almost done now.
Nug Blazers - ServerOP / founder
^^comming... later!

Last edited by Cripp; 06-24-2008 at 08:57 PM..
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