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Old 04-23-2022, 03:25 AM
Huppy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by kestrall View Post
How do I get my server to use that file instead?
Most will use an sql editor (such as navicat, or whatever), but if you want to do it right from a windows command prompt, you would have to (first) create a new database in your mysql/mariadb. (something with a different name than the existing one). THEN, after getting that new database sourced in, you would have to go into your server config files and change all values referencing the name of the database, to the new database name.

In the following example, there is a file called peqdb.sql in the windows user downloads folder. This will show to cd to that folder, log into mysql, create a new database (called peqdb), then source in the new file:

CAUTION: If that new database is really old, there may be issues (between the older database and the modern source code binaries) when you start up the server. If that happens and you get all sorts of mysql errors, you're going to open up a can of worms, that you wished you hadn't

From there, just wait for it to finish sourcing in. (bunch of garble will go up the screen).
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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