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Old 10-22-2011, 06:46 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 172
Default Enchanter Bot - Beserker Line

So I noticed at 19 my chanter stopped casting strength on me. I looked at the DB and noticed that at 19 they get a new line of STR buffs called the beserker line. The DB has Strengthen from 1 - 18 when the beserker line starts but being that the new line reduces agi to gain STR and Damage Reduction I guess it was decided to remove it from their AI.

So here are the choices for you:

To add the beserker line
INSERT INTO `npc_spells_entries` (`id`, `npc_spells_id`, `spellid`, `type`, `minlevel`, `priority`) VALUES (9001, 705, 176, 8, 47, 1);
INSERT INTO `npc_spells_entries` (`id`, `npc_spells_id`, `spellid`, `type`, `minlevel`, `maxlevel`, `priority`) VALUES (9000, 705, 21, 8, 19, 46, 1);

To skip the beserker line but at least get some str from the chanter (+10 str)

UPDATE `npc_spells_entries` SET `maxlevel`=255 WHERE `id`=7080 LIMIT 1;
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