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Old 02-15-2013, 01:19 AM
c0ncrete's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 719

this works.

i think it might have had something to do with scope and assigning a value to $npcClass by way of the constant. it was an empty string until i moved the declarations of that and $buffList inside of the scopes they were used. the same does not apply to $data, however.

use 5.012;
no strict 'vars';
use warnings;

# array of playable class long names
use constant CLASS_L => qw(
  Unknown Warrior Cleric Paladin Ranger Shadowknight Druid Monk Bard Rogue
  Shaman Necromancer Wizard Magician Enchanter Beastlord Berserker

# hashref containing buffs offered depening on the class of the npc
my $data = {
   Enchanter => {
       greet => "I have the %s for your mind.",
       buffs => [
           [ "Bind Affinity",      35,   10 ],
           [ "Breeze",             697,  25 ],
           [ "Clarity",            174,  50 ],
           [ "Clarity II",         1693, 200 ],
           [ "Alacrity",           170,  10 ],
           [ "Augment",            1729, 30 ],
           [ "Aanya's Quickening", 1708, 100 ],
           [ "Rune I",             481,  5 ],
   Necromancer => {
       greet => "Souls and %s.",
       buffs => [
           [ "Bind Affinity", 35, 10 ],
           [ "Dead Men Floating", 1391, 10 ],


    my $npcClass = (CLASS_L)[ $npc->GetClass() ];
    my $greeting = $data->{$npcClass}->{greet} || "Got %s?";
    my $buffList = $data->{$npcClass}->{buffs};

    # saylink
    my $buffs = quest::saylink( "buffs", 1 );

    my $CanCast = sub {
        foreach my $spell ( @{ +shift } ) {
            my ( $spellName, $spellID, $spellCost ) = @{$spell};
            my $buffLink = quest::saylink( $spellName, 1 );
            $client->Message( 315,
              "I can cast $buffLink on you for ${spellCost}pp." );

    # matches hail
    if ( $text =~ /hail/i ) { quest::say( sprintf $greeting, $buffs); }

    # doesn't match hail, but does match something in buff list
    elsif ( my @match = grep { ${$_}[0] =~ /$text/i } @{$buffList} ) {

        # single, exact match in buff list.
        if ( @match == 1 && $text eq $match[0][0] ) {
            my ( $spellName, $spellID, $spellCost ) = @{ $match[0] };
            $client->Message( 315,
                "That will be ${spellCost}pp for $spellName." );
            quest::setglobal( "buff", $text, 0, "M5" );

        # more than one match in buff list. list them.
        else { $CanCast->( \@match ); }

    # defaut to listing all buffs this npc can cast.
    else { $CanCast->($buffList); }


    my $npcClass = (CLASS_L)[ $npc->GetClass() ];
    my $buffList = $data->{$npcClass}->{buffs};

    my $correctMoney = 0;

    # if client has selected a buff
    if ( defined $qglobals{buff} ) {
        # find the buff selected
        foreach my $spell ( @{$buffList} ) {
            my ( $spellName, $spellID, $spellCost ) = @{$spell};
            # if client gave the correct amount of money, cast the spell
            next if $qglobals{buff} ne $spellName || $platinum != $spellCost;
            $client->Message( 315,
                "Thank you for the ${spellCost}pp. Prepare for $spellName!" );
            $npc->CastSpell( $spellID, $client->GetID() );
            $correctMoney = 1;

    # incorrect amount of money given or no qglobal for buff found for client
    if ( !$correctMoney && ( $copper || $silver || $gold || $platinum ) ) {
        $client->Message( 315,
            "I don't need these coins. You may have them back." );
        quest::givecash( $copper||0, $silver||0, $gold||0, $platinum||0 );
I muck about @ The Forge.
say(rand 99>49?'try '.('0x'.join '',map{unpack 'H*',chr rand 256}1..2):'incoherent nonsense')while our $Noport=1;
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