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Old 05-22-2014, 10:06 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 216

Cliche as hell example of the kind of thing an uncreative total newb (me -- my first model more complicated than an auto-generated cylinder) can slap together in a couple hours (most of it grappling with Blender's UI and skimming tutorials) with a little effort.

Getting started is not as hard as it might seem! Although, making the texture and normal map (the e_TextureNormal0 property) decent is probably harder than making a workable static model... (The sharp edge of the blade looked more distinct before I put that noisy metal texture on, for one thing.)

Better than a cardboard tube, at least. Feel free to post your own~

(Oh, and for reference: with the blade facing the positive Y axis in Blender, I had to export with negative Z as the forward direction to make it face the right way in game).
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