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Old 08-10-2019, 04:44 AM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

By the looks of that screenshot above, your server started up fine. Your EQEmu server, needs to connect to a login server. Either public, private, or (in your config), both. They need a port number to connect. Then your client needs a port to connect to the loginserver. Hence, (as per code) 5998 for Titanium/SoF and all others 5999.

               "loginserver1" : {
                    "account" : "- my account name -",
                    "host" : "",
                    "legacy" : "1",
                    "password" : "- my password - ",
                    "port" : "5998"		<<<<<------- This MUST be 5998 for the public login server.
               "loginserver2" : {
                    "account" : "- my account name -",
                    "host" : "",
                    "password" : "- my password -",
                    "port" : "5999"		<<<<<------- This MUST be the SAME as the listen_port in your login.ini
Then your client will use one of these: (after your server and loginserver have connected.) Do not change these.
From your login.ini :

port = 5998
opcodes = login_opcodes.conf

port = 5999
opcodes = login_opcodes_sod.conf

EDIT: I forgot to mention something, just in case you may not be aware of it. Some people's LAN setup, with your server using one particular LAN IP (such as, your router/modem dhcp, may be setup to assign each device connecting to it, with a dynamic IP. (subject to change all the time). I have to assign a static LAN IP for my server in my modem config, so it never changes. You would have to login to your router/modem to do that.(different models, different brands, different setups). Otherwise, when you restart/reboot that particular computer, it may get assigned a different LAN IP and your client computer won't find it on the LAN.
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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