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Old 02-26-2022, 08:15 PM
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: In the woods
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by Firepaw View Post
Hate to burst your bubble, but transferring across servers in most cases is not gonna happen. Different servers are built differently and use different items max level etc. Transferring from a server with big numbers on gear to say p99 would never happen. Not to be rude but unless they mq2d all the way to the items on a server where that’s illegal they probably did it fairly
You missed the entire conversation and if your using the DB import for the character and it is setup using the client export, the character can be imported.

In most cases the characters have stock peq items, just items that would be not normally on a character at said lvl. Did I also mention there is only one server that I know of publicly importing characters (I think I did).

See you mention mq2d which I monitor, but from what I have been told it is truly un-reliable. To my experience in using MQ2 the one that is allowed to be used you don't generate 28 pages of violations. In my 300 hours I only have 4 total in the 42 pages that I have. So I think it is reliable and does show those violating the use. As I said people will cheat no matter what to get what they want. Instead of just playing for the love of adventure.

If you don't understand the import process that is not done thru a DB dump you might want to read about it. Just do a search for eqemu character import and it should show you the website for the server which has all the tools and explains how to do it from your client, requiring no server admin to export your character.

Have a great day......
Freejacks EQ World
Just a place to adventure and do the things I did not do before and that was a long time ago.
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