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Old 01-19-2009, 05:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 89

remember, racial & class exp penalties were built in place because classes were innately unbalanced at the's & paladins were by mostly just warriors with slightly lower caps in a few abilities with spells added on(and a lack of dual weild). same for races, ogres,trolls, and barbs had 15/10/5 (or thereabouts) penalties respectively while asslings had a 5% bonus. because at that time some races were just flatly better than others.
the problem is that be the time Kunark was comming around they had started doing all kind of things to balance the classes, such as adding Crafted armor quests to south karana (which is funny because of this other class people whined enough they later added the templeofsolro quests) and the beserker rage warriors do at low life, while they seemingly forgot about the penalties that were built in to offset many of those imbalances. so by the time velious came around (and arguably during kunark also) there was no point to having exp penalties any longer even though it was quite some time before they were properly removed.

anyways, what im trying to get at is that true classic ended before kunark was ever released and adding things like racial penalties is just tacking on outdated methods that just had not been properly eliminated at the time even though there function had been undone. In other words, just repeating one of verants many mistakes for the sake of completness.

good luck bro, has been plenty of people calling for a true classic server! (masochists i tell you!) hope you guys can pull it off!
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