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Old 12-11-2008, 09:19 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: UK
Posts: 14
Default If I could change EQ

I started playing eq within a month of its release and it was buggy, I had no idea what I was doing and there were rumors of bugs such as
(corpse fell through the world bug and you loose everything)

This time best time and the most fun for me, the sound of a hill giant or an ooc of (Werewolf) was enough to scare me.

As the game changed over the years I like many others think the devs made some bum gameplay decisions along the way and the game in my opinion got progressively worse.

Now it seems I have the opportunity to change a few of those design decisions and see if I can do better.

I’ve never played a Permadeath version of EQ and I want to at least try it so then I know for sure what it is like.
my guess is it will be either a

total pain in the butt

or a

total addictive pain in the butt

and I won’t know for sure until I try it.

is that the sort of thing I could try with eqmu?
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