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Old 08-25-2015, 01:44 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NorthEast
Posts: 115


Wow, I thought this forum was all but dead., thanks for such a quick response. !

I quickly get lost with all the elseing and elseif'ing so I tidied it up a bit. I missed a parantheses my first time and noticed my new level limitation wasn't working (going to give paladins and sk's crit at 15 and not 12)

so edited attack.cpp to read this:
	if (IsClient()) {
		critChance  += RuleI(Combat, ClientBaseCritChance);

		if (spellbonuses.BerserkSPA || itembonuses.BerserkSPA || aabonuses.BerserkSPA)
				IsBerskerSPA = true;

		if (((GetClass() == WARRIOR || GetClass() == BERSERKER) && GetLevel() >= 12)  || IsBerskerSPA) {
			if (IsBerserk() || IsBerskerSPA)
				critChance += RuleI(Combat, BerserkBaseCritChance);
				critChance += RuleI(Combat, WarBerBaseCritChance);
		if (((GetClass() == PALADIN || GetClass() == SHADOWKNIGHT) && GetLevel() >= 15))
			critChance += RuleI(Combat, PalShdBaseCritChance);
I'm thinking I don't understand this segment properly:: the note in this section states that there is the innate chance to score a crit.

How would that be possible since:
clientbasecritchance and meleebasecritchance in my rules are zero.
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