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Old 08-25-2015, 02:51 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: NorthEast
Posts: 115

Definitely and Thank you as I'm with you, my percent should be around .6% at best (assuming innate crits based on dex)

But I want nothing till 15.. here is the block from attack.cpp

	//2: Try Melee Critical

	//Base critical rate for all classes is dervived from DEX stat, this rate is then augmented
	//by item,spell and AA bonuses allowing you a chance to critical hit. If the following rules
	//are defined you will have an innate chance to hit at Level 1 regardless of bonuses.
	//Warning: Do not define these rules if you want live like critical hits.
	critChance += RuleI(Combat, MeleeBaseCritChance);

	if (IsClient()) {
		critChance  += RuleI(Combat, ClientBaseCritChance);

		if (spellbonuses.BerserkSPA || itembonuses.BerserkSPA || aabonuses.BerserkSPA)
				IsBerskerSPA = true;

		if (((GetClass() == WARRIOR || GetClass() == BERSERKER) && GetLevel() >= 12)  || IsBerskerSPA) {
			if (IsBerserk() || IsBerskerSPA)
				critChance += RuleI(Combat, BerserkBaseCritChance);
				critChance += RuleI(Combat, WarBerBaseCritChance);
		if (((GetClass() == PALADIN || GetClass() == SHADOWKNIGHT) && GetLevel() >= 15))
			critChance += RuleI(Combat, PalShdBaseCritChance);

	int deadlyChance = 0;
	int deadlyMod = 0;
	if(skill == SkillArchery && GetClass() == RANGER && GetSkill(SkillArchery) >= 65)
		critChance += 6;

	if (skill == SkillThrowing && GetClass() == ROGUE && GetSkill(SkillThrowing) >= 65) {
		critChance += RuleI(Combat, RogueCritThrowingChance);
		deadlyChance = RuleI(Combat, RogueDeadlyStrikeChance);
		deadlyMod = RuleI(Combat, RogueDeadlyStrikeMod);

	int CritChanceBonus = GetCriticalChanceBonus(skill);

	if (CritChanceBonus || critChance) {

		//Get Base CritChance from Dex. (200 = ~1.6%, 255 = ~2.0%, 355 = ~2.20%) Fall off rate > 255
		// ,
		if (GetDEX() <= 255)
			critChance += (float(GetDEX()) / 125.0f);
		else if (GetDEX() > 255)
			critChance += (float(GetDEX()-255)/ 500.0f) + 2.0f;
		critChance += critChance*(float)CritChanceBonus /100.0f;

	if(opts) {
		critChance *= opts->crit_percent;
		critChance += opts->crit_flat;
I stopped where it starts calculating crippling blows
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