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Old 09-17-2019, 07:04 AM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333
Default Loginserver Overhaul (error)

After updating to current source code (and recompiling) with a fresh peqdb from the nightly dump, ran world to update the db fully. Of course after that to get the loginserver to run, more steps had to be done, lol. But this is just me, piddling around testing the updates out.

First I got all the necessary files (login.json and sql's) to update the DB with the new schema. Found these in the source/loginserver folder. I had to edit the login_schema.sql as it wouldn't source in because of "NULL" errors. After I got the new table schema injected into the DB, I edited the login.json file for db name, password, etc., just like we did with the login.ini file.
Loginserver starts up fine, but now I am struggling to get the world and loginserver to connect. Here is the new login.json I am using. (I did notice, we used to have a local_network= in the old ini file. It's not present in this one.)

  "database": {
    "host": "", // database host
    "port": "3306", // database port
    "db": "peq", // database name
    "user": "root", // database user
    "password": "*****" // database password
  "account": {
    // ideal for local LAN setups, if you want a login attempt to automatically create an account
    // this will automatically create the account using the username and password if it doesn't exist
    "auto_create_accounts": true
  "worldservers": {
    "unregistered_allowed": true, // allows worldservers to connect to your loginserver without server admin authentication
    "reject_duplicate_servers": false // if enabled, rejects duplicate worldservers
  "web_api": {
    "enabled": false, // enable/disable embedded webserver api
    "port": 6000 // the port you want the web api to serve on (recommended not to change)
  "security": {
    "mode": 14, // encryption mode (dont touch) (14=scrypt)
    "allow_password_login": true, // allows users to login via password, most cases, leave this on
    "allow_token_login": false // allows token based login directly from launching game
  "logging": {
    "trace": true, // For debugging general packet messaging
    "world_trace": false, // For debugging world to loginserver messaging
    "dump_packets_in": false, // for debugging inbound packets
    "dump_packets_out": false // for debugging outbound packets
  "client_configuration": {
    "titanium_port": 5998, // don't change
    "titanium_opcodes": "login_opcodes.conf", // opcodes for the titanium era clients
    "sod_port": 5999, // don't change
    "sod_opcodes": "login_opcodes_sod.conf" // opcodes for sod and higher era clients
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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