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Old 07-22-2018, 01:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 89

Forum Hospitality for foreign language (The OP doesn't speak english)

Unfortunate for the bullied prejudice that people have to endure on these forums, just because they don't have the knowledge
that others don't, or can't speak fluent english. It's been going on for years around here, without any professional moderation.
(They let the kids and drama queens run the daycare).
My friend and I are working on setting up a seperate (unofficial) discussion site to help the "less technical" people in a more
humane and user friendly enviroment, blocking forum problems, before they become a problem.(trolls, derailments, filtering, etc).
We all have wives, family and jobs, but we wouldn't think about going to work on a project unless we knew for sure that we had
the time to maintain it. That assessment has already been made and management is well planned between us. The discussion site
should be open and ready by September 1st.
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