Thread: Pharone
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Old 01-10-2019, 12:05 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 56

Here's the basic theme of the server which will drive it's episodic story content.

This is an alternate universe of EverQuest where magic has been long since lost by the masses over many centuries. For the most part, people live ordinary lives, and there is no concept of "monsters" to these people.

Unknown to the inhabitants of this Norrath, there is a very powerful God in another EverQuest universe that is quickly coming to the realization that he is close to the end of his reign of terror upon that universe as the heros of his universe are finally about to defeat him.

In a last ditch effort to deny his own destruction at the hands of these heroes, he concocts a spell that destroys his universe because in his mind, if I can't have it, then no one can!

At the last second, one of the other Gods realizes what he is doing, and tries to cast a powerful spell to keep the universe from being destructed, but it was too late. The vast majority of the universe simply ceased to exist, and most of the Gods were lost completely forever.

Tiny pockets of the universe continues to exist in a semi-limbo state. Partially realized and partially not. Time doesn't pass. No one ages. Consumption is not necessary, and most of those still "alive" in this universe are in a comatose state just existing with out knowing it.

As the world around him is quickly vanishing around him, a glimmer of light shines through a tiny pin hole in space. He instinctively moves toward it, and ends up in the universe of this server.

The connection between his universe and this universe has for ever altered this universe. The rules of the universe have changed greatly so to speak. Non of this universe's magics exist anymore. The destroyed universe has some how overwritten the magics of this one, and none of the inhabitants of this universe are able to harness them.

The people of this universe are ripe for the picking for this evil God as they have no ability to fight back against his magics.

He begins creating his evil plans to enslave the inhabitants of his new found universe, but unbeknownst to him, another God has made it to this universe along with him; God2 (name to be determined).

God2 is hell bent on making sure that God1 pays for what he did. God2 bestows the gift of their universe's magic upon all new born of this universe, so that they will be able to fight back and some day destroy him. This takes every bit of God2's power, and the last thing he does before vanishing in to nothingness is bless the people of this universe with a gift of power.

A crate appears in the town center with a note on it that reads, "This gift I give to you to thwart the destroyer. Choose wisely..." Inside the crate are the relics of the lost universe; an assortment of the most powerful weapons ever created by the Gods.
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