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Old 08-15-2018, 05:54 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 658

It is pretty easily, actually.

First of all, I'd recommend trying to edit it in EOC (on the homepage under resources). It gives a nice GUI that makes editing basically everything much easier.

If you want to modify it in the database yourself, find the spell id that you want to modify in spells_new and set the classes column for the class you want to give the spell to the level you want them to obtain it. So, if you want to give a mage a spell at level 5, set classes13 to 5 in spells_new for that spell id.

That will allow mages to use that spell on the server. You will likely have to update your client's spells_us file as well so that the client is aware of the change. I believe there are scripts to export that already.

Finally, if you're planning on using scrolls to learn spells, I believe you may have to edit the scroll to allow it to be usable by mages as well.
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