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Old 04-02-2008, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

Some concerns I have:

Cavedude already mentioned this but the built in punishments, need to either go or be able to be toggled on/off. False positives unjustly punish legitimate players in such a circumstances, just warping someone back to where they were is a pretty easy punishment and it doesn't really insult the players playing legitimatly. If they're lagging and get warped back a few times a play session it's not as big a deal as having to regen hp and mana and deal with res effects. Sorta leads into my next concern...

The warp system isn't perfect, it doesn't account for lag well and I've gotten quite a few reports of false positives from people who have used it. It could be tightened up a bit, and could account for lag. For example instead of measuring a set distance since the last update measure a variable distance since the last update based on the time between this update and the last.

I think outputting suspicious behavior to a .log file would be better than mysql, just because it takes some stress off of the mysql server and it's a lot easier to view and sent do someone else.

But like I said the first time, great initiative, it's something that was certainly needed.
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