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Old 09-26-2016, 01:38 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2016
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Default New Server Idea

I'm a die hard EQ fan and have been following EQMU and all things Everquest since 2008. I've had an idea for an Everquest server for years that I think would create the perfect environment for all us die hard fans. I admit that I'm more of a purist when it comes to Everquest so I don't usually enjoy non classic servers so this idea may not appeal to all but in all my years following EQ servers I've never seen this tried (maybe for a reason). The idea is fairly simple. A NODROP server.

I know this doesn't sound like I'm an Everquest purist and trust me I think that EQ has the greatest economy system of any game ever made. I love farming gear for friends and twinking out alts but sometimes I get the itch to just start fresh again. To start fresh and dungeon grind with fellow adventurers and just get back to the basics of what Everquest truly is. I know the whole argument of "nobody forces you to twink" and I fully agree. I've tried this. I've joined role play guilds, fresh start guilds and tried just playing a solo class by myself. This is about as close to getting that fresh start feel as one can get. Unfortunately it doesn't last long. On popular servers where grouping is viable, its nearly impossible to find a dungeon or group that isn't loaded with at least 1 twink that can keep half the dungeon cleared by himself. I've lost several friends who had never played Everquest to this problem. They start off loving it. They love the struggle, they see how challenging the game is and look forward to exploring this dangerous world. Until about level 10 when I take them to crushbone or blackburrow and they see the same class they are killing reds in seconds without losing health. They form the opinion that the game is just getting gear and mindlessly annihilating mobs over and over until you level with no challenge and realize that the world isn't dangerous at all. Us old school EQ fans know this isn't the case.

I think if a server was made that had all drops from named or "boss mobs" be no drop this would solve so many problems that every established classic EQ server runs into several months after its release.

The economy could still be thriving. I would have ALL trade skill made and non magical items be trade-able. I would also have most "random" drops be trade-able. Things like orc fang earrings, cougar claw earrings, basically anything that cant be camped or dropped from a single mob. This would still allow for a ton of twink options as well as simple upgrade options for non twinks as they make the journey to 60. I know that a lot of these items are insanely good but i don't care how twinked you are in these items. A full cultural armor warrior without regen or haste is going to get thumped. A full Wu's armor monk is still going to want to group. Nobody is going to clear a zone by themselves in these types of items their lives will be much easier and they would make a awesome group member for sure but you wont see them killing reds or have no downtime.

Now I know the argument of "people will find a way to twink" I know this, I've seen how creative people can be. If a necro wants to drag his level 4 rogue friend into guk and camp him a dagger and fbss, that's going to happen. I don't think there's a way around this but as a whole I still don't think this would be that common or ruin anyone's gaming experience. By simply enforcing a no 2 box rule and that if your group or raid did not kill the target, the loot is then FFA. This would keep people from camping items and logging to their alts if they know a rule is in place that anyone can snipe the loot from you if you plan to camp loot it. On the other hand nothing stops you from doing this if you want to, just do so at your own risk.

When you think about it, this is exactly how the game is endgame. Nobody is getting any items via camping fungi tunics over and over for the sale of the item to get gear for their level 60 main. End game EQ forces people to work together to get NODROP items and to earn your gear. The thought of logging into an EQ world where players are working together struggling to survive in Norrath instead of pillaging it over and over for its resources just sounds like so much fun to me.

Maybe I'm a very small minority on this or maybe the only person that feels this way. That's why i made this post! Would anyone else like to see a server like this? Would any of you awesome server developers have any interest in creating a world like this? Let me know what you think!
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Old 09-26-2016, 06:01 PM
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I've seen the odd server that has ALL items tradeable, with many players liking it.
I used to think just like that way back when I played on Live, everything no drop.
But these days, on these servers, not so sure players are very much in to doing
tradeskills, etc.
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Old 09-26-2016, 11:05 PM
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I hate twinks.
But NO DROP is bad for economy and for gear grind.
Ever been in situation when mob drops 3-5 pieces of great gear and they all from classes that are NOT present in your group/raid ?
NO DROP makes its impossible to trade it for something you could use.

BUT, REQUIRED LEVEL is a good option.No more lev 5 twinks in planar armor

Another good thing for economy are ATTUNEABLE items. This will prevent good gear continuously being passed down from player to player diminishing its value as more and more added to the world. It also will prevent devaluing of trade skills. (Back on LIVE in 2004 already, all tradeskills under skill of like 300 were useless, because you could buy better items from players for just a few plat. )
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Old 09-27-2016, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ View Post
I hate twinks.
But NO DROP is bad for economy and for gear grind.
Ever been in situation when mob drops 3-5 pieces of great gear and they all from classes that are NOT present in your group/raid ?
NO DROP makes its impossible to trade it for something you could use.

BUT, REQUIRED LEVEL is a good option.No more lev 5 twinks in planar armor

Another good thing for economy are ATTUNEABLE items. This will prevent good gear continuously being passed down from player to player diminishing its value as more and more added to the world. It also will prevent devaluing of trade skills. (Back on LIVE in 2004 already, all tradeskills under skill of like 300 were useless, because you could buy better items from players for just a few plat. )

On Nagafen's Lair we added Bind on pickup with an option to unattune the item for a cash price.

This was pretty cool seeing as it prevents twinking to a degree except for those who actually can afford it.

That being said, our raid zones were level-locked to prevent a noob from entering and getting all the phats.
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Old 09-27-2016, 12:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Maze_EQ View Post

That being said, our raid zones were level-locked to prevent a noob from entering and getting all the phats.
another good point. I remember back on live even NO DROp tag wasn't enough to stop a twink - people were selling loot rights on high end Shadow Knight Sword of Pain and Bard Rapier in high end Velious dungeons (was it Velketor? or CC?) and getting them for their twinks, because they didn't had required level on them.
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Old 09-27-2016, 12:56 PM
Fire Beetle
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My thought to combat this would be to simply have a rule set put in place. If your group kills a mob, its your groups loot. If your guild kills a raid mob, its your guilds loot. Anything outside of that is FFA. If someone wants to sell raid loot to a buyer, I'd encourage 10 other people to go try to pick themselves up some nice raid loot. This should create a lot of risk for buyers and hopefully destroy any market for such transactions.
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Old 09-28-2016, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by gravystain View Post
My thought to combat this would be to simply have a rule set put in place. If your group kills a mob, its your groups loot. If your guild kills a raid mob, its your guilds loot. Anything outside of that is FFA. If someone wants to sell raid loot to a buyer, I'd encourage 10 other people to go try to pick themselves up some nice raid loot. This should create a lot of risk for buyers and hopefully destroy any market for such transactions.
I'm not quite geting this, how can you set rules like that? You could have them written but unless you can set them into the server its no good. The only way to totally mitigate it while keeping things not level restricted is to make every drop FFA. I don't think there is a way to mandate that only group or guild can loot corpses even if you could a twink could just be sitting in group. I think the real answer is FFA looting but that could cause lots of openings for griefing, someone following you around and ninja looting your corpses. Basically then I feel like I would need to open up pvp as another check and balance.
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Old 09-27-2016, 03:19 AM
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I love the idea and count me in. This will be a feature on my server. I also love the idea that every boss mob's loot is FFA. That means if there are multiple groups camping a spawn everyone can have a shot at looting. Groups will basically be forced to work together on kills because anyone can loot. Or to be a little more nuanced you could make all loot go FFA after 30 seconds. That would help keep people on their toes and also prevent camp looting. We can do a IP limiter where an IP only allows one player to play really easily like p99.

Again I think you are dead on and I can't praise you enough for this idea. It is truly the holy grail but I doubt many people will 'get it'. When the server environment year after year is a positive one instead of a negative one the proof that this idea is correct will be in the pudding. You are very smart.

If you want to collaborate with me (my server/client will be open source) email me at nostalgiaeq@gmail.com.
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:10 AM
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I'm "kind of" confused at what the goal is here for no-drop loot in the first place, no
matter what kind of mob it's on. Corpse's already come with a loot timer lock, which you
can set yourself in rules. Until the timer runs out, it's group only loot. But after that
it's FFA. I have mine set to about 6 minutes.
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:17 AM
N0ctrnl's Avatar
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Doesn't most everybody have theirs set to about 6 minutes? That's the stock, isn't it?
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by N0ctrnl View Post
Doesn't most everybody have theirs set to about 6 minutes? That's the stock, isn't it?
I actually found different timers for different rulesets.
I have a stock db sourced in and ruleset 1 and 2 are different 150/240
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:41 AM
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I'm a big fan of emergent gameplay but sometimes without a lot of thought from the developers before hand the emergent gameplay can become less fun than the original game. I get tired of hearing people saying "if you don't like pok books then don't use them" or things to that effect. In that example even if I don't use pok books but other people do then I feel bad everytime I don't because I am loosing time, whereas if no one could use pok books travelling by foot could be more fun and exciting.

So in my mind it is the same as no drop. When I played p99 I basically collected enough bone chips a couple weeks to get a full set of wis gear by lvl 20 that would have taken till like lvl 40+ with months if not years of camping rare spawns in the original release. What no-drop does is make it so everyone needs to camp their own gear. Also it makes it so that people who don't need the gear won't camp it. For example as a druid who actually needs the goblin bengazi ring for charm break can't get it because every warrior and rogue is camping it so they can flip it for 10k plat. So a no drop system would just make for a friendlier and more laid back game. You may not envision it yet but I assure you it will.

Right now I'm thinking a good balance would be no-drop on every item with stat boosts and whatnot and change the group only loot window to like 30 seconds to discourage low level twinking. That way they can't log out and log back in with a twink to loot the drop uncontested. But if someone wants to pay money to be in group to loot the drop, there is nothing you could do about that. Unless you want drops to be totally FFA but that opens up a whole nother can of worms that I don't think I could design myself out of.
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Old 09-28-2016, 03:31 AM
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Originally Posted by DanCanDo View Post
I actually found different timers for different rulesets.
I have a stock db sourced in and ruleset 1 and 2 are different 150/240
What I'm seeing in Rule_values is NPC:corpseunlocktimer and it is set to 150000 (assuming milliseconds so 150s). I don't see a second one.
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:51 AM
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It really is a individual player preference. Some like the grind, others don't.
The whole "EQ" journey can be doing the content inbetween the bottom
and top, quests, tradeskills, etc., or some don't care for anything except
that "Raid Boss" at the top.
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Old 09-28-2016, 04:13 AM
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Not sure what your setup is for editing the tables, but if you can "sort" the name column
in ascending order, then scroll through, but if you have stock db, then there should be
several rulesets, so you would see more than one entry for NPC:corpseunlocktimer
But maybe see if you're only viewing one page of rules ? There may be more.
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