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Old 06-05-2009, 01:45 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 3

konke67 is correct on some points like the bind camping in city, the GMs are not that hard on this rule.
i have seen sevral ppl bind camping others in city and killing ppl over and over again and no one have done anything about it and the one that have CC someone in a city will run around free with out any bann.
And about the resist hack, if im not fully wrong that alot of stats incl resist client side? was along time i checked over EQEmu files and other stuff, nowdays i just play for fun.
But if im not fully wrong then changing your Stats/resist would work client side, i dont know how this server is setup and how it handel things and how things is handel nowdays, but this wasent the point anyway.
The point is about corpse camping/bind camping someone in city even that is against the rules is something that alot of ppl do and i know alot of ppl do petition about this and complaining about they are getting bind/corspe camped in citys.
All other things on the server is working great and the GMs is doing a amazing work and very good and respons alot faster then from Live servers and they are doing this for free.
Not to say something bad about the GMs or the work, im just saying that the bindcamping rule isent working great and should be changed or do something about, rest of the stuff on the server is great, except that if you ask something in OOC alot of ppl will call you bad things and other stuff and tell you to use google or other thing, so if you are new a tip dont ask stuff in OOC then you will just be spammed with bad words and language from other players in OOC.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:00 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 478

Take this as you wish. This is merely my interpretation of what I have read here.

It does seem you are not following your own rules. If this is the correct wording of the rule:

Bind Camping:
Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to "lock down” Grobb, Neriak, or any other city.

Then it's the person who did the killing that has to move on. It specifically states that person can not request the victim camp or leave the zone. However, then this is said:

Bind camping would be just killing you no matter what you were doing, that isn't what was going on, we both know this.

You were given the option by your killer, either camp our or leave the zone. You chose neither, and instead spent the time you should have been spending getting your shit and leaving, or camping out...not on trying to buff and med to full. Hes not going to let you do that, because there is nothing in our rules stopping you from just attacking him again once you are all ready.
Here you state the killer told him to camp or zone, which is exactly what the rule prohibits. And the killer would not have been at any risk if he had moved on just as the rule states he should.

I agree with Dr. Spike that the rule either needs to be changed or enforced as it is. You can not expect a player to react well when you will not enforce the rules as they are written.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:10 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Crest, CA
Posts: 3

While far from eloquently stated by other posters in this thread, the rule on bind-camping is NOT enforced.

Depending on the major guild, each has chosen a particular City Zone and claimed it as their own. Once you are of PvP age (40+) it is unsafe to enter most of the major cities unless you belong to the particular guild who owns it. While I have not had an encounter with a GM regarding this, I have been harassed to the point of logging off just trying to get my corpse and GTFO.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:26 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by gaeorn View Post
Take this as you wish. This is merely my interpretation of what I have read here.

It does seem you are not following your own rules. If this is the correct wording of the rule:

Bind Camping:
Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to "lock down” Grobb, Neriak, or any other city.

Then it's the person who did the killing that has to move on. It specifically states that person can not request the victim camp or leave the zone. However, then this is said:

Here you state the killer told him to camp or zone, which is exactly what the rule prohibits. And the killer would not have been at any risk if he had moved on just as the rule states he should.

I agree with Dr. Spike that the rule either needs to be changed or enforced as it is. You can not expect a player to react well when you will not enforce the rules as they are written.
20 minutes between kills isnt bind camping im sorry. The rule might need to be more clear (its been a rough spot with our ruleset for a while) but killing someone and waiting 20 friggin minutes for the next kill isnt ever going to result in someone being banned.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:29 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

OFC Im complaining since Im lvl 18 druid HFL and RIVERVALE IS MY HOME

and the rules say

****Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to “lock down” Grobb, Neriak, or any other city****

I understand that lvl 50 peps are hating each other and kill each other but CC some low lvl in there home city is just rude.

I know that GM are doing there best and cant be online 24/7 but when something like this is coming up I expect them to do something else then just saying you are at wrong place at wrong time, loot up and run out of zon and camp.

But like Dr.Spike saying most of the GMs are doing a super jobb and should have all credit for the work and 50% of the people are good and doing there best to help all newbies but we still have this other people who destroying the games for all other and I think you should do something about them if you wont your server too grow since they are forcing people away from a god server as it is normal time (when US is sleeping)

I like the games and maybee I will give the server a shoot again in some weeks when I have calm down, but now I will try some other server for awail.

//Litensup Druid lvl 18 HFL

Last edited by konke67; 06-06-2009 at 12:32 AM.. Reason: missing text
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
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If the killer did not move on, as stated in the rule, then he is not following it regardless of how quickly he kills. From the way you choose to enforce the rule, it clearly needs to be rewritten.

One additional note, 20 minutes is not a terribly long time. It is short enough that just a handful of players could effectively lock down a city, even if they did "move on" and then come back 10 minutes later. I only note this because it seems to defeat the intent of the rule. However, it is your server and your choice how you choose to run it.

I would suggest you be more tolerant of someone who is annoyed by the lack of enforcement of the rule as it is written. I know I would have been irritated by the differences between the enforcement and the written rule.

Again, just my views. Take them or leave them as you choose.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by Dr.Spike View Post
And about the resist hack, if im not fully wrong that alot of stats incl resist client side? was along time i checked over EQEmu files and other stuff, nowdays i just play for fun.
But if im not fully wrong then changing your Stats/resist would work client side, i dont know how this server is setup and how it handel things and how things is handel nowdays, but this wasent the point anyway.
Yea I know it wasn't his main point, but you cant change your stats on the client. You can get your client to display the wrong stats, but the server is still going to do all of its calculations (resists, hit, damage) based on whatever it thinks you have. It could give two shits about what the client thinks its MR is at.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:41 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by gaeorn View Post
If the killer did not move on, as stated in the rule, then he is not following it regardless of how quickly he kills. From the way you choose to enforce the rule, it clearly needs to be rewritten.

One additional note, 20 minutes is not a terribly long time. It is short enough that just a handful of players could effectively lock down a city, even if they did "move on" and then come back 10 minutes later. I only note this because it seems to defeat the intent of the rule. However, it is your server and your choice how you choose to run it.

I would suggest you be more tolerant of someone who is annoyed by the lack of enforcement of the rule as it is written. I know I would have been irritated by the differences between the enforcement and the written rule.

Again, just my views. Take them or leave them as you choose.
I'll direct the rest of our staff to this thread so we can get it sorted out, your right that its bad wording, thanks for the feedback.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:43 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by VallonTallonZek View Post
20 minutes between kills isnt bind camping im sorry. The rule might need to be more clear (its been a rough spot with our ruleset for a while) but killing someone and waiting 20 friggin minutes for the next kill isnt ever going to result in someone being banned.
maybee he killed me every 20 min but he hitted me so i wasnt able to get hp/mana, loook up your loggfiles and you will see that he hitted me atleast once every 1-3 min in 2 houers when I was at more then 50% hp, then he hitted me back to like 5-10% or even close to 0-2% EVERY TIME he didnt killed me. Soo why not write in the Rules that it is ok to hit someone as soon as he try to sit down and when he get some HP back as long as you dont kill him more then once every 20 min. Just be a pain in the ass and hit people at there bindpoint but dont kill them just hit them low on hp and never give them a chance to get any mana soo they can defend them self just be a rude ashole since that is ok. he was runintg around me all the time and looked at me soo he know that I was sitting there and trying to med up and then loog out since I clearly told him that 10+ times too
//litensup DRUID HFL lvl 18
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Old 06-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 32

wow.. just wow.

ok first of all, Bind Camping is not Corpse Camping.

secondly, and this is for everyone, its not Camping your bind spot until you are killed more than one time. if it only happens once its something we call PvP, google it.

also, anyone that claims the VZ/TZ staff does not equally enforce these rules may have a learning disability and/or is allergic to /petition. had they ever tried to Petition with actual details, even just the name of the BCer, (and not with /petition omgz0r helpzz naow!!) then we could have checked the logs and if verified, the player would get punished if it is indeed BCing.

its truly that easy and does not need to be witnessed. however, insta-crying on any/all forums you can register on will never help you more than using /petition or sending a PM via our own forums. your claims that BCing goes unpunished are flat out absurd since i am regularly banning players for just this thing, however, they all knew how to use /petition correctly.

is the rule perfect? no. are we aware of that, yes. However, perfect or not they are the posted rules for the server and will be followed by all players. 2 months ago there were ZERO pvp rules on the server, so i think we can both agree that this is better than nothing.

we are working on something that will eliminate BRing as well as something enforceable regarding BCing without the GMs having to babysit the players 24hrs a day, as soon as its finished, the Rules will be changed and again will be enforced equally among all players in the community.

Also, being killed at your bind does NOT mean you are now safe from PvP, it just means that same person cannot kill you repeatedly, but other people may stumble upon you. If guilds and/or groups abuse this to try and Bind Camp in a City Zone, everyone involved will receive a minimum 3 day Ban from the server, there will be no more warnings for Bind Camping within City Zones.
look, i can quote the rules too!

in the future, if u have a problem handle it in a respectful manner and i am 100% positive that one of our many staff members (Null, Searyx, Gronkus, Keegan, Zues, Sirken, Noble, Dritz) will get back in to in a reasonable amount of time. i understand that you play during prime euro hours so its generally very late in the USA, however thats why the BC rule is set up the way it is... so we can catch and punish the rule breakers without having to babysit anyone or be there to witness the BCing.

Believe it or not, we (the staff) actually want the players to have a fun and enjoyable time on our server, and when players break our very very simple rules we do take action right away, because as much as it pisses you off, i think it pisses off the staff even more. its alot like spitting in our faces when a player is breaking the rules, and yea, we do not enjoy that at all.

if you have any other questions or concerns feel free to PM me on the VZTZ forums because i dont check this site as often as i should.

<3 Sirken
Sirken e'Lanti - Project1999 Staff
Fonzo Relli - Vallon Zek Retired
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Old 06-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

Resist hacks, hah, that's pretty good.
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Old 06-06-2009, 03:05 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Crest, CA
Posts: 3

Thanks for the reply, Sirken.

I think a number of us newer players, just from the "tone" of the server and VT/TZ forums, likely felt calling veterans on their rule-breaking wouldn't be addressed or at the very least would be unwelcomed. It's frustrating to be completely screwed with during your first week on a new server where you know few people.

I'll give it another whirl now.
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Old 06-06-2009, 05:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 32

please do, and like i said, if you have any problems at all (problems with players, or with staff members) all you need to do is send me a PM on our own forums at http://forums.pwnedemu.com/

all matters are handled privately, meaning i will never reveal the names of the players that contact me, so do it with full confidence. at the very least you'll get a staff member to break down and explain whatever he finds out as opposed to starting off by putting the staff on the defense right away.

i hope to see you in game, Have fun and good luck !
Sirken e'Lanti - Project1999 Staff
Fonzo Relli - Vallon Zek Retired
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