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Old 08-25-2009, 09:42 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 78
Default uhh

Originally Posted by sasaluge View Post
inc classic emu server #9. duration: 3 weeks
All he does on any thread is troll and say random negative things...
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Old 08-26-2009, 06:56 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 49

i speak the truth bro, sorry if it makes u upset
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:11 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 198

inc classic emu server #9. duration: 3 weeks
That's not the truth at all.. at least as far as the duration of my server.

There's not really a point in responding to you.. but what the hell, until your "rites" are revoked, I suppose I need to defend myself.
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:27 AM
Fire Beetle
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sasaluge is 9 leave him alone. he can only get on the computer when his parents arent home
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Old 08-26-2009, 05:35 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 89

keep working on what sounds to be a fun server!

please disregard sasaluge,he probably wont be around much longer, at least not under that troll account. hopefully the powers that be will ban all the forum/login server accounts associated with his IP.

why? well... maybe because of this?
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Old 08-26-2009, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by unknownhost View Post
keep working on what sounds to be a fun server!

please disregard sasaluge,he probably wont be around much longer, at least not under that troll account. hopefully the powers that be will ban all the forum/login server accounts associated with his IP.

why? well... maybe because of this?
The search link didn't work
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 08-26-2009, 07:26 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 89

eep! sorry didnt stop to check it out. humm mebbe somthing due to the method im linking by causing that.

'tis just a link to Sasaluge's post history.

I probably shouldn't have even made this post as its not really my affair. I dont post often but i still stop by near-daily, just get tired of checking new threads to see whatswhat and end up reading negative comment after negative comment that all are ultimately non-constructive and generally makes visiting a thread an unpleasnt experience.

still, this should have probably been one of those moments where one types out a thread then goes back and deletes it rather than posting ,as in the end im causing yet more drama rather than helping in any way...

Sorry guys.
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Old 08-26-2009, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by unknownhost View Post
'tis just a link to Sasaluge's post history.
Ahh yeah, I had already reviewed all of his posts, which is the main reason I asked him to stop with the flaming and negativity. It serves no purpose at all other than to start potential drama, and that is something I personally try to keep off of these boards as much as possible.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 08-27-2009, 09:08 AM
Fire Beetle
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Personally, I think your server sounds like the place I've been looking for. I will definitely head over to your site and sign-up.

I originally played EQ from the summer of '99 up until a few weeks into the launch of Luclin. I then took about a year off from playing. Eventually, I returned to the game a few weeks after Ykesha went line. I played pretty regularly until Gates of Discord went live. I really tried to like that expansion, but something about it just never felt right. By the time Omens of War launched, I felt very disassociated with EQ. I think I made it into a few weeks of Omens before I threw in the towel; haven't been back since (at least not to Live!).

I am one of those people I guess that considers Classic EQ to consist of Original, Kunark, and Velious. This, my Classic time line, is where I would prefer to be, but I will admit that I did find enjoyment with most expansions in some form or another through Ykesha. Hell, I even had some fun during Lost Dungeons, for a little while, but it got old pretty quick. But Classic, that is where my heart belongs.

So far, since discovering the whole eqemu scene I have yet to play on a public server. Though I do have a private one setup and I have been having fun on it using the PEQ database. Some zones are not very classic anymore which is slightly sad and I think I shed a tear when I ran out to kill Hill Giants in Rathe Mountains and instead found a mess of tadpoles with legs in my old stomping grounds. Also, some of the old world zones seemed to be sparsely populated or the mobs that used to move just stood there.

Note: When I downloaded the PEQ installer package I thought it originally had a 2009 release date but actually it was 2008 so some of those ghost-town like zones may have been populated by now. I plan on redoing my server with all newer eqemu and PEQ stuff, maybe even trying the AX Classic database.

I wish I had more skills with C++ or even Perl, but at the moment I am a newbie (was learning C++ before I found eqemu). I think if someone were given a choice between having me code something or having a chimp do it, the choice would be a tough one. So, from that standpoint, I am really not much service to you.

I wouldn't let the one guy earlier bother you too much. From the way it sounds, you guys have put a lot of work into this project. I can imagine some people who have tried to release previous Classic servers, have just turned off a few zones, removed a few mobs, deleted some items, lowered the level cap, and called it Classic. If you start with the database I have, just doing those things are not going to get that Classic feel. I think most people like me would only play on them for a few days before they realized they were playing a game of about Ykesha era without some zones. Definitely not Classic.

Sorry for the long post. Wish you the best of luck!

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Old 08-27-2009, 09:24 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 22

Hey Conifer thanks for the interest in the server. We had someone who came to play on our servers who ended up being our savior in terms of source updates! We can't thank Ladoth enough and the project really moved very far forward in a short amount of time.

We would be happy to have you on the server and pre-Kunark is pretty well ready to launch and the only thing holding us back at this time is server hardware. Nilbog wants to have a dedicated machine to run the server and have completely static zones so at this time we are waiting on being able to purchase the hardware before we can launch.

Since pre-kunark is "done" (I only put in quotations since we are bound to miss some stuff and we will need people to continue to report stuff even after we go live) things seems to be at a standstill at this time until we can get the hardware in place.

You can currently go and play on the beta server though and check out what we have done. Please make sure you visit the "Files" section of the forum and follow all the mandatory threads to get yourself set up!
Developer at Project 1999
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Old 08-27-2009, 09:46 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: West Kentucky
Posts: 4

One more thing...

I saw in some earlier posts some people not liking the sound of not having access to the #zone command in some form or fashion; probably want the PoK in there also.

If I were striving for the classic approach, I would definitely not put the #zone function in the game. The PoK is not a solution either when you get down to it. If the population is large enough, sure the old player run druid and wizard transportation system might be feasible, but realistically I would not count on it.

What I would do is not quite Classic, but it would be in line with Classic. Hell, being new to eqemu, this may not even be possible but I will throw it out there anyway. I would put an NPC translocator at each Classic druid rings and wizard spires and allow them to be able to teleport a player to a corresponding ring or spire. Druids to only druid rings, and wizards to only wizard rings. Maybe even charge a small fee. If the charge could scale with player level that would be nice.

This is a way to add some--fast travel--that is in line with the Classic era. If you are allowing multiboxing and all that, this might not be a big issue since some people will probably have secondaries that are druids or wizards. Just an idea.

You may have even done something like this.


P.S. I wish the real boats of classic worked. I would definate
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Old 08-27-2009, 10:03 AM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 19

I have to say, Conifer, that was an excellent post! I played from beta through the release of PoP but quit for good, never to return, shortly after that. Like you, I began to feel very disconnected with EQ. All of my RL friends that I played EQ with became disenchanted with EQ much sooner and quit right before or very shortly after the release of Luclin. Before I quit for good also, I realized that the game had gone too far. It began to deviate from my desired EQ experience with Luclin's release.

At Project 1999, you have a huge job to do as I'm sure you're all aware of. You have the chance to make the hopes and dreams of many people come true. I look forward to the chance to see the original vision of EQ as close as possible come to life again.

Classic all the way baby!

Also, an addon to Conifer's travel post. I agree that no access to #zone or existence of PoK would be the best thing and give it the best classic feel. An alternative to his suggestion of the translocators are ancient runes. These runes have to be looted, have unlimited charges and teleport the user to the respective druid rings or wizard spires.

Just a thought.
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Old 08-27-2009, 11:41 AM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 435

Sounds like an interesting server. Already casually playing on a couple servers and i'll be sure to check this one out.
From what I have seen on the servers forums its shaping up nice.
Already picked up a couple good ideas off reading the posts by them selfs.
Keep up the good work.
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Old 08-27-2009, 11:51 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 22

Hey thanks for all of your concerns while I am a developer I can't make any final decisions on things like translocators but I can almost guarantee you that there will not be any type of service with regards to teleportation. Travel time in old world really isn't a huge deal as the map is not THAT huge, and there will be druids around I am sure of it. Nexus, PoK etc really ruined an important part of EQ. It kind of took away part of that bartering and service part of the game.

Boats are something that have been looked at and while there has been things that have been partially working, I don't think there has been a definitive fix. At this time there is translocators that will take you from dock to dock but the boats are not working at this time I don't believe (although Xzerion and Aeolwind were working on it a few weeks ago but I am not sure exactly how far they got on it).

The team really strives for this to be a classic experience and we don't want any part of the game to be "easier" for the sake of convenience. Putting a self teleportation system into the game would just be damaging I think for the community.

Other points of debate that have been brought up have included multi-boxing and soulbinders. I don't want to comment too much on those points as nothing has been set in stone but those two issues bring up concerns of community. Soulbinders may have to stay just for the sake that you won't see casters sitting around in cities waiting to bind people so they may be a necessary evil.

Boxing has been a really touchy issue on both sides. We have had people say they will downright not play on Project 1999 if boxing is not allowed, but at the same time we have been able to down huge raid targets with a small number of people due to multi-boxing. So I am sure once we are ready to launch there will be a list of rules/concerns involving some of these issues.

Thanks again for bringing up these issues and I hope I did ok to address them.
Developer at Project 1999
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Old 08-27-2009, 01:59 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 4

I hope to be able to possibly jump on this weekend and check things out.

I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers or annoy anyone by posting that transport idea. I just threw the druid/wizard transport idea out there because it popped in my head as I was reading through this thread. It was one of those ideas that if a compromise had to be made, it sounded better than either #zone or PoK. I usually play a druid as a main, so transportation is usually not an issue for me anyway.

I remember how it was before the PoK was around with the constant whispers and requests for a teleport. I usually had no problem with going and getting someone if I wasn't busy or in a good group. Then again, I do remember quite a few occasions being cussed out and called about every name under the sun (by random people I'd never even met) for not dropping whatever I was doing and teleporting halfway across the world to pick them up and take them to where they wanted to go. It seems like those guys were also the types that would always say something like, "Paying well!" or "I'll make it worth your time!" only to have them end up /rude gesturing you and run off without so much as a thanks; let alone a copper for your time. Ah, the good old days.

But on the other hand, I also made a lot of good friends by teleporting people around. I also got invited into a lot of groups as a result of taking the time to teleport a few people. The cash supplement wasn't bad either. I actually got my first pair of Golden Efreeti Boots from money I made teleporting people around. I never was lucky with getting Djarn to drop them when I was there.

I can see the point of soulbinders being almost a requirement. I remember there used to be people who it seems only sat at the West Freeport gate or at the main lift in Kelethin and bound people all day and night for tips. It was the low level casters way of getting cash for spells and equipment. It worked pretty good for a new game with a large population and only the original three continents, but once Kunark launched it got a little tougher to find someone to bind you. Enter Velious, and getting a bind could be a major hassle if it wasn't prime time.

As far as multi-boxing goes, I guess some people love it, and others hate it. I would most likely single-box anyway so whatever is decided there wouldn't bother me any.

Hmmm...my P.S. statement didn't post correctly earlier. What I was going to say was that if the boats worked correctly, I would definitely prefer riding those as opposed to using those translocators. But I bet they are definitely a challenge to get working, considering Sony didn't ever bother to fix them.

Good luck,
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