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Old 10-28-2013, 02:10 PM
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Default Land of Scar

Currently in development, and will hopefully reach Alpha soon .

I've been developing it under the previous username of "Fadedspirit", but realized that said accounts connected to it were far too old, and subsequently named too poorly, to have a GM account associated with them. So from now on i'll be posting under this name i used to use as a Guide on old Zekk/Vekk server (or at least I remember it being that name back then?).

Server Info:

So the general idea of the server is to be a classic server "With a Twist" that slowly progresses based on an unseen # associated with each raidboss. After each raidboss has been killed "X" number of times a vote will be cast on the server's website (still to be created).

If enough votes are reached an expansion is unlocked shortly there after.

Server will NEVER go past either PoP or Luclin (to be determined). It also depends on those interested in the server if frogloks would be unlocked alongside Vah'Shir with Luclin (if Luclin is ever allowed).

Server will start from pre-kunark classic, but will allow the creation of iksars. Just because they're on an "undiscovered" continent doesn't mean random roamers don't pop up. No one cares about Vah'Shir or Froglok roamers from "undiscovered lands", seriously.

So, some things still need ironing out before Alpha, and most will probably be decided by the responses to this thread or hopefully on the website I put up whenever I get time between development, work, college, etc.

::Respawn Times::
-Respawn times reduced across the board to promote the older generation of gamers (above age of 20) of whom have jobs, school, work, families that don't allow someone to play for 12hrs straight anymore. However, this doesn't mean the server is "easy". Difficulty is still there, but you're spending less time waiting for a spawn than you would normally.

Example: 15minute respawn time of certain dungeon mobs reduced to 8 - 10minutes.

Raid mobs reduced from 72hrs to 10 - 12hrs to facilitate multiple guilds being forced to share raid mobs in a given week, for the Alpha they will have a respawn time of 6hrs.

Plane of Hate mobs, instead of having several hour respawn timers, have 20 to 30 minute respawn timers. Raiding this plane will be harder due to respawns, but will facilitate old-school gearing without the months of grinding while waiting hours in-between respawns.

::Loot Chances::
-Default PEQ loot chances, didn't want gear to flood the market due to respawn timers having been lowered. Respawn time essentially addresses "Loot Chance" on its own.

::Race/Class/Deity Info::
-This is the where the "Twist" part of the server starts. Although classic exp rates and difficulty, you may create a character with ANY race/class/deity combo.

NOTE: Due to this change, creating a character can be a little stressful for your client since it is being asked to fill EVERY class option with EVERY race option with EVERY deity option by the server. If the "create new character" button doesn't immediately take you to create a new character press it a "couple" times .

Obviously dirty hobi....err i mean frogloks and cats aren't allowed yet, and Drakken can go to hell! (Seriously, Drakken, not even once)

::Monster Races::
-Ever wanted to be a Gnoll, Orc, Kobold, Chetari (little velious rat dude), or Minotaur? Well now you can!

Each custom race comes with bonuses as well as custom stats one might associated with said race.

Furthermore, since monster races only have different "textures" associated with them they needed a "reason" to play them since you'll never see that shiny armor you just looted when you equip it. So they've been given a "bit" of a special incentive here to be chosen.

-Chetari: Have extremely low str/sta, you know...cause they're tiny rats, but have REALLY high dex and agility, cause....yea. Additionally, they have a regen bonus +1 higher than iksar or troll to offset their extremely fragile hitpoint pool.

-Gnoll: Are somewhat similar to humans, but are slightly geared towards melee than humans are so their stats are shifted towards that. They are, however, similar to humans in int and wisdom for caster classes. They do, however, make excellent monks due to their relatively high agility and str (i believe it was 90/90?). Gnolls also start with their swimming at 100 similar to iksars since Gnolls lived with a giant pool at the bottom of their home. Who didn't jump off that? Seriously.....

-Orc: Are a bit "beefier" in their builds compared to humans, but not quite as tough as ogres or trolls. This race is primarily geared towards melee and wis based classes. Also, like Ogres they're immune to stuns from the front. However, due to the "rage" an orc feels during combat it may be harder for an opponent to mez or even charm these foul tempered beings. Currently considering adding some other benefits to Orc to make them slightly more appealing.

-Kobold: Are kind of a jack of all trades, but are better suited for wis based classes or monk. Why monk you ask? Well, Kobolds have a decent spread of stats when it comes to str, sta, agi, and dex, but their bread and butter is their bonus to kick damage (+10%), and their runspeed bonus (currently on the "To be developed" code list pre-alpha). This is all because they run on all fours, and can use their arms to support their body when they kick or run!

-Minotaur: These are really the most interesting new race of all. Unfortunately their choices of textures are the MOST restricted so I had to combine two different Minotaur races that look similar into the same choice, and due to the limited textures Minotaurs are the most unique.

Minotaurs have the most starting base STR of ANY race, but due to their half-bull nature they have a decently low starting stamina (95), but their STR starts at 150 with a maximum point pool allocation of +25 to str leaving them with +175str before class bonuses (max of 185 if you put 25 into str, and then chose warrior for instance).

But wait, there's more!

Minotaurs, due to the overall size they can "grow", more on this later, to a VERY large size which means that they are immune to ALL forms of stun from ANY direction (unlike Ogre's being immune to frontal based stuns only),

Additionally Minotaurs can use 2handed weapons as one-handed weapons. The delay on these normally two-handed weapons are reduced by a certain amount (8-10) since they aren't heavy or too unwieldy for a Minotaur to use. Pre-PoP delays allow this to remain balanced in terms of dmg ratio in certain cases, but balancing may need to be done over time, or during Alpha, if an issue arises.

This massive str bonus, but relatively low health pool compared to other "tank" classes, means that they're best used for melee dps based classes that revolve around Str. However, keep in mind that Minotaurs aren't exactly stupid so they're a decent choice for Warrior, SK, Paladin, or even Ranger. However, keep in mind a Ranger Minotaur would be silly since your bow dmg would be aweful.

::Monster Races Grow!::
-Yup, if you choose a monster race they'll start out as a tiny wittle level 1 baby, awww D:! As you level your character will grow, and at level 50 (level cap) you'll be pretty big, and in most cases larger than their natural bretheran.

This, however, can be a detriment to some races. For instance, with all the positives that Minotaur get they have the unfortunate reality of being larger than Ogres. Yea, LARGER THAN OGRES! Minotaurs will be investing in shrink potions and asking kind shamans to shrink them to go into certain areas !

(Seriously, you'll probably never see a level 50 Minotaur in Blackburrow helping someone without shrink! Anti-Social minotaurs beware!!!!!)

-Unlike some other servers, Multiboxing is allowed. If i could 3box back in 2000 at the age of 12 then it wouldn't be "Classic" oriented if I claimed that you can't multibox. Some people have very hectic lives and may choose to 6box their own team simply because they don't want to wait for a group only to be able to play for 45minutes. I completely understand !

However, don't expect to be able to solo-multibox a raid target. You should take into consideration others wanting to down a raid target, so please do NOT box more than 6 characters.

::Server Hosting::
-Server is hosted on a rented server. It is NOT being ran out of my closet in my house. So, latency issues should be minimal, and the server can be moved anywhere in the US (west, central, or east coast choices). Currently it is hosted out of Atlanta GA, but we'll see how that goes .

If donations are plentiful, ie: server isn't 100% coming out of my pocket eventually, we'll be able to upgrade to higher end server packages if population requires it. Donations are handled through the server hosting company so I never touch the $$$.

Let me know what you think! Feedback is acceptable, and welcome as this is still pre-Alpha :O!

ps: Big thanks to KinglyKrab for all the advice he's given. I'd also like to thank Secrets for pointing me in the "general direction" of where some things might be in source. Lastly, thanks to general community for random helping advice on teh forum when I asked a question :o!
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Old 10-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 20

Orc: Are a bit "beefier" in their builds compared to humans, but not quite as tough as ogres or trolls. This race is primarily geared towards melee and wis based classes. Also, like Ogres they're immune to stuns from the front. However, due to the "rage" an orc feels during combat it may be harder for an opponent to mez or even charm these foul tempered beings. Currently considering adding some other benefits to Orc to make them slightly more appealing.

Lol im sorry but this just made me laugh my ass off. I honestly dident know orcs had brains and there for wisdom.
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Old 10-28-2013, 04:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Posts: 30

Originally Posted by Cfuson View Post
Orc: Are a bit "beefier" in their builds compared to humans, but not quite as tough as ogres or trolls. This race is primarily geared towards melee and wis based classes. Also, like Ogres they're immune to stuns from the front. However, due to the "rage" an orc feels during combat it may be harder for an opponent to mez or even charm these foul tempered beings. Currently considering adding some other benefits to Orc to make them slightly more appealing.

Lol im sorry but this just made me laugh my ass off. I honestly dident know orcs had brains and there for wisdom.
Obviously you've never been contiously dotted/slowed/snared by those effing orc shamans in East Commonlands eh ??
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Old 10-28-2013, 04:56 PM
"Special" Member
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Posts: 373

After reading that i am now intrigued, what client are you asking people to run aswell and planned alpha release. Ill totally come back to the emulator for that.
Also Knows as Tavish

Liquest Auctions, WTB AA's up to the current compatable clients PST with offer.

"A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." ~Fredrick Nietzsche

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.." ~Albert Einstein
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Old 10-28-2013, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by liquest View Post
After reading that i am now intrigued, what client are you asking people to run aswell and planned alpha release. Ill totally come back to the emulator for that.
I'm intentionally only using old world models for that "Classic" feel on the new monster races that are available. So titanium should work, however I have not had time to reinstall my titanium box to test and see how the new races work on them. Technically speaking if they have an issue I just have to do some source defining to fix the /who, /who all, etc if that is an issue. However, Underfoot has absolutely no issue as that's what I'm developing with atm.

I would NOT recommend RoF as monster races do NOT work with that expansion so i'm told (or was it SoD?, pretty sure it's RoF!). However, if you have no plans to play a monster race then you're good with RoF.

I was tentatively looking at this Friday or the next Friday for Alpha to start.

I'm looking at 5x experience for Alpha so people have the ability to go through checking how levels, xp, hp regen, mana regen, etc work out for them with monster races. There are obviously going to be unforeseen gremlins that I don't want hitting a live state.

Essentially, Alpha will be all about looking for things that don't belong in a pre-Luclin world, accessible zones that shouldn't be, zone configurations that shouldn't be, items available that shouldn't be, quests that shouldn't be, etc etc.

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Old 10-28-2013, 05:29 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 20

Honestly your idea of the monster race thing is amazing and imo you should capitalize on it. Make more, alot more and make it your key selling point to lure people in.

There are soo many races you could use.
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Old 10-28-2013, 06:11 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by Cfuson View Post
Honestly your idea of the monster race thing is amazing and imo you should capitalize on it. Make more, alot more and make it your key selling point to lure people in.

There are soo many races you could use.
The problem is most races past a certain era no longer have more than one texture, and even then most only have one or two to begin with. That's the hard part, diversification :(.

What I imagine will happen is that I will release new races over time as "Race Expansions" .

Haha, oops, this PC is still using old username !
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Old 10-29-2013, 12:11 AM
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no /ooc at lv 1

skill gain seems a bit low

your script changes stats when doing first port, haven't tested mult class/race to see if same or diff

regen is broken, been sitting 20 min and only the high tic was going up but weird so was the inv/stats menu regen # and when stood back up both reset to low numbers and as sitting they both are slowly going back up. the low tic HP number has not changed at all. using UT client

edit: bah even weirder made new char and regen is working fine.
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:50 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 23

Will check out server when frogs are able be made I set a saying wont break it I never play on server no frog race be made. So I keep watch here to when can make them.
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Old 10-29-2013, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Ozium View Post

no /ooc at lv 1

skill gain seems a bit low

your script changes stats when doing first port, haven't tested mult class/race to see if same or diff

regen is broken, been sitting 20 min and only the high tic was going up but weird so was the inv/stats menu regen # and when stood back up both reset to low numbers and as sitting they both are slowly going back up. the low tic HP number has not changed at all. using UT client

edit: bah even weirder made new char and regen is working fine.
It isn't even Alpha yet, it was accidently left unlocked when I was doing an account swap last night .

You shouldn't have been able to log in .

That being said:

I haven't gotten to any of the chat permissions yet as they're the last thing to do before Alpha.

Skill gains are default?

It is meant to change your stats. It is adding in your class bonuses once, and forever.

Regen was broken for that older build. I had just fixed it but not relaunched the server with the newest build
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 20

I got on last night and noticed a few potential bugs. Maybe it was the client i was useing (UF) but the orc model only worked in certain zones. I played a orc mage and the model worked *after* i left the tutorial until i went to felwithb then it converted back to *human*

Also OOC regen for health sucked, like literally, i sit for 10 mins and gained nothing while mana regen seemed to be alright.

I would be glad to test the server for you anytime.
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Old 10-29-2013, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Cfuson View Post
I got on last night and noticed a few potential bugs. Maybe it was the client i was useing (UF) but the orc model only worked in certain zones. I played a orc mage and the model worked *after* i left the tutorial until i went to felwithb then it converted back to *human*

Also OOC regen for health sucked, like literally, i sit for 10 mins and gained nothing while mana regen seemed to be alright.

I would be glad to test the server for you anytime.
Like I said bud, server isn't ready for Alpha yet . Registered the server last night, and now when I restart it she doesn't come up locked...something I didn't notice until I woke up this morning :(.

Locked it before I left for work .

My build this morning didn't fix regen either. So I have to do some digging tonight to see why.

Also, when I open the server up for Alpha I'll be hosting a GlobalLoad file that has the new races for every zone. The reason why he reverted to human is because they're not in the default GlobalLoad file .
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Old 10-29-2013, 03:07 PM
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yeah was really weird on regen, wiz hp/mana regen worked, ranger no hp regen, necro mana regen worked but not hp, bard no hp regen.

thanks for the early peek even though unintentional
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Old 10-29-2013, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Ozium View Post
yeah was really weird on regen, wiz hp/mana regen worked, ranger no hp regen, necro mana regen worked but not hp, bard no hp regen.

thanks for the early peek even though unintentional
You're saying monster races had different regen behavior based on class chosen?

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Old 10-29-2013, 03:10 PM
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Posts: 67

most were monster one was normal, sent PM
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