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Old 12-05-2013, 11:57 PM
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Oh I'm not trying to deter you, I was contesting the supposed 'demand' for a non-p99 classic server. I wish you the best of luck haha.
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Old 12-06-2013, 12:00 AM
provocating's Avatar
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Well another thought on the dual boxing could be a rather simple one for me. The ability to be able to have a character in the bazaar on another account, and being able to play at the same time. This is something I did on live all of the time. I would sell Magician summoned items while I was playing.
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Old 12-06-2013, 12:35 AM
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Like the previous poster, don't let anything I have to say stop you from doing this server.

But I just have a hard time understanding how things would work practically.

For the moment let's assume you aren't going progression, that is Kunark and Velious at least, are in the game from the get go.

Heck what kind of content can you even do if you are boxing? I mean you aren't going to have the mudflated gear, you have to find spell drops, some that were hard to get on Live at least.

It's been a while, but how far are you going to get in Howling Stones two boxing with the kind of gear that is easy to get? Sebilis? Are you going to require keys?

How many people would you need to do Venril Sathir or Trakanon?

It's just hard for me to wrap my head around this if you do things totally legit, to see how it works practically. Personally I don't have the patience to go through what you are trying to create, if no people are around.

Right now I've been playing Everquest II, and I have become monumentally bored with it. Kind of interesting, but too many wonky bits with how they implemented everything. But the killer is that no one groups at all, till they reach level 90 or so.

And even though levelling is easy, it it totally boring because you are doing the same things over and over: Kill this and/or click on that.

EQ 1 is a little different, but I can't imagine camping a rare drop in a totally solo environment. That might be just me though. Some people like to fish.
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Old 12-06-2013, 03:55 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 17

Hello Provocating,

I like what you say. When I'm looking for a server to slowly level my characters on, I want to be convinced that this server is going to stay up for years.
Also changing rules while it is running is crap. Hotzones and exp weekends are no good either in my opinion. Veteran AA double exp 30 mins are ok though, but dont let me go into details too much ...

My opinion about dual or three boxing is that dual boxing allows anyone to play solo when no others are around. This is based on experience with boxing without any additional programs. Grouping is still doable and gives advantages to dual boxers. Three boxing lets you create quite a strong group by yourself. Three boxers are less social in my experience since controlling 3 chars requires all concentration and youre self sufficient anyway.

What about defiant armor, does that drop on the HC server? Are all zones accessable from the beginning?

Best regards,
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Old 12-06-2013, 08:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Khokon View Post
Hello Provocating,

I like what you say. When I'm looking for a server to slowly level my characters on, I want to be convinced that this server is going to stay up for years.
Also changing rules while it is running is crap. Hotzones and exp weekends are no good either in my opinion. Veteran AA double exp 30 mins are ok though, but dont let me go into details too much ...

My opinion about dual or three boxing is that dual boxing allows anyone to play solo when no others are around. This is based on experience with boxing without any additional programs. Grouping is still doable and gives advantages to dual boxers. Three boxing lets you create quite a strong group by yourself. Three boxers are less social in my experience since controlling 3 chars requires all concentration and youre self sufficient anyway.

What about defiant armor, does that drop on the HC server? Are all zones accessable from the beginning?

Best regards,
The only real changes are that defiant does not drop at all. I loath defiant armor, I allow it on DoM but not DoM[HC]. All zones are accessible except those that require a key or a flag, just vanilla PEQ. I do not alter anything that can throw off balancing.

I appreciate your comments on "keeping the server up for years", that is my main thing. I cannot express enough how that bothers me when players lose their characters. Yes, I know that real life things happen but when I committed to running this server I knew I was going to have to keep it running and upgraded. If you look at prior post, I have already upgraded the hardware again. Currently we are at 2 - 6 core processors and 74gb of ram. It is way overkill, I know but the server is also my developmental server for side work in programming which helps bring in even more income (to pay for my toys).
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Old 12-06-2013, 12:08 PM
Fire Beetle
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I like the idea.

If you keep it as classic as possible and allow boxing I would probably give it a try.
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Old 12-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Join Date: May 2010
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It is not classic folks. It is default PEQ database and quest files.
That means currently through GoD minus the last three raid zones.
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Old 12-06-2013, 11:39 PM
Hill Giant
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To truly be hard core... I.M.O., you need to consider a few things. EQ 1 grew in a way that left old zones behind. Just about zero reason to utilize most old zones. Then they tossed in horridly bad "newbie quest stuff"...bleh! Remember when they had the Darkened Guk etc? Then when it was over, they reverted it back to its old worthlessness... just a general example is all.

-- You might consider going back and taking a HARD look at what made original Hard Core really Work! A literal re-balance to homogenize things from "start to finish" would go tremendously far. You would not have to really all up Change a lot of stuff, so much as re-do what already is there to make it all jive together.

Remember your first time in Veeshan's Peak? How about Halls of Testing? Go back and really take a hard look from original Antonica, all the way up to the GoD content. Then really think hard about how to make it all seamless.

-+- The goal would be:
-- "Ok, day one...starting newbie in Qeynos...here we go!"
-- "Whew, level 50 Baby! YEAH!"
-- "Whew... Max level, all AA's, best gear in game...YEEE-HAAWW!!! Hmm...time to start another toon and do that again!"

Note there was not any "Ok, time to go purchase Max Expansion twink gear, because this original crap blows!". To be hardcore...that last expansion needs to FEEL like a natural progression forward, not the Herky Jerky ZOOM ZOOM that it turned out to be in original EQ. Hey, I played years and years... For instance, Dragons Vs. Giants in Vellious was all the rage right? Suddenly it literally dead ended from one expansion to the next?!?! All that time factioning and gearing up, and Poof, NEXT!! With no proper "End Game Finish for this chapter of EQ1, Ok folks next up is...!!"

From antonica to vellious alone, there is so much that could be Re-Massaged and then expanded upon to _Finish_The_Story_ ... Another for instance...Cats, and Drakkin were never in first 3 expansions ...obviously... this server could "expand organically" to include the Drakkin easily enough ...especially once you consider Dragons Vs. Giants.

Next... Deity. For the most part that just got 100% dropped! Some spells need to be pretty much Just Reverted to original. To add to that thought, you could have a "grey pool" that is the generic starting spells for the respective classes, then Faction choices and Deity work would generate very real differences in what players get for their personal _in_game_made_choices_for_spells_. This would make faction and deity really *Feel Real*. There would obviously be a path of "neutrality" in here, not just good and evil, because there are 3 types of deity...

What I am saying is, you could make your Hard Core server feel more real then the "real-but-current" servers by going back and re-doing the stuff that was pretty much already there.

Btw, is that Relic from Shards of Dalaya?,


Edit: Another For Instance... the Wakizashi you could quest from Mistoor, and the old Crafted Armors... pretty cool OLD quests...for OLD worthless crap gear nobody in their right minds would ever do THESE DAYS.... re-imagine and re-do things so where that these old quests are anything but old... make them real again. Some of these old quests were Really Good! My old DE Warrior (who could enter halas and train...remember shared wolf form before the nerf?) kept his Crafted and that Wakizashi, and later added a Swiftblade of Zek... heh.. was a cool look for a long time
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Old 12-07-2013, 06:15 AM
Fire Beetle
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Hello Provocating,

I like the idea to play the original game the old school way very much.

Allowing dual boxing would be great, as in some postings before mentioned, without any additional programs just by running 2 accounts on 2 computers. It's not only because a low server population, there are also people not on US prime time playing.

Best regards,
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Old 12-07-2013, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Duvinya View Post
Hello Provocating,

I like the idea to play the original game the old school way very much.

Allowing dual boxing would be great, as in some postings before mentioned, without any additional programs just by running 2 accounts on 2 computers. It's not only because a low server population, there are also people not on US prime time playing.

Best regards,
Well I have thought about this for a couple of days. There are a few reasons I am going to allow two boxing. One is for people that would want to leave a player in the bazaar as a trader and still be able to play, or maybe even leave two people in the bazaar. The second is for storage mules, I used to do this on live, I am a packrat for tradeskill mats. It is nice being able to have two accounts logged on for trading materials. The last is for powerleveling, this is nice to have. If I see anyone abusing this privilege, well i have zero tolerance for it. You ruin the game for me and everyone else if you are boting your other account, in other words 'not at the helm'.

This feature is turned on now, so enjoy.

This is now turned on per i.p. address, meaning if you are at the same location you can have two different accounts logged in. So to play on Dragon's of Mist [HC] with multiple connections you will need two EqEmulator.org accounts or message me for access to our private login server. I prefer anyone staying on our server long term to have an account with our login server, that way if EqEmulator.org experiences an outage you can still play on the server.
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Old 12-07-2013, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by rhyotte View Post

Btw, is that Relic from Shards of Dalaya?,
Actually no. When I played on live, I was in a guild called Relic at one time. So my guild in the game is Relic
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Old 12-08-2013, 08:11 PM
knowom's Avatar
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Originally Posted by provocating View Post
Well I have thought about this for a couple of days. There are a few reasons I am going to allow two boxing. One is for people that would want to leave a player in the bazaar as a trader and still be able to play, or maybe even leave two people in the bazaar. The second is for storage mules, I used to do this on live, I am a packrat for tradeskill mats. It is nice being able to have two accounts logged on for trading materials. The last is for powerleveling, this is nice to have. If I see anyone abusing this privilege, well i have zero tolerance for it. You ruin the game for me and everyone else if you are boting your other account, in other words 'not at the helm'.

This feature is turned on now, so enjoy.

This is now turned on per i.p. address, meaning if you are at the same location you can have two different accounts logged in. So to play on Dragon's of Mist [HC] with multiple connections you will need two EqEmulator.org accounts or message me for access to our private login server. I prefer anyone staying on our server long term to have an account with our login server, that way if EqEmulator.org experiences an outage you can still play on the server.
I really hope I'm not the only player that actually preferred the bartering aspect of the game prior to the introduction of Bazaar. I hate auction houses in games in general honestly they aren't designed in the same way a changing evolving world economy and ecosystem is and tend to cause a lot of devaluation and trivializing of games in my opinion. More often than not in a MMO supply far outstrips demand and never curtails itself.

Perhaps item drops had caps limiting the amount of times certain items drop and can stay in circulation within the world it would be different. That would probably be on the better fixes to the mudflation effect outside of items decaying entirely. I think bartering was a fun social experience though quite honestly myself you could chat with people and sell and buy goods.

A lot of times people were happy just to find the item to purchase they were seeking regardless of them getting the most optimal price to purchase it or not. Some items were fairly common naturally, but others were a lot more rare and you'd have to wait around longer to finally find so was pretty exciting to finally get them.
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Old 12-08-2013, 08:15 PM
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I loved the old bartering aspect of the old commons tunnel
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Old 12-09-2013, 01:31 AM
Fire Beetle
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The dual boxing rule is not clear to me. Do you allow playing 2 chars together as a group without use of additional programs?
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Old 12-09-2013, 09:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Khokon View Post
The dual boxing rule is not clear to me. Do you allow playing 2 chars together as a group without use of additional programs?
Correct. Any type of macro'ing or MQ'ing is not allowed.
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