Originally Posted by Darkscis
If you look in your zone table, you will see a field called "ruleset" for every zone. This is the ruleset # that applies to that zone. This is what enables you to have different ruleset's for each zone. What I mean is to ensure that the zone you are doing your testing in has the appropriate ruleset assigned where you enabled that rule.
So, I have reviewed it, and tested in multiple zones with the correct ruleset applied, and it still isn't working.
I recently migrated the players I have playing to the Underfoot Client, and it corrected most of the issues we were having; however, this issue still persists... I know the functions work, clearly - players, and player pets show buffs, debuffs without issues... so it has to be something with the rule/statement.
When I get home, I will pull the exact statement out of the database and post it - but I believe it is exactly as mentioned in the linked post.
I am having a blast working on the server and tuning it etc, and even troubleshooting things like this
Just a bit frustrating when it should work, and you can't figure it out lol.