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Old 09-10-2011, 10:45 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 7
Default Working With PlayerProfile_Struct


I am writing an application to look at the data in PlayerProfile_Struct. I am using the following code from common/eq_packet_structs.h

struct PlayerProfile_Struct
/*0000*/	uint32				checksum;			// Checksum from CRC32::SetEQChecksum
/*0004*/	char				name[64];			// Name of player sizes not right
/*0068*/	char				last_name[32];		// Last name of player sizes not right
/*0100*/	uint32				gender;				// Player Gender - 0 Male, 1 Female
/*0104*/	uint32				race;				// Player race
/*0108*/	uint32				class_;				// Player class
/*0112*/	uint32				unknown0112;		//
/*0116*/	uint32				level;				// Level of player (might be one byte)
/*0120*/	BindStruct			binds[5];			// Bind points (primary is first, home city is fifth)
/*0220*/	uint32				deity;				// deity
/*0224*/	uint32				guild_id;	
/*0228*/	uint32				birthday;			// characters bday
/*0232*/	uint32				lastlogin;			// last login or zone time
/*0236*/	uint32				timePlayedMin;		// in minutes
/*0240*/	uint8				pvp;
/*0241*/	uint8				level2;				//no idea why this is here, but thats how it is on live
/*0242*/	uint8				anon;				// 2=roleplay, 1=anon, 0=not anon
/*0243*/	uint8				gm;
/*0244*/	uint8				guildrank;
/*0245*/	uint8				guildbanker;
/*0246*/	uint8				unknown0246[6];		//
/*0252*/	uint32				intoxication;
/*0256*/	uint32				spellSlotRefresh[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL];	//in ms
/*0292*/	uint32				abilitySlotRefresh;
/*0296*/	uint8				haircolor;			// Player hair color
/*0297*/	uint8				beardcolor;			// Player beard color
/*0298*/	uint8				eyecolor1;			// Player left eye color
/*0299*/	uint8				eyecolor2;			// Player right eye color
/*0300*/	uint8				hairstyle;			// Player hair style
/*0301*/	uint8				beard;				// Beard type
/*0302*/	uint8				ability_time_seconds;	//The following four spots are unknown right now.....
/*0303*/	uint8				ability_number;		//ability used
/*0304*/	uint8				ability_time_minutes;
/*0305*/	uint8				ability_time_hours;	//place holder
/*0306*/	uint8				unknown0306[6];		// @bp Spacer/Flag?
/*0312*/	uint32				item_material[MAX_MATERIALS];	// Item texture/material of worn/held items
/*0348*/	uint8				unknown0348[44];
/*0392*/	Color_Struct		item_tint[MAX_MATERIALS];
/*0464*/	AA_Array			aa_array[MAX_PP_AA_ARRAY];
/*2384*/	float				unknown2384;		//seen ~128, ~47
/*2388*/	char				servername[32];		// length probably not right
/*2420*/	char				title[32];			// length might be wrong
/*2452*/	char				suffix[32];			// length might be wrong
/*2484*/	uint32				guildid2;			//
/*2488*/	uint32				exp;				// Current Experience
/*2492*/	uint32				unknown2492;
/*2496*/	uint32				points;				// Unspent Practice points
/*2500*/	uint32				mana;				// current mana
/*2504*/	uint32				cur_hp;				// current hp
/*2508*/	uint32				unknown2508;		// 0x05
/*2512*/	uint32				STR;				// Strength
/*2516*/	uint32				STA;				// Stamina
/*2520*/	uint32				CHA;				// Charisma
/*2524*/	uint32				DEX;				// Dexterity
/*2528*/	uint32				INT;				// Intelligence
/*2532*/	uint32				AGI;				// Agility
/*2536*/	uint32				WIS;				// Wisdom
/*2540*/	uint8				face;				// Player face
/*2541*/	uint8				unknown2541[47];	// ?
/*2588*/	uint8				languages[MAX_PP_LANGUAGE];
/*2616*/	uint8				unknown2616[4];
/*2620*/	int32				spell_book[MAX_PP_SPELLBOOK];
/*4540*/	uint8				unknown4540[128];	// Was [428] all 0xff
/*4668*/	int32				mem_spells[MAX_PP_MEMSPELL];
/*4704*/	uint8				unknown4704[32];	//
/*4736*/	float				y;					// Player y position
/*4740*/	float				x;					// Player x position
/*4744*/	float				z;					// Player z position
/*4748*/	float				heading;			// Direction player is facing
/*4752*/	uint8				unknown4752[4];		//
/*4756*/	sint32				platinum;			// Platinum Pieces on player
/*4760*/	sint32				gold;				// Gold Pieces on player
/*4764*/	sint32				silver;				// Silver Pieces on player
/*4768*/	sint32				copper;				// Copper Pieces on player
/*4772*/	sint32				platinum_bank;		// Platinum Pieces in Bank
/*4776*/	sint32				gold_bank;			// Gold Pieces in Bank
/*4780*/	sint32				silver_bank;		// Silver Pieces in Bank
/*4784*/	sint32				copper_bank;		// Copper Pieces in Bank
/*4788*/	sint32				platinum_cursor;	// Platinum on cursor
/*4792*/	sint32				gold_cursor;		// Gold on cursor
/*4796*/	sint32				silver_cursor;		// Silver on cursor
/*4800*/	sint32				copper_cursor;		// Copper on cursor
/*4804*/	sint32				platinum_shared;	// Platinum shared between characters
/*4808*/	uint8				unknown4808[24];	// @bp unknown skills?
/*4832*/	uint32				skills[MAX_PP_SKILL];
/*5132*/	uint8				unknown5132[284];	// @bp unknown skills?
/*5416*/	int32				pvp2;				//
/*5420*/	int32				unknown5420;		//
/*5424*/	int32				pvptype;			//
/*5428*/	int32				unknown5428;		//
/*5432*/	uint32				ability_down;		// Guessing
/*5436*/	uint8				unknown5436[8];		//
/*5444*/	uint32				autosplit;			//not used right now
/*5448*/	uint8				unknown5448[8];
/*5456*/	int32				zone_change_count;	// Number of times user has zoned in their career (guessing)
/*5460*/	uint8				unknown5460[16];	//
/*5476*/	uint32				drakkin_heritage;	//
/*5480*/	uint32				drakkin_tattoo;		//
/*5484*/	uint32				drakkin_details;	//
/*5488*/	int32				expansions;			// expansion setting, bit field of expansions avaliable
/*5492*/	sint32				toxicity;			//from drinking potions, seems to increase by 3 each time you drink
/*5496*/	char				unknown5496[16];	//
/*5512*/	sint32				hunger_level;
/*5516*/	sint32				thirst_level;
/*5520*/	int32				ability_up;
/*5524*/	char				unknown5524[16];
/*5540*/	uint16				zone_id;			// Current zone of the player
/*5542*/	uint16				zoneInstance;		// Instance ID
/*5544*/	SpellBuff_Struct	buffs[BUFF_COUNT];	// Buffs currently on the player
/*6044*/	char 				groupMembers[6][64];//
/*6428*/	char				unknown6428[656];
/*7084*/	uint32				entityid;
/*7088*/	uint32				leadAAActive;
/*7092*/	uint32				unknown7092;
/*7096*/	sint32				ldon_points_guk;	//client uses these as signed
/*7100*/	sint32				ldon_points_mir;
/*7104*/	sint32				ldon_points_mmc;
/*7108*/	sint32				ldon_points_ruj;
/*7112*/	sint32				ldon_points_tak;
/*7116*/	sint32				ldon_points_available;
/*7120*/	sint32				ldon_wins_guk;
/*7124*/	sint32				ldon_wins_mir;
/*7128*/	sint32				ldon_wins_mmc;
/*7132*/	sint32				ldon_wins_ruj;
/*7136*/	sint32				ldon_wins_tak;
/*7140*/	sint32				ldon_losses_guk;
/*7144*/	sint32				ldon_losses_mir;
/*7148*/	sint32				ldon_losses_mmc;
/*7152*/	sint32				ldon_losses_ruj;
/*7156*/	sint32				ldon_losses_tak;
/*7160*/	uint8				unknown7160[72];
/*7232*/	uint32				tribute_time_remaining;	//in miliseconds
/*7236*/	uint32				showhelm;
/*7240*/	uint32				career_tribute_points;
/*7244*/	uint32				unknown7244;
/*7248*/	uint32				tribute_points;
/*7252*/	uint32				unknown7252;
/*7256*/	uint32				tribute_active;		//1=active
/*7260*/	Tribute_Struct		tributes[MAX_PLAYER_TRIBUTES];
/*7300*/	Disciplines_Struct	disciplines;
/*7700*/	uint32				recastTimers[MAX_RECAST_TYPES];	// Timers (GMT of last use)
/*7780*/	char				unknown7780[160];
/*7940*/	uint32				endurance;
/*7944*/	uint32				group_leadership_exp;	//0-1000
/*7948*/	uint32				raid_leadership_exp;	//0-2000
/*7952*/	uint32				group_leadership_points;
/*7956*/	uint32				raid_leadership_points;
/*7960*/	LeadershipAA_Struct	leader_abilities;
/*8088*/	uint8				unknown8088[132];
/*8220*/	uint32				air_remaining;
/*8224*/	uint32				PVPKills;
/*8228*/	uint32				PVPDeaths;
/*8232*/	uint32				PVPCurrentPoints;
/*8236*/	uint32				PVPCareerPoints;
/*8240*/	uint32				PVPBestKillStreak;
/*8244*/	uint32				PVPWorstDeathStreak;
/*8248*/	uint32				PVPCurrentKillStreak;
/*8252*/	PVPStatsEntry_Struct	PVPLastKill;
/*8340*/	PVPStatsEntry_Struct	PVPLastDeath;
/*8428*/	uint32				PVPNumberOfKillsInLast24Hours;
/*8432*/	PVPStatsEntry_Struct	PVPRecentKills[50];
/*12832*/	uint32				aapoints_spent;
/*12836*/	uint32				expAA;
/*12840*/	uint32				aapoints;			//avaliable, unspent
/*12844*/	uint8				unknown12844[36];
/*12880*/	Bandolier_Struct	bandoliers[MAX_PLAYER_BANDOLIER];
/*14160*/	uint8				unknown14160[4506];
/*18666*/	SuspendedMinion_Struct	SuspendedMinion;
/*19276*/	uint32				timeentitledonaccount;
/*19280*/	PotionBelt_Struct	potionbelt;			//there should be 3 more of these
/*19568*/	uint8				unknown19568[8];
/*19576*/	uint32				currentRadCrystals; // Current count of radiant crystals
/*19580*/	uint32				careerRadCrystals;	// Total count of radiant crystals ever
/*19584*/	uint32				currentEbonCrystals;// Current count of ebon crystals
/*19588*/	uint32				careerEbonCrystals;	// Total count of ebon crystals ever
/*19592*/	uint8				groupAutoconsent;	// 0=off, 1=on
/*19593*/	uint8				raidAutoconsent;	// 0=off, 1=on
/*19594*/	uint8				guildAutoconsent;	// 0=off, 1=on
/*19595*/	uint8				unknown19595[5];	// ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
/*19600*/	uint32				RestTimer;
My code reads in all of the bytes from the binary for the struct. I then use methods that take in a starting index and print out data in the specified format from that index. This works great for the first chunk of the profile, up to level 116. When I try to read anything after 220 I get strange information.

For example, if I try to read STR from 2512 I get -48.

Obviously this is not the correct value for a character's strength. Any idea why I can't read the data after 220?
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Old 09-10-2011, 10:51 PM
joligario's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,497

Did you account for the structs/arrays inside the player profile?
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Old 09-11-2011, 02:19 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 7

I took the binary file and created an array out of all the bytes. I then just jump to byte 220. This should ignore that bind[] right?
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Old 09-11-2011, 03:52 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

Well, the problem is those numbers are wrong.

It's correct up to item_tint, but either color struct changed size at some point or whoever was numbering those fields miscounted because of the union, but it's off by 36 bytes from there on.
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Old 09-11-2011, 04:34 AM
joligario's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,497

Yup, you are right. When I went through readjusting for changes, I missed the union. I'll submit the right numbers in a few.
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Old 09-11-2011, 11:31 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 7

That fixed it! Thank you very much.
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