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Old 03-05-2009, 09:57 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: aa
Posts: 4
Unhappy Error: Could not load item data.

help me.

perl & mysql installed.



0.7.0-1129Rev233: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/p...3.exe?download Everything is at 1129 Rev 233

It is impossible to use magic and an item.

[03.05. - 21:35:03] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_world_1672.log
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Log settings loaded from log.ini
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] CURRENT_WORLD_VERSION:EQEMu 0.7.0
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Connecting to MySQL...
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Starting HTTP world service...
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__HTTP] Loaded mime types from mime.types
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Loading variables..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Loading zones..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing groups..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing raids..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Loading items..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT_ERR] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [WORLD__INIT] Loading guilds..
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Loading rule set 'default' (1)
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule GM:MinStatusToZoneAnywhere to value 250
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxLevel to value 65
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveCorpses to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:LeaveNakedCorpses to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ExpMultiplier to value 0.7500000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule CharactereathExpLossLevel to value 10
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:CorpseDecayTimeMS to value 86400000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:AutosaveIntervalS to value 300
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HPRegenMultiplier to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ManaRegenMultiplier to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:EnduranceRegenMultiplier to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Guild:MaxMembers to value 2048
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Skills:MaxTrainTradeskills to value 21
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Pets:AttackCommandRange to value 150.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ZoneAutobootTimeoutMS to value 120000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClientKeepaliveTimeoutMS to value 95000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:UseBannedIPsTable to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:PetSpellAggroMod to value 10
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SongAggroMod to value 33
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SpellAggroMod to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseCritChance to value 0.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:WarBerBaseCritChance to value 0.0299999993294
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BerserkBaseCritChance to value 0.0599999986589
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:NPCBashKickLevel to value 6
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ConsumptionMultiplier to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:AutoResistDiff to value 15
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistChance to value 2.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistMod to value 0.4000000059605
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChance to value 0.6999999880791
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ClientBaseCritChance to value 0.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:NPCGlobalPositionUpdateInterval to value 60000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MinorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 600000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:MajorNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 1200000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:GraveyardTimeMS to value 1200000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableShadowrest to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenLoading to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZAtWaypoints to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZWhenMoving to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZOnSendTo to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:ClientLinkdeadMS to value 180000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:UseItemBonusesForNonPets to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaSendTo to value 12.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaLoading to value 12.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaMoving to value 12.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Map:FixPathingZMaxDeltaWaypoint to value 12.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:HealOnLevel to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:FeignKillsPet to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemManaRegenCap to value 15
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemHealthRegenCap to value 15
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:UseIntervalAC to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:03] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:PetAttackMagicLevel to value 30
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:SayPauseTimeInSec to value 10
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:OOCRegen to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SmartAggroList to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SittingAggroMod to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MeleeRangeAggroMod to value 20
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CurrentTargetAggroMod to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:CriticallyWoundedAggroMod to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:SlowAggroMod to value 450
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:IncapacitateAggroMod to value 500
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Aggro:MovementImpairAggroMod to value 175
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:BuffFriends to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule CharactereathItemLossLevel to value 10
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckWaypointsInWaterWhenLoading to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterAtWaypoints to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenMoving to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterOnSendTo to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:CheckForWaterWhenFishing to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingRodLength to value 30.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Watermap:FishingLineLength to value 40.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDamageShieldCap to value 30
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAccuracyCap to value 150
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemAvoidanceCap to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemCombatEffectsCap to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemShieldingCap to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemSpellShieldingCap to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemDoTShieldingCap to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStunResistCap to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:ItemStrikethroughCap to value 35
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:PartialHitChanceFear to value 0.2500000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpExemptStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQZoneExemptStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGateExemptStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQGhostExemptStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQWarpDetector to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQZoneDetector to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGateDetector to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:EnableMQGhostDetector to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpDetectorDistance to value 4900.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpLagThreshold to value 140.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:MQWarpThresholdTimer to value 90000.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:EnableFearPathing to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeHPRatio to value 22
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:FleeIfNotAlone to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EnableNPCQuestJournal to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SkillUpModifier to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:CorpseUnlockTimer to value 150000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule NPC:EmptyNPCCorpseDecayTimeMS to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ClearTempMerchantlist to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsPerIP to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AddMaxClientsStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskSystem to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:PeriodicCheckTimer to value 5
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedTasks to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:RecordCompletedOptionalActivities to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:KeepOneRecordPerCompletedTask to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule TaskSystem:EnableTaskProximity to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableTutorialButton to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:EnableReturnHomeButton to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MaxLevelForTutorial to value 10
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:MinOfflineTimeToReturnHome to value 21600
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Zone:AutoShutdownDelay to value 5000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:MaxExpLevel to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AdjustProcPerMinute to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AvgProcsPerMinute to value 18.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcPerMinDexContrib to value 0.0750000029802
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseProcChance to value 0.0350000001490
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:ProcDexDivideBy to value 11000.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideOOC to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Chat:ServerWideAuction to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:BaseCritChance to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:BaseCritRatio to value 100
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritLevel to value 12
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritChance to value 7
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:WizCritRatio to value 0
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:SharedBankPlat to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Spells:ResistPerLevelDiff to value 85
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:BaseHitChance to value 54.0000000000000
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:HitPerLevelDiff to value 145
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Combat:AgiHitFactor to value 0.0149999996647
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:UseDeathExpLossMult to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule CharactereathExpLossMultiplier to value 3
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Character:BindAnywhere to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:AuditTrail to value false
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:MaxSearchResults to value 50
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:TutorialZoneID to value 189
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:EnableWarpToTrader to value true
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule Bazaar:MaxBarterSearchResults to value 200
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:AccountSessionLimit to value 1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [RULES__CHANGE] Set rule World:ExemptAccountLimitStatus to value -1
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Clearing temporary merchant lists..
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Loading EQ time of day..
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Loading launcher list..
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Reboot zone modes ON
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Zone (TCP) listener started.
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__INIT] Client (UDP) listener started.
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch 6.2
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Titanium
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Anniversary
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [NET__IDENTIFY] Registered patch Live
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__LS] Connecting to login server...
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__LS] Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
[03.05. - 21:35:04] [WORLD__LS] Connected to Loginserver:
[03.05. - 21:35:23] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:35:23] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New launcher from
[03.05. - 21:35:23] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Adding pending launcher 1
[03.05. - 21:35:23] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Launcher Identified itself as 'zone'. Loading zone list.
[03.05. - 21:35:23] [WORLD__LAUNCH] Removing pending launcher 1. Adding zone to active list.
[03.05. - 21:35:28] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_01 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[03.05. - 21:35:48] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_02 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[03.05. - 21:35:52] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_03 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[03.05. - 21:35:56] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_04 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[03.05. - 21:36:00] [WORLD__LAUNCH] zone: dynamic_05 reported state STARTED (1 starts)
[03.05. - 21:40:42] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:40:42] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #1 from
[03.05. - 21:40:42] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Zone started with name dynamic_01 by launcher zone
[03.05. - 21:40:42] [WORLD__ZONE] [1] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port 7000
[03.05. - 21:40:49] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:40:49] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #2 from
[03.05. - 21:40:49] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Zone started with name dynamic_02 by launcher zone
[03.05. - 21:40:49] [WORLD__ZONE] [2] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port 7001
[03.05. - 21:40:53] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:40:53] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #3 from
[03.05. - 21:40:53] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Zone started with name dynamic_03 by launcher zone
[03.05. - 21:40:53] [WORLD__ZONE] [3] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port 7002
[03.05. - 21:40:57] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:40:57] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #4 from
[03.05. - 21:40:57] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Zone started with name dynamic_04 by launcher zone
[03.05. - 21:40:57] [WORLD__ZONE] [4] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port 7003
[03.05. - 21:41:01] [WORLD__ZONE] New TCP connection from
[03.05. - 21:41:01] [WORLD__CONSOLE] New zoneserver #5 from
[03.05. - 21:41:01] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Zone started with name dynamic_05 by launcher zone
[03.05. - 21:41:01] [WORLD__ZONE] [5] Auto zone port configuration. Telling zone to use port 7004

[03.05. - 21:35:03] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_world_1672.log
[03.05. - 21:35:03] DBLoadItems query 'select source,itemclass,name,lore,idfile,id,weight,norent ,nodrop,size,slots,price,icon,UNK012,UNK013,benefi tflag,tradeskills,cr,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta,aagi,ad ex,acha,aint,awis,hp,mana,ac,deity,skillmodvalue,U NK033,skillmodtype,banedmgrace,banedmgamt,banedmgb ody,magic,casttime_,reqlevel,bardtype,bardvalue,li ght,delay,reclevel,recskill,elemdmgtype,elemdmgamt ,range,damage,color,classes,races,UNK054,maxcharge s,itemtype,material,sellrate,UNK059,casttime,UNK06 1,procrate,combateffects,shielding,stunresist,stri kethrough,extradmgskill,extradmgamt,spellshield,av oidance,accuracy,charmfileid,factionmod1,factionmo d2,factionmod3,factionmod4,factionamt1,factionamt2 ,factionamt3,factionamt4,charmfile,augtype,augslot 1type,augslot1unk,augslot2type,augslot2unk,augslot 3type,augslot3unk,augslot4type,augslot4unk,augslot 5type,augslot5unk,ldontheme,ldonprice,ldonsold,bag type,bagslots,bagsize,bagwr,book,booktype,filename ,banedmgraceamt,augrestrict,loregroup,pendingloref lag,artifactflag,summonedflag,favor,fvnodrop,endur ,dotshielding,attack,regen,manaregen,endurancerege n,haste,damageshield,recastdelay,recasttype,guildf avor,augdistiller,UNK123,UNK124,attuneable,nopet,U NK127,pointtype,potionbelt,potionbeltslots,stacksi ze,notransfer,stackable,UNK134,clickeffect,clickty pe,clicklevel,clicklevel2,proceffect,proctype,proc level,proclevel2,worneffect,worntype,wornlevel,wor nlevel2,focuseffect,focustype,focuslevel,focusleve l2,scrolleffect,scrolltype,scrolllevel,scrolllevel 2,updated from items order by id', #1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'range,damage,color,classes,races,UNK054,maxcharge s,itemtype,material,sellrate,UN' at line 1
[03.05. - 21:35:03] If you got boat loads of errors, make sure you sourced: utils/items-0.6.0-DR2-0.6.1-DR1-convert.sql

Since it is troubled truly, please let me know solution.
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Old 03-05-2009, 10:05 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: UK
Posts: 1,540

You are using MySQL 5.1 or later, and EQEmu does not support MySQL 5.1 until Revision 305 or later.

You must either downgrade MySQL to 5.0, or use EQEmu Revision 305 or later.
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Old 03-05-2009, 12:53 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: aa
Posts: 4
Unhappy Thank you!!!!!

Originally Posted by Derision View Post
You are using MySQL 5.1 or later, and EQEmu does not support MySQL 5.1 until Revision 305 or later.

You must either downgrade MySQL to 5.0, or use EQEmu Revision 305 or later.
Thank you

An item can be used now.

However, next, magic cannot be used. What thing is the cause?

Within a game, it is displayed as a "Unexpected error: spell id out of range" error.
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Old 03-05-2009, 02:49 PM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 5,946

Did you make sure to move your spells_us.txt file from your Titanium folder into your server folder?
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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Old 03-05-2009, 06:37 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: aa
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by trevius View Post
Did you make sure to move your spells_us.txt file from your Titanium folder into your server folder?

If "PEQ" is installed, it will be automatic and will be registered.

Although the copy was also carried out for trying and being alike, a situation is not improved at all.

It copied to the same folder as "zone.exe" and [world.exe].
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Old 03-06-2009, 02:12 AM
Fire Beetle
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Default help..

It cannot memorize, even if it uses [#traindisc 65] and [#scribespell 65].
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