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GRUMPY 04-09-2018 09:32 PM

Might want to start asking questions here:


(this thread is only relevant to the "installer")

Arkansas 04-09-2018 09:39 PM

ok sorry guys. Thanks for all the help.

Uleat 04-09-2018 10:28 PM

Like GRUMPY said, no need to be sorry :)

You are more than welcome to ask any questions that you need to further your gaming experience here.

We just need to ensure the questions stay focused on the thread topic.

New problems really need to be started on their own thread due to relevance and focus. A post about a server crash from 8 years ago probably wouldn't be relevant today :)

Arkansas 04-09-2018 11:18 PM

k, thanks all for your help.

Varrin1 05-13-2018 01:36 AM

I used the akka install but when i go to start my server it says world.exe and zone.exe doesn't exist.. were those supposed to be created during the install?

Edit: Nvm I found the problem

Bleuraiven 06-13-2018 02:12 PM

I recently started this process and still have a long way to go. I was meandering through the process of getting things up, making alterations where necessary. Then, I hit the wall. No matter what I tried after reading through forum post after post, I couldnt seem to get the character to load. I was getting an error regarding the not able to connect to port 7000 from the client dbg.txt so I spent way too long trying to find out why the firewall settings that were clearly in place werent working. I finally decided I must have screwed something up royally and was in the process of rolling out 2 new virtual systems to attempt a clean install with server and client when I came across this...

Originally Posted by Laxative

I did a lot of testing and found the issue to be centered around login.ini

See at work I can end up on multiple subnets depending on where I jack in.

If my login.ini was specific.
W.X.Y.Z -- the client can only connect from W.X.Y.Z

If I get less specific: W.X.Y. (notice no entry in last octet)
Then clients can be anything from W.X.Y.1-254

So, we have a big network I just went with W. (no following octects) now I can connect from anywhere inside our internal network.
I was putting this together on a large private network as well and it was like WoW!, why didnt I think of trying that.

So big thanks to Laxative for the saving me from continuing to bang my head against a wall.

And mucho thanks to those who developed the tools, the scripts, and continue to assist those of us in need.

kris1 07-09-2018 08:52 PM

I can't believe there is not a better explanation of how to use this. It's really frustrating.

Akkadius 07-09-2018 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by kris1 (Post 259221)
I can't believe there is not a better explanation of how to use this. It's really frustrating.

What is frustrating? It would help if you give more information

Latest instructions found


kris1 07-10-2018 10:21 AM

I'm sure it's me, and my own lack of understanding. So, I don't mean to blame anyone.

I'm just lost.
I feel like there should be more pictures showing what you should be seeing with each step?

Once I have it installed, and I have a server in a folder...

How do I start the server so that it's ready for someone to log into it. a picture of the desktop, with all the proper windows open, and stuff happening, would probably help. I feel like every time I try I get a different result. Again, I'm sure it's me.

I feel like this isn't any more complicated than setting up your eqhost file and shortcut, but I'm still not getting it. And I feel like, just like the first time I was faced with setting up my EQ install for EQEmu servers, once I get it right, I'll be shocked at how simple it is, and it's just the instructions that seem daunting.

Anyways, I guess where I'm stuck now is, how do I make my server accessible to a player, not the IP address, I think I figured that out, or can. But rather, what do i need to do from a freshly booted computer, to put my server in the state where it's playable...what files need to be run. In fairness to you guys, it may be working fine, and I just don't know that i already did it. I'm THAT lost. LOL

I'm sure these instructions are sufficient. I'm sure it's just me. And I'm sure that when i get it, I'm going to embarrassed for not having gotten it on my own. So I apologize for coming across as I'm sure I did.

I'll keep trying, and reading. I have a day off to myself today, so perhaos when I'm not trying at the end of the day, when I only have an hour, and am already frustrated, I'll have better luck.


Maybe a carpenter/stone mason should not be trying such things...LOL. I'm open to that idea.


kris1 07-10-2018 11:01 AM

Damn it!!! EUREKA!!!!

It was so simple I was tripping over it. Sorry for my outbursts.


drizzt007 07-19-2018 11:19 PM

"the server you have selected is for a different language and/or locale.Please choose another server to play on" :( /help /cry ~ system is server2012

Uleat 07-19-2018 11:48 PM

You should start your own thread for this problem and provide more information surrounding the issue.

Runehawthorne 08-17-2018 01:14 PM

So I went to use the following link for the setup guide to begin setup of a server but the links do not work.
Here is the link I tried

superpally1 08-17-2018 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Runehawthorne (Post 259762)
So I went to use the following link for the setup guide to begin setup of a server but the links do not work.
Here is the link I tried


Cusser 08-17-2018 01:47 PM

Everyone can find it here on main page:


Runehawthorne 08-17-2018 02:14 PM

Awesome, thank you!

Akkadius 08-28-2018 01:54 AM

Few folks have reported issues with the Windows install as of recent so I pulled it down and did a fresh install on a Windows VM

Things appear to be looking good

d112112 08-28-2018 02:35 PM

Weird problem here.
Server is up. I can log in and play BUT im missing every vanilla+ spell.
Everytime i try to scribe a newer spell, i get :
Spell ID: xxxx is an unknown spell and cannot be scribed.

RoF2 client, Win10 64. Any ideas?

Akkadius 08-28-2018 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by d112112 (Post 259972)
Weird problem here.
Server is up. I can log in and play BUT im missing every vanilla+ spell.
Everytime i try to scribe a newer spell, i get :
Spell ID: xxxx is an unknown spell and cannot be scribed.

RoF2 client, Win10 64. Any ideas?

Thats not necessarily an issue with an installer, that's more we only have so many spells imported into the DB. You can import spells from a more recent client or spells file by using import_client_files.exe in the server directory. I think you need to create a folder called "import" in the server directory and put your spells_us.txt in that and then run the import. I don't remember offhand, but its a good reminder we should have a usage doc on it on Github

d112112 08-29-2018 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Akkadius (Post 259973)
Thats not necessarily an issue with an installer, that's more we only have so many spells imported into the DB. You can import spells from a more recent client or spells file by using import_client_files.exe in the server directory. I think you need to create a folder called "import" in the server directory and put your spells_us.txt in that and then run the import. I don't remember offhand, but its a good reminder we should have a usage doc on it on Github

Thank you!
import folder created, new spell file loaded into DB, all spells available now :)

Inchronoth 09-13-2018 02:42 PM

Server install
Hello Akkadius,

Installed into Windows 10 pc, and Windows 7 under vmware workstaion 14 on Windows 10 pc

Both installs with no error reported.

Had to fiddle with local login, but got installing and login finished within 10 mins!!

TY so much Akka!!!!

GlassDeviant 10-11-2018 08:17 AM

Where would I report a bug? Not in the installer, but in the server or client.

redwind01 12-04-2018 10:32 AM

installer stopped
Hey guys, i was downloading this. the download seems to have stopped.
the last 2 lines in cmd window read.

install fetching latest maps this could take a few minutes
copy folder doesn't exist, creating 'maps/'

if i shut down programs, and rerun eqemu_install.bat will it have to start the whole process over?

thank you

superpally1 12-04-2018 02:20 PM

It didn't stop. It really does take a little while to download the maps. Just restart the installer and be patient.

seaanchor 12-31-2018 03:39 PM

crushed download maps file, size max is 114603kb, it's a broken zip file

i test install at win7x64 windowsserver 2012r2 x64 and win10x64 all failed on the same question

maybe rebuild install files and change a better server or offer a complete setup can fix it.


PS:my position is china

redwind01 01-17-2019 08:58 PM

need help
hello again, after my last post the server never finished installing. i did a complete system restore and got the files downloaded.
i right clicked eqemu_install.bat , ran as admin.
everything seemed to be going great, until cmd window says

Fetching 'eqemu_server.pl'...
Installing ' vcredist_x86.exe
Installing ' Visual C++
[Update] No connection to the internet, can't check update
[Update] Cannot check update without internet connection...
'world' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file'
[eqemu_server.pl] No database connection found... Running without
[Install]EQEmu Server Installer... Loading... PLEASE WAIT...
[Download] Cannot download without internet connection...
cannot open file at eqemu_server.pl line 686.
Press any key to continue. . .

pressing any key closes cmd window

have internet connection at 14mbps

phantomghost 01-17-2019 10:12 PM

Try this link for info.


gnukes 01-24-2019 11:28 PM

No internet required version?
Can a version be made that doesn’t need a network connection? I work in areas without a net connection and would love to be able to load my mini server without needing a connection. I know this means I’d need to get the pew updates occasionally to keep current, but that seems easier.

Uleat 01-25-2019 12:47 AM

You don't need a an internet connection to run a server..just to install or update it.

gnukes 01-25-2019 01:45 PM

I can set up my server with a hotspot just fine, however if I want to start it away from the internet, it keeps waiting on the updating from pew portion of the script, I’d like to comment out that.

Uleat 01-25-2019 08:23 PM

My dev server is localhost since I don't have internet access at my house.

Just make sure that you have the updates installed before disconnecting the server.

Running eqemu_server.pl .. going to database management .. and check_db_updates will get you there fairly reliably.

gnukes 01-26-2019 01:23 AM

Thanks I’ll try that this weekend

gnukes 01-27-2019 06:53 PM

Just tried this and it didn’t work, I can’t get the server started without internet and I don’t know how to do this without it going. I tried editing ewrk userver.pl manually to no avail

Uleat 01-27-2019 07:57 PM

That console message always comes up..it's checking for server updates.

But, the server should start offline - if properly set up.

Start your own issue thread and post the symptoms in more detail, please.

Jerom3 02-26-2019 01:09 PM

Failure to launch
I am trying to create a server where I can just run around in semi-GM mode and look at mobs, be invulnerable, open locked doors, etc. It's a simple concept, and I'd hoped to just find an existing server that would allow me to do this, as I have in the past (they seem to be gone now). Every search I've done for such a server seems to contain the answer of "JUST MAKE YOUR OWN, IT'S SO EASY!!!1"

So I tried that using https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/wiki/Windows-Server as I have Windows 10. I cannot get it to work. I am relatively computer illiterate compared to most on this forum, but I was able to follow the first few steps. Here's where I'm confused:

Does this installer assume that I have a fresh install of EQ Titanium? Because I do, but it's in a separate folder. Worth noting: I have a fresh EQ titanium installed to C:\Program Files\EQ Titanium and the files from Akka's installer linked above in C:\EQEmu files. Something I'm confused about is if these both need to be in the same folder, or if they're unrelated. I assume they're unrelated because the above link says it contains everything you would need.

I'm particularly confused because in the installer when it says this: "[Install] When done, make sure your EverQuest client points to your loginserver's IP (In this case it would be in the eqhosts.txt file" BUT there is no eqhosts.txt file that is in my Eqemu files from Akka's installer.

I also had a question about this part:
"Change your server name in eqemu_config.json, shortname/longname is currently set to:

Akka's Server Installer (Change Name)"

Is this image where the above line is referring to? And do I just pick a random name out of my ass, or does it not matter? http://gdurl.com/qUQQ

Here's what happens when I run the t_start_server.bat


And here's what I see after Akka's installer is done running:


Techungry 02-26-2019 03:47 PM

Server looks up to me :). I think the part your missing is the login server. By default the install will register your server with the public EQEmu login server which without internet your client won't be able to get to. You need to create your own login server locally on your machine and point the server to that (in the server json config file) as well as your client (the eqhosts.txt file which is in your Titanium client folder, not the server).

Also, you need to run t_start_server_with_login_server.bat instead of t_start_server.bat to "create your own login server". Just point the client to and it should work I believe (because Akkadius's work already puts everything down that is needed, awesome job there btw).

belvino 02-27-2019 02:53 AM


I'm particularly confused because in the installer when it says this: "[Install] When done, make sure your EverQuest client points to your loginserver's IP (In this case it would be in the eqhosts.txt file" BUT there is no eqhosts.txt file that is in my Eqemu files from Akka's installer.
The eqhost.txt is in your client folder. if you have a fresh install should be able to toss that in to eqhost.txt and start server with login server bat file and should connect up.

Jerom3 02-27-2019 12:58 PM

Ok, I tried to follow what you guys were telling me. First, I went into my fresh EQ Titanium install, which is in a separate folder than my EQEmu folder, and I changed the eqhost file from saying: Host=login.eqemulator.net:5998 to say: Host=

Then I slightly altered the longname/shortname in the eqemu_config to:
"longname" : "Akkas Windows (suIjmZ)",
"shortname" : "Akkas PEQ",
"tcp" : {
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9001"

Then tried to run the t_start_server_with_login_server and this was the error I got:

So then I thought maybe the issue was that in the eqemu_config where loginserver2 looks like this:

"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"

loginserver1 still had eqemulator listed as the host, so I changed it to match loginserver2. So it looked like this:

"loginserver1" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "",
"legacy" : "1",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"
"loginserver2" : {
"account" : "",
"host" : "",
"password" : "",
"port" : "5998"
"longname" : "Akkas Windows (suIjmZ)",
"shortname" : "Akkas PEQ",
"tcp" : {
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9001"
"telnet" : {
"enabled" : "true",
"ip" : "",
"port" : "9000"

Then I again tried running t_start_server_with_login_server and I got this new error instead of the old error:

So what am I doing wrong now? I feel like I made some progress, but it still isn't working.

phantomghost 02-28-2019 06:49 AM

You use your IP for loginserver if you're using a loginserver. If your just using same comp to run server and play on it, you can literally start the server right from install without changing anything...


About halfway down it starts with:

Setting up the Loginserver for Local LANNow, assuming you've had all of the above done, you may need to do a little manual work to configure some of your network settings to get your server to properly show up.First you will need to get your local LAN IPOpen up 'cmd' by going to Start and typing in 'cmd'Type the command:ipconfig

You will need to use this address in all of the following files

EQEmuServer: (login.ini)

EQEmuServer: (eqemu_config.json)

"loginserver2" : { "account" : "", "host" : "", "password" : "", "port" : "5998" },

Uncomment the address tag and put the local LAN IP

All EverQuest Clients on the local network will need this entry: (eqhost.txt)

Restart your server using*t_start_server_with_login_server*and you should be good to go!

Lane 03-06-2019 06:22 PM

Any suggestions on how I can manipulate source from this easy installer?

I know the old install method is backlogged. I had a server running use both methods years ago, but it's been ages, and when I tried to do the old way, I was having issues with the dependencies.

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