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Wumpas 08-25-2004 07:30 AM

I beleive that boats are body type 12 non targetable and boats behave as npc's in eqemu. You can path them and if people remember back to 5.1 days you could even be attacked by boats. I think that was a faction issue however.

Elkay 09-19-2004 02:03 PM

Re: boats

Originally Posted by Wumpas
I beleive that boats are body type 12 non targetable and boats behave as npc's in eqemu. You can path them and if people remember back to 5.1 days you could even be attacked by boats. I think that was a faction issue however.


joshuaes 11-20-2004 05:32 PM

I got an error when running MYsql CC.

[joshuaes] ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'joshuaes@***.***.*.***' (Using password: YES)
what did i do wrong thx very much :)

mattmeck 11-20-2004 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by joshuaes
I got an error when running MYsql CC.

[joshuaes] ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'joshuaes@***.***.*.***' (Using password: YES)
what did i do wrong thx very much :)

dont have the correct user / pass

joshuaes 11-20-2004 05:52 PM

the user/pass is the same as my winmysqladmin's?

Cisyouc 04-08-2005 07:28 AM


Darktanion 05-12-2005 07:33 PM

Just curious if you all could lend a hand on this one.
I am using the phpMyAdmin and finally got it up and running properly on my own web server page. I want to know a few things about this spawning of mobs. But first a statement lol. I went into the db and pulled up the spawns and wanted to add a_wyvern_hatchling to podisease. When I added it to podisease it popped as a shrunken human. I have tried new textures didnt do much cept change the clothing the npc was wearing. Although its name popped up as a_wyvern_hatchling it still was a npc human. I looked over Sandy's creation method and followed it the number I have for this mob is 124060 and it does not pop a hatchling. I was wondering if the db is not setup like sandys even though it is the PEQ_Velious db?
Some clarification on the numbering system would be nice. I tried to even go in game and use the #findnpctype a_wyvern_hatchling and the number was still set to 124060 and when I used the method #dbspawn 124060 it still came out a human npc figure with the name of a_wyvern_hatchling. Now in the db it is already configured to the settings of bodytype etc. am I suppose to change any of those to make it a flying creature.
Now for the confusing part of this story lol. I decided to try to spawn a goblin scout in podisease and it was still a npc human. Now I was thinking to myself how can this be if there are goblins in halas region. So I zoned over there and tried it there, low and behold it popped normal. What in the world hehe so I am guessing it has something to do with a Table or even the db itself since podisease really isnt set up all the way yet. But the funny thing is Iceberg the polar bear popped in podisease just fine but an Ice Giant was a very large humanoid npc with a viking helm on his head. It has the body size right on everything just not the look of what type it is. Sorry if all this is blabber but I am new to all this and just curious how to get the right mobs that I want in my game in podisease thanks all :)

Belfedia 05-12-2005 10:40 PM

Npc skin are only in native zone (except few global)
Use this how to :
For put your wyvern or goblin in podisease :)

Aydun 06-29-2005 04:56 PM

Hi there guys,

I want to start off by saying thank you very much for the descriptions of all the colums and such and how they interact! I love to be able to UNDERSTAND how the games working, not just how to MAKE it work :).

Onto my problem.. at first.. before reading this, I was in my server I typed #spawn Dereclor, a h uman guy named Dereclor popped up, then i targeted him and typed #npcspawn create, i get the Dereclor00 was created successfully! message.. So I figured it was fine, to test, I logged out, shut down the server, and started it up and went back in .. no NPC there, when I look in npc_types he was there, then I found this guide.

I made a new spawngroup, ID =1, name=karnor. then I made the spawnentry stuff, Dereclors ID=1, so i typed spawngroupID=1, npcid=1, chance=100. After that i went into karnor's castle to get my loc, then continued to the next step and in spawn2 I typed: id=1,spawngroupid=1,zone=karnor,x=20.45,y=-24.23,z=3.75, heading=0,respawntime=120 all others remained at 0.

I went into the game and lo and behold no Dereclor, All of the tables concerning spawns i cleared again and redid this so the only entries are for the npc Dereclor and it's spawngroup, and still no such luck, I tried restarting the server everytime I made a change. I'd appreciate any insight into this problem !

Thanks in advance,

GeorgeS 11-02-2006 07:18 PM

Just finished my NPC editing tutorial. This is unique in that it uses ingame spawning, but uses my tools when needed. Read through these tutorial pages carefully, so you can understand my methods and how simple npc spawning is.

Tutorial 1 is about spawning static NPC's
Tutorial 2 is about creating moving NPC's

I am enhancing these tuts as time permits, so stay tuned. NPC editor is being slightly enhanced this week...

Hope these tuts. help because I've seen so many errors in previous posts on how this process works.


Irreverent 05-07-2008 11:32 AM

Bah looking for this link:

- EQEmu's server GuideBook v1.3 : for races index, materials, textures for example =)

See Here :

bthomsen0312 11-30-2009 12:39 PM

Bump for great justice, some of these guidebook's would be use to be re-edited back to the top. IE race index materials textures and georgeS' tut on how to make static and roaming NPC's

GeorgeS 12-01-2009 11:03 AM

The guidebook is on my site as is the spawning tut. Concept is ok, but the tool version is old.



Templus 11-06-2010 12:34 PM

none of the links work =\ .. where's the most updated and working tools to work with zones/npcs/items/quests/lootdrops ?

blackdragonsdg 11-06-2010 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Templus (Post 194000)
none of the links work =\ .. where's the most updated and working tools to work with zones/npcs/items/quests/lootdrops ?


You also might want to find a program such as Navicat as it will make life a lot easier.

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