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Neiv 10-14-2008 11:06 AM


What's in your logs? Surely you are getting some errors in your logs that would explain this. When this happens to me, and it does sometimes, it's usually related to db changes I have made, haven't made, or something foolish I've done to my start up script, like leaving eqlaunch out of it(done that).
I'll take a look at those when I get home. But all I did was replace the existing files in the EQEMU folder with the ones in the binary folder. I didn't overwrite the original files, but placed them in a temp folder. I have since overwritten the new files with the older ones, and the game works again. No #bot commands, but it works as it used to.

hayward6 10-22-2008 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Congdar (Post 158283)
as I make custom entries into the database, i also write them to my_custom.sql

I'm curious about this... if you're making changes within game, and with different tools, how do you get that code out into text so it can be added easily later? This is the biggest reason that I don't do a lot of edits... I know they will be lost when I update.

Also, my bots are not working at all and I am using the latest source. I get command not recognized when I try #bot help

Congdar 10-22-2008 10:22 AM

I don't add customizations to the database and then try and get them out, I create the custom sql file manually, and at the same time as I add the changes to the database. Then after a database update I can just source in the custom sql and I'm back to where I was.

The bot issue can be several things. Are you using 1129 or the SVN version? With 1129 you need to add EQBOTS to the Zone pre-processor in Visual Studio, if SVN then the Configuation Manager has a separate bot setting you can choose for debug or release binaries. If you are compiling in linux, search the eqoffline thread for linux answers.

hayward6 10-22-2008 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Congdar (Post 158838)
I don't add customizations to the database and then try and get them out, I create the custom sql file manually, and at the same time as I add the changes to the database. Then after a database update I can just source in the custom sql and I'm back to where I was.

The bot issue can be several things. Are you using 1129 or the SVN version? With 1129 you need to add EQBOTS to the Zone pre-processor in Visual Studio, if SVN then the Configuation Manager has a separate bot setting you can choose for debug or release binaries. If you are compiling in linux, search the eqoffline thread for linux answers.

Ok, I guess I missunderstood... I thought that the release thread had a working source that didn't need any editing. I'll look around for what needs to be changed, thank you

Congdar 10-22-2008 11:07 AM

The release thread source doesn't need editing. It should work right away unless you try merging it in to an existing source tree. Verify the EQBOTS setting in the preprocesser options of the Zone section.

hayward6 10-22-2008 11:25 AM

Oh yeah, I'm using Debian Linux also.

Congdar 10-22-2008 01:12 PM

there's some linux instructions for adding bots to the compile in that 800+ post thread.

hayward6 10-22-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Congdar (Post 158854)
there's some linux instructions for adding bots to the compile in that 800+ post thread.

Yeah, each time I start looking through that thread I end up fustrated and tired :) I'll pack a lunch for my next trip!

Congdar 10-22-2008 03:08 PM

I looked... linux stuff is on one of the last 3 pages depending on your settings for how many posts to view.

Angelox 10-22-2008 03:35 PM

These are mine, should work for you
/zone makefiles for both Linux and Windows
I think the only ones that change (for Bots) are the /source/zone ones - or at least thats what I change. just copy them over and rename .

Neiv 10-22-2008 10:45 PM


I don't add customizations to the database and then try and get them out, I create the custom sql file manually, and at the same time as I add the changes to the database. Then after a database update I can just source in the custom sql and I'm back to where I was.
Can anyone post an example of such a sql script that I might be able to use as a template of sorts? Thanks.

Ikeren 10-23-2008 12:51 PM


Yeah, each time I start looking through that thread I end up fustrated and tired I'll pack a lunch for my next trip!
I read through that entire thread once. If I ever do it again (not bloodly likely, but not hypothetically impossible); I'll give a brief summary of what happens from each post set, then post it somewhere. If someone does decide to do so, I'd suggest they make such a "content summary" for future people having this trouble.

Angelox 10-23-2008 01:04 PM

The bots are at a point now where you only need download from the SVN and play.
Windows executables are already pre-made and posted. And usually, who ever runs a Linux server will know how to arrange the makefiles.
If someone will tell me this works, maybe I can come up with a script you can run before you compile so you can select 'bots' or 'no bots'. Or maybe someone else wants to do this, maybe place it in the SVN. I was thinking of a Linux and Windows version.

hayward6 10-23-2008 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Angelox (Post 158904)
The bots are at a point now where you only need download from the SVN and play.
Windows executables are already pre-made and posted. And usually, who ever runs a Linux server will know how to arrange the makefiles.
If someone will tell me this works, maybe I can come up with a script you can run before you compile so you can select 'bots' or 'no bots'. Or maybe someone else wants to do this, maybe place it in the SVN. I was thinking of a Linux and Windows version.

I think bots have been generaly excepted and would benefit most servers. Wouldn't it be easier to just impliment it across the board, and then go in after and raise the status needed to run the bot commands in the database? That way everyone will have working bots if they want it, with little work, and if they don't they can change the command access.

AndMetal 10-23-2008 02:00 PM

I think the logic is that, because not everyone is going to run bots (although they are quite awesome), it's better to use a preprocessor definition during compile than a rule, since it will decrease a lot of the required resources (memory/processor cycles) if you're not using it.

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