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devn00b 03-22-2009 05:57 PM

You can get just the mini login from the link provided in the 1st post.

neiv2 03-22-2009 06:52 PM

Is there documentation on setup, aside from the readme file?

image 03-22-2009 07:27 PM

Not for the login server, but I believe they are planning on grouping this new MiniLogin with a package to make it easier for people to use.

I also wanted to update that 7:20PM there is a new build in that zip file, I believe I have fixed any server list issues. I was able to list 90+ servers without any hiccups so it seems promising.

neiv2 03-22-2009 08:31 PM

Yeah, the readme file assumes a knowledge of creating and populating a database that I just don't have. The peril of opening up an open-source community like this is that it invariably attracts technically-challenged people like me who have all kinds of creative interest and drive in game creation, but very little of the the wide technical knowledge required to know how to do all aspects on the technical side. We end up learning things like perl script and database modification by lots of explanation, tutorials and examples. Unfortunately, our knowledge ends up being a lot like someone speaking very broken English and not really understanding the underlying grammar.

Angelox 03-22-2009 09:47 PM

leslamarch has a great package for people who just want to play and not to have become a "programming master" in order to do so.
He keeps it all up to date with the latest from everybody. and you can backup/restore your characters to the updated databases. I'm sure you'll see the new MiniLogin Server included in the package soon.
No matter what you choose, If you want to keep your custom fixes, then you'll have to learn how to make SQL inserts and updates of your work, so you can patch them on to the newer database. We've all had to learn how to do this. The best way to learn is do a lot of Googling , and searching through the forums and wikki.
You can't expect to learn all this in a few hours - It takes patience.
Have you been making your custom fixes with the PHP Editor? if you have, you may already have the sql inserts you need in the log file it includes.

neiv2 03-22-2009 09:57 PM

Yeah, learning sql commands will probably be my next project. And no, I haven't been using an editor. I've just been modifying the db manually. I guess I'll need to backup my db, install the new version of the db, and experiment with how to insert my customizations after the fact.

Aergad 03-23-2009 05:43 AM

great job image i was wondering if there was any chance that this could be made to allow more users (not servers) or allow more user accounts atleast in the readme it says that, user accounts with an ID Greater then 20 wont work. I fully plan on using this but between my family and friends id need atleast 30-45 accounts allowed or people will have to share accounts.

Once again You and Devnoob did an awesome job, My hat is off to you

image 03-23-2009 07:22 AM

Yes it is possible and I am going to decide this week what I can do about people requesting special builds, I have gotten too many requests for me to just start streamlining builds for everyone, just a lot of work for me..

Aergad 03-23-2009 09:23 AM

any chance you could just make one with a higher player count or what not? if you need any assistance i am procidient in c++ and mysql if you need a hand with it at any point.

thanks alot though this is a HUGE step forward for the community

Sakrateri 03-23-2009 09:26 AM

Anyway for me to fix this error?


Account Attempting to be created:Skaramang 0
Error in CreateAccount query 'INSERT INTO account SET name='Skaramang', status=0
, lsaccount_id=2;' #1364: Field 'minilogin_ip' doesn't have a default value
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENTLIST_ERR] Error adding local account for LS login: 'Skaram
ang', duplicate name?
[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT_ERR] NOCLE: Bad/Expired session key '71'
Removing connection

This is an error in world after I select the server and hit play...

Thanks again.

number6 03-23-2009 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sakrateri (Post 166106)
Anyway for me to fix this error?

I'm playing with the minilogin at the moment and managed to reproduce and fix this. You need to alter the ls_accountid field in the accounts table for your user to match the id you gave your user in the minilogin database.

I'm still not getting into game but at least I'm at character select. I'm getting mysterious

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0xb17540f8 ***
messages so something else is wrong here (not the fault of minilogin probably, I'm trying to update my old server to the newest source).

image 03-23-2009 10:16 AM

Once you get into the world server it shouldn't have anything to do with the Login Server.

It is however true that your ID's may not match if you used an old login server or the public one. There isn't anything I can do about that, you usually should use a clean database to make sure that things are in synch.

Also please note this isn't a MiniLogin like the old logins. This is a full fleged Login Server with restrictions, so do not try to do IP authentication.

number6 03-23-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by image (Post 166108)
Once you get into the world server it shouldn't have anything to do with the Login Server.

And indeed it wasn't. I had to add various database fields and fiddle with things to get my DB up to date.

I'm very happy to report that this minilogin works just fine for me, both with Titanium and SoF clients. Thank you very very much.

devn00b 03-23-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by number6 (Post 166109)
And indeed it wasn't. I had to add various database fields and fiddle with things to get my DB up to date.

I'm very happy to report that this minilogin works just fine for me, both with Titanium and SoF clients. Thank you very very much.

Your welcome Very Very much

Sakrateri 03-23-2009 12:07 PM

That was it Number6 Thanks alot, all working great now, Thank you Image and Devnoob for this, This is awesome!

Devnoob you can finally take yourself out of the I hate Devnoob club after all these years :)

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