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Slaya21 01-22-2009 02:09 AM

works now, made a dark elf sk. woot.

Ueguvil 01-22-2009 05:54 PM

While I'd love to play classic again, I pretty much agree with eqtest. If this server is to have the following 3 things:

1. Very slow xp.
2. No quick travel (#peqzone)
3. 2 clients allowed per person

then only the most extreme masochists will play here. Yes, all 3 of those conditions existed in classic everquest (most people only played 1 character even) but there was a huge population to offset this. You could log on and be near any dungeon that was guaranteed to be teeming with other players. This is a mistake lots of classic servers seem to make, and they fade away.

The fact is very few people want to spend their hours traveling across the same world they've traveled a million times just because it's the only possible chance they can group with someone (if there is even anyone else their level on atm) and get a shot at progressing their character. It's simply not fun.

If the grind has to be super long, at least implement some sort of quick travel maybe? It would go a long way in encouraging grouping.

nilbog 01-22-2009 07:57 PM

While I do agree with the fact that not everyone wants to play classic with the classic penalties, I don't think that's why the other servers faded away. They faded away for no apparent reason. It wasn't a slow and steady decline.. in fact, just the opposite. People were raiding and joining guilds with each other and then the servers vanished..seemingly overnight.

Fast travel was implemented in 1999 :P Druids and wizards.

I do appreciate the feedback, as I like to hear everyone's opinions of classic. I do not think my server will include such things as fast travel though :( sorry to those who require it.

Slaya21 01-22-2009 09:37 PM

are you gonna use boats? :)

Ueguvil 01-22-2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by nilbog (Post 163264)
While I do agree with the fact that not everyone wants to play classic with the classic penalties, I don't think that's why the other servers faded away. They faded away for no apparent reason. It wasn't a slow and steady decline.. in fact, just the opposite. People were raiding and joining guilds with each other and then the servers vanished..seemingly overnight.

Fast travel was implemented in 1999 :P Druids and wizards.

I do appreciate the feedback, as I like to hear everyone's opinions of classic. I do not think my server will include such things as fast travel though :( sorry to those who require it.

Fair enough. Just remember it's no fun running through empty zone after empty over and over again. When those zones are alive with players is when they're interesting to trek through.

Classic isn't classic without thousands of players in the world. When that vital part is missing concessions need to be made.

But I guess that's just my opinion! Good luck with your server. :) It looks like you've put some real dedication into it. (CT looks awesome)

Tantalar 01-23-2009 12:32 AM

I hope we will be able to beta test the entire trilogy and make everything really great, and build up a snowball effect as we are working on all of this.

This is the first time that there is ever going to be an actual really classic server in EQEMU to my knowledge. This is really the real deal and Nilbog is not going to just shut it down randomly as it has ALWAYS been the case with any "classic" server that has been around for a little while.

The problem with a lot of eqemu servers is that there are not a lot of people, but if we could get around 100 online at all times, then I think we would be able to remove 2 boxing. Its just 2 boxing really hurts the economy but realistically its just tough to have a server if you have 2 boxing.

I really hope we can have lots of people join, iron out all the bugs, and then have a bunch of people and launch it. I think we just need a lot of people anticipating release too, so like I said, its great that it is now opened up to everyone.

Slaya21 01-23-2009 01:10 AM

I agree with tantalar, this server is going to kick some major ass.

They just need to get a few changes in and then it should be launchable .

We need as many people on the server that we can get.

The owner seems really dedicated to it and is determined to fix any problem that comes his/her way.

I have more to say but don't have the time right now due to the hour and classes tomorow.

Give this server a chance.

Bleysnine 01-23-2009 12:40 PM

I really like the idea of returning to the original Lost Temple of Cazic Thule. I remember hunting in Feerrott within the first couple of weeks of the original release and being in a small group that was killing the lizardmen on the pyramids outside CT. We killed the ones guarding the ramp up to CT and found the hallway that led to the dungeon. Wow were we surprised to find the dungeon there with all of these extremely high level (to us at that time) lizardmen. We couldn't even guess at how extensive the dungeon was at that time, and I remember many many days and nights fighting all throughout CT.

I hope to try out your server this weekend. Thank you so much for making this server.

nilbog 01-23-2009 03:26 PM

Thank you very much for the kind words everyone :D

During this beta phase, I will happily level you to 50 with gear and whatever else so you may look around.

The more bug fixes and submissions done in beta, the better the server.. I have seen about 75 new people connect, but not many submissions for corrections.

nilbog 01-23-2009 03:29 PM


are you gonna use boats?
Absolutely.. the boats are there, but some experience some problems.. such as being hollow. Translocators are in place until I find out if boats can work 100%

Sultan 01-23-2009 05:43 PM

I think the 2 largest things that need to be tackled right now are getting the correct values on classic spells and factions , everything else seems to be pretty minor , the world in itself looks great , CT was done fantasticly .

Everything else seems to be pretty minor, some merchs havign wrong items and minor quests that may not be in

Nilbog and the other people seem to have done a great job on this server thus far, be great to have a spike in players to just run around in zones to find any other minor bugs that may have been looked over , or any quests that have been forgotten

Fifflefluff 01-23-2009 06:34 PM

I've been trying to connect to your server, but it isn't working. The farthest I got was the character selection screen. I made a character and tried to enter the game (I forgot to un-check "Start Tutorial" so it tried to put me in the Gloomingdeep Mines), but the client froze while loading. Now, I can sometimes get to the character selection screen, but every time I try to enter the world with the character I made, it just freezes or drops me back to the login screen after a long wait. I tried remaking the character, too, this time remembering to un-check the "Start Tutorial" button so it wouldn't automatically try to send me to the Gloomingdeep Mines or anything like that, but I get the same problem. I can connect to, create characters on, and then play those characters on other EQEmu servers. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

Fifflefluff 01-23-2009 06:46 PM

Also, sometimes it freezes and then kicks me back to the login screen even just when I select your server and try to initially connect to it.

Slaya21 01-23-2009 07:46 PM

it kicked me off the first time, but now it works everytime. I am on it as we speak.

also /bump for good will.

Fifflefluff 01-23-2009 07:52 PM

I was just able to log in, finally.

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