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PenPen01 05-02-2007 01:46 PM

You've got mine :D

techguy84 05-02-2007 02:37 PM

Well, I am going to start a fund rasier with T.V. specials. I got a guy that can play the tuba using is left ear while simultanously picking 15 locks with his feet, with shoes on I might add.

Operaters are standing by.......

Donate now and I will even throw in this free ultra portable refigator that doubles as a back pack, fishing rod, cable tv tuner, GPS tracker, car alarm, golf caddie and toothpick.

Also, if you call in the next 12 mins 34.55 secs we will also give you a deluxe coffee pot capable of storing 19GB of your favorite MP3's.

Anyhow, my donations on the way here in about 3 days. I know I am cutting it close, but thats the best I can do at the moment. May only be 10-20 dollars at the moment. But I can keep it coming hopefully.

sfisque 05-02-2007 03:03 PM

partial hosting
if push comes to shove, i offer my pipe for hosting, i have 3 public addresses that i'm not using right now ( i have commercial grade cable model access that provides 5 dedicated static addresses, of which 1 is my web/email server and another is my eqemu server.

obviously a dedicated rack situation would be optimal, but worse case, this would buy time until such a situation appeared.

if anyone in the dev team is near portland, oregon, we could meet over a beer and discuss issues/details/etc.

anyway, count me among the crowd that would be most upset if this "all went poof".

== sfisque

samandhi 05-02-2007 03:10 PM

Got some OT for this check incoming... I will try and throw $100-$300 IF I can figure out the damn pay-pal thing... never used it and up until now have NOT ever been interested in it...But I SURE AS HELL dont want to see EQEmu gone. I am like Tech, in that, I dont play much any more but I like to set up a server when the emu changes just so I can come here and help support other people to get their problems solved....:)

P.S. BTW what kind of figures are we talking about here to get re-located?

techguy84 05-02-2007 03:40 PM

I love the project. I used to love EQ, but that time has long come and gone. I still play from time to time, but only for testing purposes, or to blow off some GM style steam (Come here Sleeper, you *******.) I like making a difference, as why I am writing my guide. In the past month I have gotten about 15 thank yous for the guide and I am just simply amazed with it. I like helping, when and where I can. I am all for keeping things going for us here, although I dont play. Its just the concept behind it that I want to stay alive.

I like sfisque idea. Something like this will buy us some more time. We could just host the fourms there for the moment. Update SF with the latest compiled binary for downloading. I have a awardspace site up so I could put my server guide up there for veiwing for the moment.

All we really need mainly keep things somewhat moving for the time being. If the loginserver is down why we find a new host, thats fine by me. Its better to lose things for a little bit, then all together. Buying more time is the key right now at this moment if we can't raise enough money to move everything at once.

kouhei 05-02-2007 05:13 PM

In the past did the hosting also used to have a problem. I beleive not just any hosting company will due. I think did SOE have a couple other server sites shut down thru there hosting comapny. It has to be a foreign hosting company i believe but could be wrong.

Angelox 05-02-2007 09:19 PM

This link will lead you straight to Doodmans paypal donate;
select what ever amount you want to donate, and you will get to an option for credit card, or if your a PayPaler, sign in and pay.

Doodman is the one to donate to , he carrys the bills.
You can view who already donated here
Thanks a lot for you help everyone!

For the "nobody" donors: say who you are in the comment line - but I think I see two more donors already. If so, say who you are here. I'm hoping Matt will re do the forums and include donor privs.
Sourceforge is an old and trustworthy institution, I just joined very quickly and easy.

mattmeck 05-02-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by kouhei
In the past did the hosting also used to have a problem. I beleive not just any hosting company will due. I think did SOE have a couple other server sites shut down thru there hosting comapny. It has to be a foreign hosting company i believe but could be wrong.

uummm no..... 100% wrong.

uncommon 05-02-2007 11:53 PM

Just donated also. Not much sorry but that's the most i can give atm.

samandhi 05-03-2007 12:33 AM


For the "nobody" donors: say who you are in the comment line - but I think I see two more donors already. If so, say who you are here. I'm hoping Matt will re do the forums and include donor privs.
Sourceforge is an old and trustworthy institution, I just joined very quickly and easy.
I, myself (proper english hehe) am not looking for any props (nor have I ever wanted them), or special priveleges, I am doing it simply to keep this project alive :)

I am still curious as to the estimated figures we are talking about to keep things alive, though....

I think that if we can keep a central location alive (such as the forums) then things will work out... I guess we would always have IRC to discuss how to get things back to normal....hehe

Thanks for the link Angelox that will help (me anyhow)....

GeorgeS 05-03-2007 01:23 AM

Thanks for the donation link - makes it a bit easier.

Threw in my donation today and I hope it helps.
I have been here for years and years and follow emu devolpment like a cult.


EmanonCow 05-03-2007 02:18 AM

How much, how quickly?

So_1337 05-03-2007 04:05 AM

Donated. Keep it alive!

John Adams 05-03-2007 07:48 AM

This thread gave my heart a jolt... I hope we don't lose support for this project. I have offered web and server space to Doodman, if no other options can be arranged.

Been missin you guys! So damn busy tho, I can barely find time to sleep. I need a vacation!

Angelox 05-03-2007 09:40 AM

Well, Im really glad to see the response now (was worried for a while) - I hope it's enough to help Mr Doodman make some positive moves.
Just to make sure everone knows where I'm at - I 'm not asking Matt for props and special priveleges for "the fun of it", I just think that just as anyone else in this project that has put in his time in work under Dev, to the Forums, or Database, We can all now see money-donors are just as important - they too need a tag, and privileges, just like the mods, devs admins do.
They support EmEmu just like the rest do and we cannot function with out them.

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