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unknownhost 08-10-2009 04:23 PM

this is just such a sad day in the great life of EqEmu.

May there be many more servers wih the popularity and interest VZTZ brought! naturally we can at least hope without the problems that arose.

/salute to Daxum and his team for their very hard work over the years.

if somone were to build a timeline/record of EQEmu here would be a noteworthy point in the history without doubt.

banjo 08-10-2009 11:05 PM

Any chance you and Gronkus get together and bring the old box back to life? Personally I never had much interest after the wipe. The playerbase went to shit with the influx of the FoH guys. Bring back the pre-wipe box and you'll have a winner! I would have posted over at pwnedemu, but some hacker is in charge over there now.

cybernine186 08-10-2009 11:39 PM

I dunno.....Gronkus still has the server and its hardware.....

Want some better news? I got a FULL copy of the server source & database before the wipe from February 2009.......

I could give that out also.......


banjo 08-11-2009 12:00 AM

I would rather see you put it on the box and put it up. :) I bet lots of people would show up.

Shin Noir 08-11-2009 12:32 AM

Here are all the zip files from cybernine (voidd) and daxum (first poster).

As I work on it I'll svn my changes here, I do plan to try to spot bugs and see about solving some. Not sure how commited i'll be to perfection though.

TheLieka 08-12-2009 10:29 AM

I haven't actually coded on the server for over 9 months (I'm sure it's actually been longer than that), but I am a bit shocked and offended to hear your list of bugs on the server. I am not sure why you are getting so many, but I assure you that we were far from haphazzard with our source (when I was watching over the project). Naturally, there are still expoits available due to the nature of the EQClient, but all and all it was fairly stable. I hate to point a finger, but those bugs must have come up after I lost interest in the project. I apologize for the additional work you're having to put into it.


cybernine186 08-12-2009 04:48 PM

I would like to clear what Daxum has stated.....

The bugs you are seeing is cause of the missing maps in the map folder on your emu server.

Follow these instructions and those issues you have will vanish. The reason for those issues is the maps give the server the distance between players and mobs for argo to see if they are close enough to argo. Second when you cast a spell the server calculates if you are not to far way to cast the spell on your target.

Go here http://sourceforge.net/projects/eqemulator/files/

and download Maps.tar.gz first and then new_maps.zip and extract them in order to your server directory under a folder called maps.

Your Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Prior GM

Voidd the Returnless

cavedude 08-12-2009 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by cybernine186 (Post 176581)
Go here http://sourceforge.net/projects/eqemulator/files/

and download Maps.tar.gz first and then new_maps.zip and extract them in order to your server directory under a folder called maps.

Sourceforge is very outdated. Use the Maps SVN instead, that is kept up to date: http://code.google.com/p/eqemumaps/

cybernine186 08-12-2009 04:59 PM

Well with our version of the database/source we base our stuff on the old maps that haven't been changed...zones such as neriak forest, lavastorm, etc.....so in essence you HAVE to have this version of the maps....

Thanks for the reply caved00d...

cavedude 08-12-2009 05:30 PM

I just added old versions of arena, bazaar, lavastorm, and nektulos to the SVN. Those are the only maps that have changed that are in use by EQEmu. The original Bazaar isn't included with Titanium or SoF so likely it's not being used either, but I included it for completeness.

Shin Noir 08-16-2009 07:18 AM

I've been doing a side project of getting the PvP changes of VZTZ into the latest revision of PEQ. Thus far i've been successful in nearly all aspects except for the Player Profile Structure. They are pretty largely different, debating the best way to approach this dilemma. Any suggestions?

Shin Noir 08-16-2009 07:32 AM

nevermind @ above. I just found your pp_convert util in the utils section of svn.

Shin Noir 08-29-2009 04:52 PM

I'm not a C++ programmer. And most of my bugs are likely self induced. I didn't really make this server with any expectations of it being stellar. Was more hoping someone would step up who could actually implement the changes properly.

Anyways, here's a little project I was doing:

This was an attempt to take latest revision and combine it with the VZTZ changes. You may be able to do a diff with this and get some ideas on PVP fixes, cavemandude.

SatrekVZ 09-01-2009 09:29 AM

IMO shin should reopen his project n find some ppl help em. I my self dont know c++ yet or i would. Shin had a great idea and lots ppl liked it. No one wants to regrind again, since wipe on vtz then the server went down. Then u bring ur 25x and goes away. But least on ur 25x we didnt spend week or 2 lvling, get 60 get gear then brawl is very nice.

As for VTZ on there forums awhile back i read somewere False from pdm live was on there staff or server. Any one knew false knew server was done then.

John Adams 09-02-2009 01:57 AM

Dax, that's just a real bummer. I thought for sure you were in it for the long haul, but I guess interests change. Just glad yours hung in there for 2+ years, not like these other flash-in-the-pan servers that come and go overnight.

I wish I liked PVP, but alas, I hate it. The players, mostly. ;) Otherwise I'd offer to run TZVZ "as-is" for the community. But my patience didn't survive running The Abyss as a trial, I am sure PVPers would make me homicidal.

Good luck wherever the wind blows you. You are immortal.

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