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trentn 12-05-2013 01:02 PM

Great GM staff here - always special events during the holidays. Server is really starting to pick up and the community is always helping new members with gear start.

Have many people here from P99 as well as other servers. We're always looking for more :)

The server is very well managed and has great uptime - come check us out!

D -

Alexz 01-09-2014 06:04 AM

This server is a blast. Been playing for about a month or so... I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

make7110 01-11-2014 01:30 AM

Bumpity bump bump.

Been on the server for about 2 weeks now and I can't pull myself away.

All the parts of old world EQ that you might be missing you get to experience here without the parts that, let's be honest, no one really misses. The XP rate is near perfect, you won't make 50 in 3 hours of gameplay, which makes the ride feel that much more rewarding.

The Dev team is always quick with responses and very involved in the forums listening to all of our complaints and ideas.

If you wan't EQ that isn't ez-mode and not as unforgiving as p99 then come give this server a shot, seriously, you won't regret it.


Dunge0nMastr 01-17-2014 02:19 PM

In celebration of us being promoted to Green Status (Thanks again EQEmu Dev team!) We will be having a 3 day EXP bonus in place starting today and going through Monday.

Alot of things have changed since i last posted here so stop by and check us out at www.kpemu.com!

Aetherial 01-20-2014 11:16 PM

Ykesha quests

Where can I find/start the ykesha quests?

Zethriel level 4 HE ENC

profile420 01-24-2014 02:10 AM

how many people play on this server atm? The fact that p99 is somewhat populated is p much what keeps me around.

moofta 01-24-2014 04:36 AM

There were 60ish on when I logged in last night (Euro times). Not sure what it's like during US peak times.

Maze_EQ 01-24-2014 08:41 AM

I've seen 80-100 at peak

Dunge0nMastr 01-24-2014 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Aetherial (Post 227788)

Where can I find/start the ykesha quests?

Zethriel level 4 HE ENC

There are a number of guides written on our forums at www.kpemu.com, if its not listed for your class/race combo, you can simply look them up on allakhazam, unless generally noted on the forums they are pretty much the same as live.


Originally Posted by profile420 (Post 227862)
how many people play on this server atm? The fact that p99 is somewhat populated is p much what keeps me around.

We seem to be averaging 60-100 during peak US hours, 50-80 mid day/afternoon, and mornings tend to be 20-30s. Based on my observations (all times are US EST)

Maze_EQ 01-24-2014 04:45 PM

Hi Bront.

give me candy.

tq qt 3.14

carpediembr 01-24-2014 06:47 PM

On monday we broke the record of 125 players

Maze_EQ 04-02-2014 07:51 AM

I think you should stop playing video games.

541 days played through raptr?

Damn man.

Dunge0nMastr 04-02-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Denburxx (Post 229229)
what client does this run on i'm trying to run it but says unsupported

We currently support Titanium through UF. Though we are phasing out Titanium support soon (only ~5% of our players use it.)

atrayas 04-21-2014 04:25 PM

New Custom Zone
Announcing the first in a series of custom zones that will in time become its own custom expansion, tying in with the lore of Kildrukaun and Kerafrym as it progresses. A list of features are below:

Zone is geared toward level's 15-50.
30 new custom lootable items.
35 new custom tradeskilled items.
Unique task and quest.
5 Group bosses ranging from level 20 to level 45.
1 Unique raid boss.

All of the tradeskill reagents are trade-able and the final combines are tradeable as well, but are attuneable. These custom items are meant as a bridge between kunark and classic in terms of power, and should be highly sought after for the newer players to KPEMU, but they will also be a welcome sight for veterans who want to level up new characters as well!

The raid boss is entirely new, with mechanics not seen on KPEMU yet, this will not be a tank and spank for level appropriate raids. His drops will also have unique new models for those that like to collect!

bigsale23 08-31-2015 02:24 AM

This was, hands down, the best EMU server I have ever played on. It had some creative custom zones/tradskilling, rare drop tokens that were used to buy custom gear, mixed with the classic feel and a requirement of working to unlock each expansion for each account, not just handing them too you or opening them up to everyone because the high end guilds powered through to the end boss of the previous expansion. Was sad to see politics kill the population and eventually the server entirely. If this came back or there was another server similar, I would spend all of my time there. again.

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