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Packet 06-16-2014 07:09 PM

It didn't like my textures. I suppose I should work with DDS. Being used to openzone, I've been saving all my textures in 24-bit bmp's. I'll also need to adjust the scale a bit.


knowom 06-16-2014 07:13 PM

Packet are those in game EQ screenshots or are they renders of a zone in Blender or something? Looks pretty amazing, but a bit cartoonish WoW/Disney stylized a bit which look a bit like as well.

You could make a alternate 4 way faction vs faction map as well by removing the water and adding 2 more bases which could be pretty intense you could even have some water still too by utilizing some of the jungle area's for streams or whatever. This is defiantly exciting to see.

knowom 06-16-2014 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231313)
It didn't like my textures. I suppose I should work with DDS. Being used to openzone, I've been saving all my textures in 24-bit bmp's. I'll also need to adjust the scale a bit.


These aren't the greatest looking textures, but you can try some of these as temporary place holders if you want. You could also just rip textures from a s3d zone files as well and use those for now until you find or create custom textures of your own if your planning to share this zone map later.


Packet 06-16-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by knowom (Post 231314)
Packet are those in game EQ screenshots or are they renders of a zone in Blender or something?

They're renders from 3ds Max 2015. The only thing that I am uncertain about is how well the foliage will look in-game once I correct the texture format. I'm not entirely certain how alpha masking has changed within EQG's so I'm going to assume that it still uses the old black n' white masking. We'll see.


Originally Posted by knowom (Post 231314)
Looks pretty amazing, but a bit cartoonish WoW/Disney stylized a bit which look a bit like as well.

It's easier for me to make and realism isn't my goal here to be honest.

In all seriousness, I love Zaela for this tool. I've been needing it for years. lol

Secrets 06-16-2014 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231313)
It didn't like my textures. I suppose I should work with DDS. Being used to openzone, I've been saving all my textures in 24-bit bmp's. I'll also need to adjust the scale a bit.



Zaela_S 06-16-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231313)
It didn't like my textures. I suppose I should work with DDS. Being used to openzone, I've been saving all my textures in 24-bit bmp's. I'll also need to adjust the scale a bit.

PNG textures should work fine, probably preferable to DDS or BMP. The test model and texture you gave me earlier worked fine -- note that the tool expects the texture files to be in the same folder as the .obj file when you import.

I'm not sure how EQG zones handle masking yet (if it's a material property, I haven't come across it, and if it's a per-triangle flag bit, that would be a bit dumb).

KLS 06-16-2014 09:34 PM

Not sure if this is what you were talking about exactly but crescent has some alpha materials.

Packet 06-16-2014 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 231318)

You made me choke on my dinner when I saw this.


Originally Posted by Zaela_S (Post 231319)
PNG textures should work fine, probably preferable to DDS or BMP. The test model and texture you gave me earlier worked fine -- note that the tool expects the texture files to be in the same folder as the .obj file when you import.

I'm not sure how EQG zones handle masking yet (if it's a material property, I haven't come across it, and if it's a per-triangle flag bit, that would be a bit dumb).

Agh! I'm a fool. I've got all my textures in sub-folders.

knowom 06-16-2014 09:46 PM

Packet btw I'm using InfranView image effects on some of those screenshots and they look even nicer with a "unmask sharp" between 2-4 applied. Image effect and filters in InfranView/GIMP/Photoshop can really do wonders to enhance textures. Merging two or more textures together to form a more detailed one can be a very nice touch also.

Here's a example of how you can enhance texture detail. This could really enhance some of your textures in a nice way though though they really aren't bad as is. I feel like the wood and rock textures in particular could personally benefit from a bit finer detail touches added to spruce them up.

Very awesome Packet and Zaela for providing the great tool that aided in the creation of it. Could make lots of different kinds of texture variations for your zone Packet. The MOBA design is great and could see it being widely used EQemu could use more custom zones like this. It's not only awesome, but it could actually be freely modded and shared around easily without all the copyright hassles presented with zones owned by Sony.

knowom 06-16-2014 09:51 PM

Would love to see a step by step basic tutorial process on your zone creation Packet this is dope!

Zaela_S 06-16-2014 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by KLS (Post 231321)
Not sure if this is what you were talking about exactly but crescent has some alpha materials.

Could be! I'll have to take a look later.


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231322)
Agh! I'm a fool. I've got all my textures in sub-folders.

I might make it look for the textures at the paths listed in the .obj before defaulting to same-folder in the next update. Just wanted to make sure people could move things around or trade export files across machines and still have it work consistently.

Packet 06-16-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Zaela_S (Post 231325)
I might make it look for the textures at the paths listed in the .obj before defaulting to same-folder in the next update. Just wanted to make sure people could move things around or trade export files across machines and still have it work consistently.

I don't think that's a big deal. Honestly, I really don't mind keeping the files in the same project folder. I just assumed this was native. At this point, I'll take anything I can get.


Originally Posted by knowom (Post 231323)
Very awesome Packet and Zaela for providing the great tool that aided in the creation of it.

I didn't help create the tool. This is all Zaela.

Zaela_S 06-17-2014 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231317)
I'm not entirely certain how alpha masking has changed within EQG's so I'm going to assume that it still uses the old black n' white masking. We'll see.

Okay well looking at some things it appears it just uses the alpha channel for transparency like some kind of reasonable thing. Too used to S3D format myself, I expected some kind of wrinkle ;p Haven't tested in-game but seems likely.

knowom 06-17-2014 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Packet (Post 231326)
I don't think that's a big deal. Honestly, I really don't mind keeping the files in the same project folder. I just assumed this was native. At this point, I'll take anything I can get.

I didn't help create the tool. This is all Zaela.

What I was referring to was the zone you created or are creating I should say? Along with Zaela's tool that helped or is helping with part of the creation of it.

Secrets 06-17-2014 07:00 AM

messed around with this a bit and gamecube model rips.

Super Smash Quest?


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