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-   -   PEQ Database Editor 1.0 (for servers 0.6.4 and up) (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20073)

John Adams 08-22-2007 11:17 AM

I change it all the time, but I do not share. That's the kinda guy I am. :p

I see no license info, but the ProjectEQ site will likely have more info. I believe it's their editor.

gernblan 08-24-2007 10:47 AM

My copy is also heavily (and I mean heavily) modified.

I cannot help but think that it would benefit everyone if we actually had a place to share all of our "changes". From what i could gather from posting on their forums, PEQ seems only to be interested in making it compatible with their database. They don't seem to be all that concerned about what happens once you download their db and add content of your own to it. New spawns, for example, break it and won't show up without doing a mod to the editor (due to the fact that new spawns don't get assigned an NPCID that fits into their "range of zonenumber+0..999" focus). In other words, they key on NPCID (which is silly) rather than zone the mob is spawned in (which makes sense). There's a thread about it I started. Cavedude told me no, won't fix it in the default distrib, the editor is working as intended.

I guess I'm just not getting it.

gernblan 08-24-2007 10:54 AM

I meant zonenumber+000..999 sorry... by the time I noticed that typo, my 5 minutes of editing my post grace expired.

cavedude 08-24-2007 11:40 AM

I replied to your post, but basically after some testing your way does cause noticeable slow downs on machines with heavy load. When dealing with PHP you want things as fast as possible and an extra query will not do that.

I understand the issue concerning the IDs, and I'd assume other people would have the same issue. For that, feel free to distribute your change. That's the beauty of open source, if you need the program to do something other than what the author had intended, you can.

People who create mobs out of game using the editor or queries would benefit from the stock way. It creates a more tidy db and as I said the editor performs better under heavy loads. Those who rather build in-game would most certainly benefit from your change, which for many people is a lot more user friendly.

Angelox 08-24-2007 12:05 PM

This link is dead, and I had lost his update when my server died some time ago - I restored from back up, but he had a lot more good data on his fixes.
does anyone have this and can post a link for me?


Originally Posted by EliteSting (Post 127488)
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet or not , I can't find it using the search function. I added in the functionality to edit Omens of War zones , and also added in the new bodytypes for that expansion. Hope someone finds it usefull.

PEQ DB Editor v. 1.1

gernblan 08-25-2007 07:00 PM

Indeed, if I can finx that copy I am happy to combine with my fixes and I will even host it. I have bandwidth to burn.

Cavedude, thank you. I wasn't going to distribute any fixes or changes because I wasn't sure if it actually WAS open source.

Since you have now declared that it is, problem is solved. Everybody wins (as is always the case with open source). Thank you.

And yes, Angelox, let me know if you find that code. I'll combine it with my fixes (including many header updates, etc.) and put it up for everyone, on my dime.

gernblan 08-25-2007 07:06 PM

I have a version that I did too that has everything all the way through Titanium (all expansions). All zones, all races, etc.

I'll prepare that for release now that I know that I can.

I'll also host any mods or changes that anyone else makes to it that will improve it, and of course will keep Cavedude in the loop.

My version will have the "edit the mob based on spawn location, not it's NPCID range" change made to it. For more info on that, see the PEQeditor forums on the PEQ site.

teraphina 03-04-2008 04:15 AM

noticed something, in the npc edit there isnt a field to edit the npcs mana pool can you guys add that?

cavedude 03-04-2008 04:21 AM

There is no mana stat. Mana is derived from a NPC's level, class, WIS/INT, etc exactly like players.

teraphina 03-04-2008 04:44 AM

ok i see now thanks

Angelox 04-23-2008 08:58 AM

I tried to sort out the stickys here - basically i wanted to keep up top what's being supported, since the tools quickly get out dated and troublesome once the support quits.
This tool here is probably one of the best "starter" editors , and always usable throughout your "EqEmu Career" - I've always used it from day one to now.
It's not supported by the author anymore, and I know many of you have updated it for your personal use.
It would be great to see any thing anyone has for this editor posted for the rest.
PEQ is the official database, so it needs to stay compatible with PEQ database.
maybe some of you can help keep it up to date

Angelox 11-27-2008 01:50 PM

Here's my revised and working editions of the PEQ Editor;
And my AX_CLASSIC Version.
They are mostly the same (have to be if you work with the latest source), I just changed the 'look' so I won't get confused , since sometimes work with both at the same time.

here's some things i can remeber I fixed/added;
'add a spawngroup' was completely broken, fixed and added
'add a spawngroup' now suggests a unique name, related to the zone (for mass querys and moves)
'Suggested ID' Now suggests the right spawngroup id number
runspeed suggests 1.25
respawn suggests 400

It's the most I ever did in PHP (learned a lot about PHP), looks to be working fine. This is my first database editor since day one with EqEmu, and I still use it all the time.

Since I finally decided to fix and update it, I thought I'd share it with you all, hope you enjoy it as a much as I do.

If you have any problems, find bugs or need direction, post here.

Angelox 11-28-2008 08:44 AM

For those of you asking about the missing zones in the ax_classic drop down menu, in 'lib/' , look for the zones*.php - what I did was crop out the zones I was not working with, so I could find them easier. zones.php is the active one, just rename one of the full ones to 'zones.php'. I think 'zonesFULL.php' has the most.

Remeber, your 'logs/sql_log.sql' needs full permissions if you are getting errors (pending on what permissions the assigned user has). If you notice, I have all my logs re-named and saved. These logs can be very useful, as they create usable MySql inserts of what ever work you have done.
So once you get this editor running, you can help us out by posting or sending in your log inserts. This is very simple, all you need to know is how to 'cut and paste' to the forums :).

YOUR HELP IS IMPORTANT! There really is NOT a lot of people helping out, and most of what we have goes 'custom' and rouge, keeps all they do to themselves.
A group of us never keep ANYTHING we do to ourselves, and that's why you are able to play EqEmu at home, on a public server, etc.

If you have knowledge as an Everquest Live player, on these zones we are working on - if even there is just one NPC you know doesn't drop the right item, spawn properly, or whatever, we want to know about it; this Editors log will be the simplest way to port it over to us.

cavedude 11-29-2008 02:17 PM

Just a bump, I merged the work Angelox sent me with what I had running on PEQ and put up a SVN so multiple people can contribute. The link is in the first post.

cavedude 01-23-2009 08:43 PM

Another bump to report that I just added grid support to the SVN.

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