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-   -   VZTZ is down indefinitely. Bane of Life (Custom Classic PvP) entering beta. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29125)

egerha8815k 08-03-2009 11:48 PM

I decided to quit hosting it for a few reasons, but I am not the one who pulled the plug on it. I agreed to contonue hosting until other arrangements were worked out.

I never actually played there as a toon ( except back in 2007 i got to lvl 14 then joined Daxum and Richardo as a staff member )

Alot of bad things happened, such as members of staff getting their emails hacked and social security numbers stolen along with credit card numbers etc.

I pretty much got fed up with the hackers a few months back, tried to bust some heads but other staff already knew about them and were working out some sort of deal with the hackers to find out how they were doing it and fix it, then let them stay. I am cool with that policy of cooperation, but I was not informed of the collaboration. Basicly I was kept in the dark, went off on the cheater, and got fed up with the lack of communication and left.

I got up today and check the forums around 2pm and found out the server was killed last night, turned on the server screen, and read the note from Searyx explaining he took the server down and I was pretty much right about the playerbase.

The bottom line? Dont shit where you eat, especially if the meal is provided free of charge.

And as for other PvP projects such as bane of life, I honestly wish you well. You can say that I held this and that hostage and never bought a battery backup for the server and yada yada, but you are wrong. Wonderful conspiracy theories there, you were made for each other. Sorry you hated Daxum so much, but he left the project long ago.

RichardoX 08-03-2009 11:51 PM

Bon Voyage VTZ. May you rest in peace.

BoL does seem promising. We'll see. :)

Naes 08-04-2009 12:07 AM

BoL needs to hurry up and get off the ground then. Got a crew of players frothing at the mouth for some PvP action.

sasaluge 08-04-2009 09:41 AM

go outside and get some sun til bane of life comes out then

KingMort 08-04-2009 09:54 AM

You guys can come PVP on Raid Addicts but be ready to get your asses handed to you if you do :)

Though most of the server is PVE , there are several PVP zones, and also a Priest of Discord so everyone can be PVP all the time if they want to be..

Casters pretty much rule the domain but I have seen several melee do exceptionally well.. Depends on your skill and your gear with this server.. If your under 100,000 hp well your a n00b...

See you guys soon


SatrekVZ 08-04-2009 11:11 AM

thats bs i knew u kids would ruined vtz for us folks. how hard is it to play eq with out cheating. at kurnak not the less. prolly was heresy hacking again just like they did b4. Since u dont seen tyen on server anymore. glad i stoped playing right b4 this big wipe and didnt get a big disappointed again!

barista1987 08-04-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by KingMort (Post 175904)
You guys can come PVP on Raid Addicts but be ready to get your asses handed to you if you do :)

Though most of the server is PVE , there are several PVP zones, and also a Priest of Discord so everyone can be PVP all the time if they want to be..

Casters pretty much rule the domain but I have seen several melee do exceptionally well.. Depends on your skill and your gear with this server.. If your under 100,000 hp well your a n00b...

See you guys soon


I love the constant server advertisements in almost every forum/topic.

KingMort 08-04-2009 12:42 PM

Your Welcome, Just offering a place to go for those that want some hard core action... Appreciate your comment

image 08-04-2009 02:41 PM

You know its unfortunate that emulator servers (especially pvp) have to go through the great extent of stopping cheaters/'hackers' even to the point of these people externally gaining access by other means (either getting into the box its running on or gaining access through this site).

My concern is that it is usually the same people on those pvp servers causing the same problems.. Pretty sad.. Seems this is more of a problem in the emu since we don't have any particular information (like official games have CC's tied to the accounts) we can reference to ban someone beyond an IP, but really what does that stop..

On a side note though should be very impressed with the success your project (by project I mean the work they did on the server) brought. Best of luck.

Slaede 08-04-2009 02:51 PM

as much as gronkus was an immature guy, richardo you're making yourself once again look like an even bigger *removed* by trying to pit our players against each other and against the gms etc, especially after the server's already been nuked. We can fight with each other all we want without your help, gaylord perry

RichardoX 08-04-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Slaede (Post 175934)
as much as gronkus was an immature guy, richardo you're making yourself once again look like an even bigger *removed* by trying to pit our players against each other and against the gms etc, especially after the server's already been nuked. We can fight with each other all we want without your help, gaylord perry


I don't think that was my intention but ok. I was letting people know what was going on. I'm friendly with Gronkus and I sincerely have nothing against the VTZ staff. Ofcourse, I had some issues with Daxum in the day but I'm way over that. :)

unknownhost 08-04-2009 04:22 PM

sad to see the server go. i havent played there in awhile but what i did play through i greatly enjoyed. still can say i never had anyone cheat against me but i never played much beyond the lowbie game ether ;)

the scary thing is...what server do the worst of the playerbase go to now...it may even be...YOURS!!
{sorry, just started to sound like a cheap horror movie in my head heh}

thanks for sharing this info, i did occasionaly think about going back, is good to at least know they why/whens/hows about my piddly characters fate. ;)

trevius 08-04-2009 05:00 PM

Discussion on this subject is fine (and actually kinda interesting), but anymore drama or name calling in this thread will result in at least a week long ban. We don't need the drama to be brought here. Just a friendly warning/reminder. I know this issue has got to have many people fuming, but that still isn't an excuse to break the rules here.

RichardoX 08-04-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by unknownhost (Post 175940)
thanks for sharing this info, i did occasionaly think about going back, is good to at least know they why/whens/hows about my piddly characters fate. ;)

Well, you could know what actually happened or have false hope of a server coming back. Glad to help...

Sad to see VTZ go. :/

Warell001 08-05-2009 03:57 AM

Well thats just FANTASTIC... The F***ing hacking cheaters ruined this.
I hope there is another pvp up soon.

Sensei Durell Deathstrike

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