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gaeorn 12-14-2010 08:09 AM

I notice I do not get spell information when a spell is cast even though my group leader has spell awareness group leadership ability and i'm in a 6 person group. This worked properly in SoD.

I really have no idea if all of group leadership is broken or if it is just this one feature. I have not yet looked into the code at all on this.

gaeorn 12-14-2010 11:40 PM

Also appears HoTT does not work using the UF client even though it is supposed to be enabled globally on PEQ.

Derision 12-15-2010 04:00 PM

Group leadership was completely broken. I think I have fixed it (wrong opcode). Also the HoTT opcode was wrong.

I remember Spell Awareness being spotty when I was working on SoD and I have just seen the same thing. A group of 3 players, leader casts a spell, one player gets the Soandso begins to cast a spell <Spell Name> and the other player just gets Soandso begins to cast a spell. (with no spell name).

Interestingly the toon that couldn't see the spell name was level 50, and the spell being cast was a level 56 spell. When I did a #level 65 on the toon, he could then see the spell name. I didn't think level came into it for spell awareness. Maybe it was just a coincedence.

I also comitted the fix for /dismount.

gaeorn 12-15-2010 11:27 PM

When I get a buff cast on me, for a moment I see the added hp, then it reverts to displaying the pre-buff hp. I checked with a GM and the server side is counting the buffed hp properly, so this appears to just be a cosmetic bug. If I then zone, my hp shows the proper buffed amount.

gaeorn 12-15-2010 11:34 PM

HoTT is working. I have not tested spell awareness yet but I will do so tomorrow.

Thanks so much for all the work you are doing Derision.

Derision 12-16-2010 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by gaeorn (Post 195191)
When I get a buff cast on me, for a moment I see the added hp, then it reverts to displaying the pre-buff hp. I checked with a GM and the server side is counting the buffed hp properly, so this appears to just be a cosmetic bug. If I then zone, my hp shows the proper buffed amount.

Strange, I can't reproduce this one. I tried with a few different HP buffs and my HP went up to the correct buffed amount and stayed there.

gaeorn 12-16-2010 09:22 PM

I was in a group and the hp buffs were all group buffs (bot9, symbol, fo7).

gaeorn 12-17-2010 04:42 AM

Seems there might be a problem with levitate effects too. I had flight of eagles on and got no levitate effect on the client.

Derision 12-17-2010 02:56 PM

BoT9, Fo7, flight of eagles and dead man floating all appear to work correctly for me. What size is your spells_us.txt file ? Mine is:

08/07/2010  19:29        16,680,500 spells_us.txt

gaeorn 12-17-2010 05:23 PM

It should be whatever came with UF. I have done nothing to change it. I'll get you the specifics later when I am at home.

In any case, have you tried those spells in a group on PEQ? The HP buffs most definitely work, but the added HP is only shown for a moment before it drops back to the hp prior to the buff.

I have been comparing going from unbuffed to buffed, in a group with group leadership. My displayed hp goes up with the buffs to the proper total and then drops back to my unbuffed max hp. Interestingly, for the short time it goes up, it includes the totals for all hp buffs properly before dropping back.

To me, it appears there is simply some portion of code that is sending out a hp packet with the unbuffed max hp rather than the current max hp. This packet appears to only be sent shortly after a buff landing.

The hp total from #showstats is correct in all cases, so it is only the displayed amount in the client that is wrong.

gaeorn 12-17-2010 05:34 PM

As a side note, I found out about the problem with max hp from another player on PEQ that was using the underfoot client. I have been keeping PEQ up to date with the latest code every day for the past week and the problem was still present last night.

Derision 12-17-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by gaeorn (Post 195306)
In any case, have you tried those spells in a group on PEQ?

No, I was testing on my private server. I just did a quick test on PEQ and could reproduce the problem with levitation. The first time I cast DMF, the levitate effect didn't take hold, but if I cast it again I did.

On my private server it works fine. I'll see if I can compare packets between the two over the weekend to figure out what's going on.

BTW is PEQ compiled for 64 bit ?

gaeorn 12-17-2010 09:47 PM

No, PEQ is staying 32bit unless we do a lot more testing and work on 64bit. The virtual machine it is on is 32bit as well.

gaeorn 12-20-2010 01:34 PM

It appears there are several other opcodes that need correcting. People leaving a raid does not appear to function properly. Interestingly, it changes their color in the raid list when they leave zone, but they were not removed from the list in the raid window until I had a client crash and logged back in.

There were other minor issues I ran into that I can not recall at the moment that appeared to also be opcode related. So I guess I'm going to learn how to figure out opcodes (/sigh, sounds like work, lol).

Itchybottom 12-21-2010 07:42 AM

I wasn't sure where to post this, as I've seen some chatter about moving SoD files to the Underfoot directory to get some missing assets, so I started investigating it with an old live patched version I have in my debug archive.

The following files in the Steam Underfoot client were smaller than my archived August 17, 2010 copy of EverQuest:


spellsnew.eff, dbstr_us.txt, eqstr_us.txt, racedata.txt, and spells_us.txt also differed, but I don't think they're consequential as I don't think they're missing any data for this particular client version.

Hope this list helps someone.

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