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-   -   Akka's Funhouse: Sands of Time & Visions of Morell Expanion Releases (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37239)

Akkadius 01-13-2016 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ (Post 246497)
This is a later comment, but... You are an amazing person Akkadius. You have my utmost respect. Thank You for everything you have done for the Emu and its users.

Thank you for the kind words Chaos, it means a lot to receive that level of appreciation and at the end of the day I think that's what any of us who work on this project want.

bufferofnewbies 01-13-2016 05:09 PM

Now get back to work before we dock your pay!

Samhayn 06-06-2016 04:11 PM

+1 vote for Akka's funhouse return
Hate for my first post to be a thread necro, but all of my favorite servers have been going down recently and not coming back, starting to wonder if it is me :( Wanted to add a vote for bringing back funhouse, was the first server I ever played on and the most fun. So much content, would so love to go back to it this summer. If you are still considering it Akka, I bet a lot of people would be very happy to see it.

ajstyles65 06-06-2016 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Samhayn (Post 249246)
Hate for my first post to be a thread necro, but all of my favorite servers have been going down recently and not coming back, starting to wonder if it is me :( Wanted to add a vote for bringing back funhouse, was the first server I ever played on and the most fun. So much content, would so love to go back to it this summer. If you are still considering it Akka, I bet a lot of people would be very happy to see it.

To be honest it was my 2nd emu server played but it was my most favorite and never really understood why it had to go down. Was alot of fun and there is no server today that could ever come close to being funhouse would also love to see it back up one day

Kailow 06-12-2016 05:28 PM

I had a lot of fun on this server, was hoping it was just on hiatus for a little while. Any chance that it would be coming back?

shadeknight 06-12-2016 05:44 PM

I think Akkadius is dedicated to EZ.

Akkadius 06-12-2016 11:41 PM

I shut it down because I took on running EZ, but if there really is a ton of people that want me to bring this back I just might, but I can't guarantee being able to add things to it etc. At the very least it could be up in the form that it was.

Kailow 06-13-2016 12:34 AM

Wow, that would be awesome Akkadius. Maybe do a character wipe and let people start over?

shadeknight 06-13-2016 06:50 AM

I mean, I wouldn't mind the form that it was.

Maze_EQ 06-13-2016 07:56 AM

I'd be back.

daerath 06-13-2016 09:10 AM

Never played on it, but I definitely would if it came back.

epilz 06-13-2016 10:05 AM

would def play if brought back

Maze_EQ 06-13-2016 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by epilz (Post 249395)
would def play if brought back

Imu buhd


Thorkinal 06-14-2016 10:43 AM

Bring it back Akka, let's do this.

bakajikara 06-14-2016 03:46 PM

Yeah open way it was it was something do man kill time i really loved playing there.

Some people donated bought lot donator items there and for one i did and i was be wipped i want my items back lol

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