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fathernitwit 09-27-2007 04:02 PM

thanks... installed... hope it helps.

I am still interested in hearing why you think that the day of the month field did not require people to cutsomize their bots to attack it...

Angelox 09-27-2007 06:47 PM

Looks like that captcha was a waste of time;
seen how the newest spam bomb was at 2:30 am and FNW must have placed fix before he posted at 12:00 am

Maybe these are spam bot accounts already registered and need to be removed?

boogerific 09-27-2007 10:50 PM

All cleaned up again. Some of those bot logins did look familiar. Looks like the only way to know for sure is delete 'em and see if new ones show up. I also wonder if every one of them are actually bots.

Docs 09-27-2007 10:57 PM


Maybe these are spam bot accounts already registered and need to be removed?
Could not agree more. Tight ship

Angelox 09-27-2007 11:27 PM

I've been thinking about this, and in the Forums here we have always deleted spam and banned spam-bots. Shutting down memberships was just a move to ease the problem of deleting/banning the spam-accounts - Once done, the spam stopped.
But in Wikkis case, no one has ever banned or deleted any accounts, so there could be hundreds if not thousands of spam-bot Wikki members; this will be a problem of its own.
Might be easier/faster to delete all Wikki accounts and start over again, or just use the forum memberships instead (all Wikki posters are here anyways)- We may never see the end of Wikki spammers no matter what. One spam bot could have 50 accounts with one active (next one will pop up when you delete the first)

boogerific 09-28-2007 12:22 AM

Deleting all accounts and starting over sounds like a good idea to me.

Lalolyen 09-28-2007 08:15 AM

Yeah captcha is not going to help if the bot accounts are pre-existing.

Angelox 09-28-2007 11:08 AM

I'm asking FNW to go ahead and delete all the current Wikki accounts , so we can just start over. I figure the ones of us who are posting Wikki data can just re-make their same account. I think this will be best, but if anyone doesn't think this is a good idea, please post now. If FNW agrees, I'll make a related anouncement.

Lalolyen 09-28-2007 01:07 PM

101 Thumbs up....

Lalolyen 09-28-2007 01:17 PM


Bad day of month. Server is EDT, so try tomorrow (:
Today IS the 28th =P


$today = getdate(time());
$show_date = $today['mday'];

$show_date will return the day of the month =)

Angelox 09-28-2007 03:32 PM

FNW is going for the spam-bots and not deleting the user base, 144 already deleted. If you see more active spam bots, make a list and post here.

Those who are repairing Wikki: make sure you know how to revert pages to previous versions - Edit the page and delete the spam, is not quite the right way to do it.
All original history is still there, just not visible ;
Click on the date thing to the right of "page history" at the bottom and then click on the dated link on the history list you can re-edit and re-save the older revision. Also, In your user options, you can edit the "page revision list limit", then you can always get back to pre-spam data.

Most of the above is quoted from conversation with FNW on IRC tonite.

Thanks for your help!

boogerific 09-28-2007 09:49 PM

On the "page revision list limit", its default is 20 in my settings. What setting would be best? Also, is it ok to get to the history by just clicking on the history link next to a page on recent changes list?

boogerific 09-28-2007 10:03 PM

I understand the reasoning behind using the history to get rid of the spam but I'm on dialup. It takes a long time for the history to load so I won't be able to clean the wiki up in one session like I was doing. I'll just have to do it bit by bit as time permits. :)

boogerific 09-28-2007 10:14 PM

Cool! Some others are editing too so this will be done in no time! :)

boogerific 09-29-2007 01:03 PM

I just peeked at the recent changes and it's looking pretty good! So is the captcha successful? :)

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