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Wolftousen 04-14-2010 07:56 PM

Ok, i have been paying more attention when I use those pants. It happened again, but I did not have a target of any kind when i clicked them. Same issues occured after until I zoned.

This has happend in 2 locations as far as I have been paying attention: PoTactics (while buffing at zone in) and LDONs. I haven't ventured outside of that much since i've been back (at least while playing my BL).

robinreg 04-14-2010 08:45 PM

Not sure if this is a known bug or not. but sometimes when I move forward with the up arrow key and using the mouse to manuever the character, the character gets flips to the side when I scroll back using the mouse scrolling instead of scrolling back directly behind the character. It does not happen every time though so it's really not a major thing. it usually straighten out when I shake the mouse back into the right position.

Wolftousen 04-14-2010 10:00 PM

Clarification on the error with the BL, if I do not have a target and click the pants, I get the immediate error:

"You must first select a target for this spell!"
"Your spell is interrupted"

But the cast bar appears and keeps going. Ducking, moving or using /stopcast doesn't stop it.

If i have any target at all, the pants work as they should giving my pet the buff. Though my target doesn't change to my pet when i click them.

robinreg 04-14-2010 10:01 PM

I went and played around a bit with the mouse scrolling and stuff after posting. I haven't had side scrolling when scrolling out with the mouse. Maybe it's a bug on my computer. I just noticed it a few days ago and thought i should post it.

trevius 04-15-2010 03:02 AM

I haven't noticed any odd camera issues other than it being able to see under the world easier if you are in 3rd person compared to previous clients, but that is exactly how it is on Live still currently.

As for the clicky problem, it makes more sense now I think. Sounds like we may have a problem with interrupting casts. If it doesn't get the interrupt and never gets the finish casting packet(s), it can definitely bug your client like that. So, maybe we just have the interrupt opcode incorrect or something. I will check it out. Thanks :)

EDIT: Yeah, I can duplicate the bug if I don't have a target like you mentioned. I am thinking maybe the client knows to expect the item to cast the spell, but not getting what it expects when it fails. Still investigating.

robinreg 04-15-2010 10:49 PM

I noticed the ability harm touch / layhands are missing in SoD. I went and check out on titanium and SoF and it shows up on there in the skill window when you hit on one of the box in the ability tab. I don't see it anywhere on SoD. Not sure about the other classes. I know on live it shows on AA and ability window.

Wolftousen 04-16-2010 01:28 AM

SoD client refuses to reconnect if you're connection to the internet shuts down and restarts. I have my desktop being fed internet from my laptop via cross over cable and dog ripped it out (little prong locks are gone sadly, and thankfully...) and i immediately plugged it back in and watched as my link bar never came back....

Annoying to say the least b/c it caused a wipe...

trevius 04-16-2010 03:55 AM

Wolf, I think any client will do that if the connection is gone long enough. I don't know if you can blame SoD for your dog ripping out the cable! :P

And thanks, robinreg, I will try to check on LoH and HT soon.

gaeorn 04-16-2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Wolftousen (Post 186589)
SoD client refuses to reconnect if you're connection to the internet shuts down and restarts. I have my desktop being fed internet from my laptop via cross over cable and dog ripped it out (little prong locks are gone sadly, and thankfully...) and i immediately plugged it back in and watched as my link bar never came back....

Annoying to say the least b/c it caused a wipe...

I'm pretty sure this is a caveat of windows networking and should affect all clients equally. In my experience, if you loose link on an ethernet port, windows closes all connections via that interface immediately.

ChaosSlayerZ 04-18-2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by robinreg (Post 186582)
I noticed the ability harm touch / layhands are missing in SoD. I went and check out on titanium and SoF and it shows up on there in the skill window when you hit on one of the box in the ability tab. I don't see it anywhere on SoD. Not sure about the other classes. I know on live it shows on AA and ability window.

I just like to say - when the devs will be looking into the issue above, would you PLEASE consider taking this into account??



Wolftousen 04-22-2010 02:29 PM

Endurance forumla...

It seems to still be off by a small margin.

My berserker on PEQ has 5253 / 5793 constantly if it's "full"...

Feel free to look at his gear with the peq magelo if that helps.

Wolftousen 04-22-2010 03:11 PM

Hmm, maybe the calcs aren't off. But it's acting very weird when i try to regen past that point... it acts like it can't. I just check again and am at 5753/5793 and holding.

Is endurance regen working properly?

trevius 04-22-2010 03:54 PM

Hmm, is it 5253/5793 or 5753/5793? You mentioned it one way in the first post and another way in the second.

If it is 5753/5793, then it is probably about as good as it is going to get for right now at least. I would prefer it to be 40 over to being 40 under, because at least then people can show 100% on their screen instead of dwindling on 99% or whatever. I don't know if PEQ allows it, but if so, you might want to check the #mystats command to see what the server thinks you have.

If it is 5253/5793, then something must be off still. You didn't mention your char name or link the magelo, so not sure if gear may be related.

Either way, the HP/Mana/Endurance formulas are certainly not 100% perfect and may never be completely perfect. HP is closer than Mana/End, because it is a less complex formula. If Mana/End are still off by a fair amount, I will definitely take another look into what needs further adjustment until they are acceptable. I wish I could have gotten them perfect, but there is some part that I just can't get to work for every level/stat combo perfectly.

robinreg 04-24-2010 02:09 PM

Hi Trev, I saw the posting on projecteq about the ht/loh AA. I did found the sk AA listing and what rank and cost for harm touch. http://www.evilgamer.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5784 There is a link Spreadsheet with level and ranks and it shows what level for harm touch on there. Hope this helps.

trevius 04-25-2010 07:12 AM

Thanks, I will make note of what that had:


Harm Touch
Rank: A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C
Cost: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9

    * Damage per rank (Rank/Instant/Per Tick/Total): 11/7921/2783/27401, 12/8121/2853/28093, 13/11921/4188/41238, 14/14561/5116/50370, 15/17761/6240/61440, 16/21681/7617/75000
    * The first ten ranks are free on levels 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, and 46. You still have to train them.
    * Has a long recast time. The DoT portion does not stack. It causes huge aggro.
    * The numbers look sexy on their own but are only okay when content inflation, lack of stacking, and recast time are taken into effect.

Looks like we will probably have to add special code or table fields to support how these AAs are actually given out. Until then, I think how it is setup now should at least do to get them the basic skills.

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