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Secrets 09-29-2009 02:17 AM

I'll actually code this just so we can get this working, instead of arguing it pointlessly :P

KLS 09-29-2009 03:02 AM

He's right, here's some very simple code demonstrating the concept:


void command_optest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
                        case 1:
                                        const ItemInst* inst = c->GetInv().GetItem(29);
                                                uint32 slot_id = atoi(sep->arg[2]);
                                                if(slot_id >= 400 && slot_id <= 404)
                                                        c->SendItemPacket(slot_id, inst, ItemPacketTributeItem);

Makes the client gain the stats of the item in your lower right inventory slot without equiping it. It's somewhat complicated in terms of a client hack but in theory yes it could certainly work.

trevius 09-29-2009 05:08 AM

Awesome! I forgot about tribute being invisible item slots. That should work perfectly, and as far as hacks go, at least that would be a fairly clean one as far as the client is concerned.

ChaosSlayerZ 09-29-2009 11:23 AM

this not gonna screw up the actual tribute in anyway? Not that I care much for tribute, but I am just curious.
Also - since this is a fix for SoF - will people running T be adversely affected?
Since post 75 T client shows hp correctly already.

Davood 09-29-2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ (Post 179411)
this not gonna screw up the actual tribute in anyway? Not that I care much for tribute, but I am just curious.
Also - since this is a fix for SoF - will people running T be adversely affected?
Since post 75 T client shows hp correctly already.

Well in the sever handshake; the server knows if the client is running titanium or SoF; therefore you can run the extra code just for the SoF clients.

KLS 09-29-2009 05:21 PM

That or you can not be lazy and I don't know account for the tribute in there too. That's what I meant by somewhat complicated.

Secrets 10-19-2009 11:20 PM

I hacked up the tribute code and came up with this.

tribute.cpp, replaced the entire function


void Client::DoTributeUpdate() {
        const Item_Struct* myitem = database.GetItem(1001);
        Item_Struct* item = (Item_Struct*) malloc(sizeof(Item_Struct));
        memcpy(item, myitem, sizeof(Item_Struct));

        if(GetLevel() >= 76 && this->GetClientVersion() == EQClientSoF)
                item->HP += (CalcBaseHP() - 5);
                item->Mana += (CalcMaxMana() - 5);
                item->Endur += (this->max_end - 5);

        const Item_Struct* item2 = item;
        ItemInst* myinst = database.CreateBaseItem(item2);
        SendFakeItem(400, myinst, ItemPacketTributeItem);

inventory.cpp, new function


void Client::SendFakeItem(sint16 slot_id, ItemInst* inst, ItemPacketType packet_type)

        if (!inst)
        // Serialize item into |-delimited string
        string packet = inst->Serialize(slot_id);
        EmuOpcode opcode = OP_Unknown;
        EQApplicationPacket* outapp = NULL;
        ItemPacket_Struct* itempacket = NULL;
        // Construct packet
        opcode = (packet_type==ItemPacketViewLink) ? OP_ItemLinkResponse : OP_ItemPacket;
        outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(opcode, packet.length()+sizeof(ItemPacket_Struct));
        itempacket = (ItemPacket_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
        memcpy(itempacket->SerializedItem, packet.c_str(), packet.length());
        itempacket->PacketType = packet_type;
#if EQDEBUG >= 9


and the corresponding header function in Client.h


void        SendFakeItem(sint16 slot_id, ItemInst* inst, ItemPacketType packet_type);
and lastly, make it so every time a player gains a level that it recalculates tributes & sends a new item, effectively granting the player a new stat, exp.cpp:




        if(!RuleB(Character, HealOnLevel))
                int mhp = CalcMaxHP();
                if(GetHP() > mhp)
                SetHP(CalcMaxHP());            // Why not, lets give them a free heal

that should do it. most of the hard work is done.

Also, I would change 1001 to a blank item, or use a non-used ID like 10 for the item. That will resolve adding AC to the client.

Other than that, it works.

Secrets 10-19-2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Secrets (Post 180283)
and lastly, make it so every time a player gains a level that it recalculates tributes & sends a new item, effectively granting the player a new stat, exp.cpp:

I would actually add it into CalcBonuses(); near the end, since that's the most logical place for it, seeing as it needs to be updated every time your hp/mana/end is changed, now that I think about it :p

Secrets 10-19-2009 11:42 PM

As per KLS' suggestion, I should use new instead of malloc(), so I am going to. I should also free memory :P


void Client::DoTributeUpdate() {
        const Item_Struct* myitem = database.GetItem(1001);
        Item_Struct* item = new Item_Struct;
        memcpy(item, myitem, sizeof(Item_Struct));

        if(GetLevel() >= 76 && this->GetClientVersion() == EQClientSoF)
                item->HP += (CalcBaseHP() - 5);
                item->Mana += (CalcMaxMana() - 5);
                item->Endur += (this->max_end - 5);

        const Item_Struct* item2 = item;
        ItemInst* myinst = database.CreateBaseItem(item2);
        SendFakeItem(400, myinst, ItemPacketTributeItem);
        delete item;
        delete myinst;

KLS 10-20-2009 02:57 PM

I'm pretty sure this kills some tribute functionality which isn't acceptable but based on what's here we can rewrite this to be more consistent with our codebase:


void Client::DoTributeUpdate()
        const Item_Struct* myitem = database.GetItem(1001);
        Item_Struct* item = new Item_Struct(*myitem);

        if(GetLevel() >= 76 && this->GetClientVersion() == EQClientSoF)
                item->HP += (CalcBaseHP() - 5);
                item->Mana += (CalcMaxMana() - 5);
                item->Endur += (this->max_end - 5);

        ItemInst* myinst = database.CreateBaseItem((const Item_Struct*)item);
        SendItemPacket(400, myinst, ItemPacketTributeItem);

And there isn't a point in making a SendFakeItem() when it copies SendItemPacket word for word. All that said I think it's an acceptable proof of concept and I think we can put it into action. =p

Midgett 06-27-2010 03:43 AM

SoF Bugs
I know much of the attention has turned toward SoD atm. I just wanted to throw this out there since they are bugs. I am using SoF, of course.

I am currently using peqdb_rev1549 and EQEmu_rev1552. I noticed when I cast any spell, the casting time doesn't complete before the spell lands.
I noticed that using Titanium also. This is something new that hasn't happen before.

If I drop an illusion, or an illusion wears off, the facial features do not show correctly (the hair). It does show correctly when I zone.
In titanium, it shows correctly. Seems like an appearance bug (#race 0) exclusive to SoF.

joligario 06-27-2010 06:33 AM

Not new on Titanium as far as I can remember. Do you have any spell time reduction items or AAs? I think that's when I started noticing the short casting time.

Midgett 06-27-2010 09:27 PM


Not new on Titanium as far as I can remember. Do you have any spell time reduction items or AAs? I think that's when I started noticing the short casting time.
I started a new druid and #level him to 70. I then scribed beneficial spells to test. With no AAs and no gear, the casting bar empties before the spell lands. So I went through and only equiped one item at a time to see if I could track it down. With no AAs still, I tracked it down to 'Elegant Defiant Leather Boots'. It does have an effect that reduces casting time.

Usually when an AA or piece of gear reduces casting time, that usually means the casting bar starts at the new reduced time and empties out before the spell lands (ex. Egress and evac spells with AAs). That doesn't seem to be the case here. It's not finishing before the spell lands.

As for the appearance bug, no AA or piece of gear seems to have an effect.

I haven't played EQ since PoR expansion so things might have changed since the day. I am going by past memories; but then again, I didn't have gear that nice when I quit. :-P

Hope this helps!

trevius 06-27-2010 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Midgett (Post 189188)
If I drop an illusion, or an illusion wears off, the facial features do not show correctly (the hair). It does show correctly when I zone.
In titanium, it shows correctly. Seems like an appearance bug (#race 0) exclusive to SoF.

As for the appearance issue from illusions on SoF; unfortunately, nothing can be done about that. The issue is that they must have been in the process of changing the illusion packet structure when they released the SoF retail disks, and some bugs were caused by their changes that weren't resolved until later. The main issue is that hair for any player race other than Humans only shows up as 1 default hair style instead of the style it is set to. Even when you remove an illusion or use #race 0, it sets your race back by sending another illusion packet, which is why the hair issue is still seen. This is a client issue/bug, and cannot be fixed. This is not an issue on the SoD client, so they must have fixed it sometime between SoF and SoD. Just one of the many reasons to upgrade from SoF to SoD, not to mention that SoD is much more stable than SoF and even Titanium.

Midgett 06-29-2010 06:48 AM


As for the appearance issue from illusions on SoF; unfortunately, nothing can be done about that. The issue is that they must have been in the process of changing the illusion packet structure when they released the SoF retail disks, and some bugs were caused by their changes that weren't resolved until later. The main issue is that hair for any player race other than Humans only shows up as 1 default hair style instead of the style it is set to. Even when you remove an illusion or use #race 0, it sets your race back by sending another illusion packet, which is why the hair issue is still seen. This is a client issue/bug, and cannot be fixed. This is not an issue on the SoD client, so they must have fixed it sometime between SoF and SoD. Just one of the many reasons to upgrade from SoF to SoD, not to mention that SoD is much more stable than SoF and even Titanium.
Thx for taking a look at this Trevius. At least the illusion bug is confirmed.

Did that second bug description make any sense? Were you able to duplicate it?

As for SoD, I am reading great things about it on the forums. I paid $20 for my SoF disc set last summer at Game Stop, and already it's becoming obsolete --LOL!
But, that's a GREAT thing! That means the project has really been flying.

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