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KingMort 01-22-2013 04:43 PM

What do you mean tedious you buy one portal stone sets the thing so your whole guild can travel there until someone changes it just like live :) seems it would be more tedious saying a phrase for all your alts. Good to see ya hope to see you in game soon :)


Aonelyn 01-22-2013 05:05 PM

Word, I just meant the whole zoning over to zone somewhere else aspect. It's all good though!

KingMort 01-22-2013 06:07 PM

Ah yeah true, maybe I can just add that same feature some where in kerra so you don't have to zone anywhere :)


Aonelyn 01-22-2013 06:43 PM

Omnipotence "Fighter" falls off way too often. I can just spam the buff, but that gets tedious. Other than that I'm having a blast.

KingMort 01-23-2013 02:23 AM


Watch this, until we get a fix going, I am upgrading binary's but world and zone won't compile not sure wtf is up

Aonelyn 01-23-2013 02:41 AM

Mort, is there anyway to salvage the old player wiki?

KingMort 01-23-2013 12:16 PM

I wish, it was hacked and deleted, as well as the old forums and website. That's why I decided to start making my Giga list of known content, which right now is about twice the size as the one posted above , I'm going to wait till It's finished then post it again however I'll be keeping an up to date copy available to people on the website's front page there just click Read More under the article to see the full list.

The server is going to have to stay down until I can upgrade the binary's , because characters keep getting corrupted also I think there might be some issues with some spells so may have to revert to older spell files.

Right now I have gotten as far as adding in my changes to the very latest build and compiled it however for some reason World and Zone didn't compile so I have to figure that out.

Anyway any help from the community getting things compiled would be greatly appreciated :)


lerxst2112 01-23-2013 02:39 PM

If you don't post your errors how would we even guess what the problem was?

KingMort 01-23-2013 05:13 PM

Yeah was late last night when I tried and just gave up and went to sleep, I will try again today when I get off work and post what errors i'm getting .. Thanks good point :)

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