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Angelicus6 08-28-2018 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by djeryv (Post 259969)
It is good to start a new topic on this because one day...someone else will search for a question like you have and will hopefully find an answer easier.

Honestly, I would have just outright answered your question if I knew what to do. I just don't know which files you will need to copy and/or edit.

No worries! I did start another topic and have been searching for an answer on google. So far all I have been able to find is how to change it client side, but not server side.

Other than that I was able to get your solo server package up and running.

Element D 08-28-2018 07:22 PM

Sourced! Woohoo!

Thanks for the reassurance and help learning how this works. Very much appreciated.

Also, thanks again djeryv for all the work putting this together.


Bruser555 08-28-2018 08:10 PM

Where are the installer files for this solo server package? Was looking to possibly help my SQL poor skills while making a solo server for me and a friend.

Do you have specific instructions from start to finish? Maybe I am missing the location...

Sounds like the type of start I need for a server.

Element D 08-28-2018 08:46 PM

Original post from djeryv has a Google drive Link in it. There is a readme.txt file in the zip file. If you can't figure it out from that (as I could not) pretty much every post from John C in this thread is gold.

djeryv 08-29-2018 05:50 AM

As said previously, make sure you get a server up and running first. Don't worry about my solo server package until that point. Once you have a functioning server, follow the directions in the README. You simply copy some files to a specific folder, and then load up my database changes into your everquest database (usually called PEQ). Start the server and you are off and running.

Having a server for you and a friend is a perfect use for this. It lets you play alone and lets you play one character at that. I appreciate the bot system and think it is far more useful than the mercenary system...but I feel that bots can kinda ruin the experience of playing a character to its strength.

As an example, if you use bots...you may create a cookie-cutter group. So you make a cleric character and then you make a fighter and wizard bot to go with you. Then you decide to make a wizard character and then you make a fighter and cleric bot. I found that when I played this way...I played each character pretty much the same and approached it like a a group as if I was playing Baldur's Gate.

I would prefer having the monsters adjusted and then approach areas and problems differently based on the character I made. It just lets you explore the character better when all you have with you is your skills and spells. I also think bots can kinda spoil the nicety of the pet-having classes like mages and necromancers. I make a necromancer because I want to have that skeleton following me around. It is one of the things that make that class fun to play.

Angelicus6 08-29-2018 09:40 AM

Are all mobs soloable? So epic quests can be done solo?

djeryv 08-29-2018 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Angelicus6 (Post 259982)
Are all mobs soloable? So epic quests can be done solo?

There is no way to tell since the world is so massive that I would have to test this by killing everything with every character type.

My only testing was my friends and I playing it over the years, and we never ran into anything we couldn't beat. If it was yellow...it was hard. If it was white...we would probably win. If it were blue...we were pretty much sure to win. That is really all we wanted to achieve. We have characters that reached level 55-60 playing this way.

krv62 08-30-2018 01:54 PM

Doors in Gloomingdeep acting like Portals
Sorry if this was already brought up, I didn't read through all the posts.

The player.pl file included in this package causes ALL Doors (jail cell and Fort) to act as portals to your Home City.

The code in player.pl that is to blame:

my $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql();

$nth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT class, race, deity FROM character_data WHERE name='$name'");
@row = $nth->fetchrow_array();
my $n_class = $row[0];
my $n_race = $row[1];
my $n_deity = $row[2];

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT zone_id, x, y, z, heading FROM start_zones WHERE player_class=$n_class AND player_deity=$n_deity AND player_race=$n_race");
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $zn_id = $row[0];
my $zn_x = $row[1];
my $zn_y = $row[2];
my $zn_z = $row[3];
my $zn_head = $row[4];

quest::movepc($zn_id, $zn_x, $zn_y, $zn_z, $zn_head);

I don't have a code fix for it, I just reverted back to my original player.pl file and all is good.

djeryv 08-30-2018 02:17 PM

This should be fixed now as I simply told the PL script to use doorid 11 to run that section (which is the cave). The main upload has been updated as well.

Anyone who already got this package, just replace your player.pl file (in the tutorialb folder) with this:



        quest::movepc(189,18, -147, 19.6, 0);

        if(!defined $qglobals{tutbind} && $ulevel == 1)
        if(!defined $qglobals{tutpop})
                quest::popup("Join the revolution!", "Welcome to the Revolt! You have been given two new quests:
                        <br><br><c \"#FFFF00\">Rally with Rahtiz:</c><br>If you are ready to begin fighting for the revolt,
                        hail Guard Rahtiz and see where you are needed.<br><br><c \"#FFFF00\">Basic Training:</c><br>If you
                        would like more training on the finer points of Everquest, speak with Arias and he will direct you to other knowledgeable
                        members of the slave revolt.<br><br><c \"#F07F00\">Click 'OK' to continue.</c>");
        if($ulevel > 15 && $status < 80)
                $client->Message(15,"You are too high in level to be in this zone.");

                my $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql();
                $nth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT class, race, deity FROM character_data WHERE name='$name'");
                @row = $nth->fetchrow_array();
                my $n_class = $row[0];
                my $n_race = $row[1];
                my $n_deity = $row[2];
                $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT zone_id, x, y, z, heading FROM start_zones WHERE player_class=$n_class AND player_deity=$n_deity AND player_race=$n_race");
                @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
                my $zn_id = $row[0];
                my $zn_x = $row[1];
                my $zn_y = $row[2];
                my $zn_z = $row[3];
                my $zn_head = $row[4];
                quest::movepc($zn_id, $zn_x, $zn_y, $zn_z, $zn_head);

        if ($task_id == 34)
                quest::ze(15, "A cheer arises from the slaves as the last of the Kobold overseers fall.");
  if ($task_id == 28 && $activity_id == 1) {
    $client->Message(0,"Vahlara bows as you return. 'Just in time. Many are wounded and more arrive by the hour. If you can find any Gloomingdeep silk, bring it to me and I can reward you with more burlap clothing. It's not much, but it's nicer than the rags these kobolds left us with.'");


        if( $doorid == 11 )
                my $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql();
                $nth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT class, race, deity FROM character_data WHERE name='$name'");
                @row = $nth->fetchrow_array();
                my $n_class = $row[0];
                my $n_race = $row[1];
                my $n_deity = $row[2];
                $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT zone_id, x, y, z, heading FROM start_zones WHERE player_class=$n_class AND player_deity=$n_deity AND player_race=$n_race");
                @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
                my $zn_id = $row[0];
                my $zn_x = $row[1];
                my $zn_y = $row[2];
                my $zn_z = $row[3];
                my $zn_head = $row[4];
                quest::movepc($zn_id, $zn_x, $zn_y, $zn_z, $zn_head);

Element D 09-03-2018 10:05 PM

Find Item System "prophetess of Norrath"
My wife and I are really enjoying the Solo Package so far and have made liberal use of the SOW Barbarian in POK. We're looking for certain items from the Prophetess, but neither of us have been able to get her to recognize our quires.

We hail her and click the item link where the explanation says to use 'M:something'. Do you need to use the /say to get it to function? Do we need to actually type it out as a question? I've tried clicking item, then /say M:*Tunic.
It just shows me saying it in the dialog window with no response.

djeryv 09-04-2018 06:57 AM

Not sure what your issue may be. I attached a screenshot of me asking about a cloth cap. I never use the /say commands I just hit ENTER to either go into the chat box or click there with my mouse. Make sure you have the two extra tables added to your database as well.


Element D 09-04-2018 12:21 PM

Hmm, I don't see an attachment picture on your post. Not sure what two extra tables you mean. I've copied the .pl files including the prophetess one the the global folder, then sourced the Solo_Server.sql with the two POK book locations removed. I did not use the craft_merchant.sql though. Is that what i'm missing?

I didn't use it because it has no data in the file for me to copy and paste the same way I did the other sql file. File size is 8bytes but notepad and Ultra Edit show nothing. (although Ultra edit does show 5 blank lines)

Element D 09-04-2018 12:30 PM

I do see the image now. Switched to a laptop, Phone browser didn't show it for some reason.

djeryv 09-04-2018 01:06 PM

I updated the package to get rid of that empty file.

In your database, do you have these two tables...


...or maybe you figured it out?

Element D 09-04-2018 03:07 PM

That last post was just an acknowledgment that i did see the image. That was exactly what i was doing when i tried the item search too. Something is still amiss.

I do have both of those entries in my database. They're at the bottom of the 'peq'. _item_search is 6.5MiB, and _craft_mechant is 112 KiB.

The latter seems to have only three entries. Item, name, and cost.

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