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-   -   New Tool: Migrate NPC's (spells/faction/loot/spawn/move/items) from PEQ <=> Cavedude (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=21441)

sdabbs65 09-12-2006 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by sdabbs65
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime
, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("350904","281356","nexus","0.977219","19.124527", "-30.247982","139.125000","1200","0","0","0",);

after adding 2 more "0","0" at the end of the field it resolved the issue
but now im trying to figgure out how to mass produce that fix.

Angelox 09-12-2006 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by sdabbs65
after adding 2 more "0","0" at the end of the field it resolved the issue
but now im trying to figgure out how to mass produce that fix.

You should better update your sql database - try these out before you try anything else;


ALTER TABLE ground_spawns ADD temp_x float NOT NULL;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET temp_x=min_x;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET min_x=min_y;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET min_y=temp_x;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET temp_x=max_x;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET max_x=max_y;
UPDATE ground_spawns SET max_y=temp_x;
ALTER TABLE ground_spawns DROP temp_x;
ALTER TABLE object ADD temp_x float NOT NULL;
UPDATE object SET temp_x=xpos;
UPDATE object SET xpos=ypos;
UPDATE object SET ypos=temp_x;
ALTER TABLE object DROP temp_x;
ALTER TABLE npc_types DROP fixedz;
ALTER TABLE npc_types ADD fixedz  float DEFAULT '0' AFTER luclin_beard;
ALTER TABLE zone_points DROP keep_x;
ALTER TABLE zone_points DROP keep_y;

these are a "collection" of updates made to the sql database
If you just add "zeros" , things could get scrambled.

Angelox 09-12-2006 05:54 AM

I just had a thought; You must be using an old version of EqEmu? you'd have to update EqEmu binarys also

sdabbs65 09-12-2006 06:38 AM

0.5.7 database

Originally Posted by Angelox
I just had a thought; You must be using an old version of EqEmu? you'd have to update EqEmu binarys also

No im converting my database to the new 0.7.0 tables.
I sourced those in and got less errors..but still get a few others.

INSERT INTO spawngroup (id, name, spawn_limit) VALUES ("' at line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at
line 1

sdabbs65 09-12-2006 06:57 AM

Final thing...
ok basicly I tried sourceing in your values and everything still didn;t work.
the only way I was able to get it to work was by adding ,"0","0"
to the end of all the spawn2 querys.

yours that don't work makes this.
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("184093","184094","tutorial","-286.071","-52.3102","33.6032","745","180","0","0","0",);

mine that works
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("184093","184094","tutorial","-286.071","-52.3102","33.6032","745","180","0","0","0","0","0" );

im not sure what fields are missing but that fixed the issue.

Angelox 09-12-2006 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by sdabbs65
ok basicly I tried sourceing in your values and everything still didn;t work.
the only way I was able to get it to work was by adding ,"0","0"
to the end of all the spawn2 querys.

yours that don't work makes this.
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("184093","184094","tutorial","-286.071","-52.3102","33.6032","745","180","0","0","0",);

mine that works
mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("184093","184094","tutorial","-286.071","-52.3102","33.6032","745","180","0","0","0","0","0" );

im not sure what fields are missing but that fixed the issue.

These are just off a post I found somewhere in the forums here, and saved - I also recall reading that support would start with a certain version, might have been as of EQEmu-0.6.3 , but maybe the Devs could help you there (i'm not sure).
If you have 0.6.0 and those start at 0.6.3, then you have to figure out what they changed before 0.6.3.

Also you could check the logs at http://www.eqemulator.net/download.php , and see if any lines got left out of what I posted for you.

zephyr325 09-12-2006 08:27 AM

Sdabbs65 -

I just noticed something about the ouput you're getting from this post:

mysql> INSERT INTO spawn2 (id, spawngroupID, zone, x, y, z, heading, respawntime
, variance, pathgrid, timeleft, _condition, cond_value) VALUES ("350904","281356
Each of those lines is 80 characters long. Also, things are getting truncated at exactly 80 characters as the "MYSQL> " prompt shortens up what the program output was to get 80 characters (7 chars as a "mysql> " and 73 "INSERT into" characters). I have double checked and there is nothing in the grabnpc.pl program that will generate a linefeed or carriage return at that point, so I'm interested in seeing an actual file that the program generates.

For example, you'd ge this kind of output if you did a "type 1001-npcname.sql" in a dos box that was 80 characters long and that's how you grabbed what you posted to us. Check out the file that it creates in some sort of text editor that will let you go longer than 80 characters in width (i.e., notepad) and see if the output from the program looks different.

Also, are you sure you're using version 0.5.6 of the grabnpc.pl program? You can tell the version number by editing it and looking at the first few lines. One of the recent changes I made was to make sure to put a set of quotes around every field for every line it outputs so that a blank/null character wouldn't produce a bad insert statement.

sdabbs65 09-12-2006 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by zephyr325
Sdabbs65 -

I just noticed something about the ouput you're getting from this post:

Each of those lines is 80 characters long. Also, things are getting truncated at exactly 80 characters as the "MYSQL> " prompt shortens up what the program output was to get 80 characters (7 chars as a "mysql> " and 73 "INSERT into" characters). I have double checked and there is nothing in the grabnpc.pl program that will generate a linefeed or carriage return at that point, so I'm interested in seeing an actual file that the program generates.

For example, you'd ge this kind of output if you did a "type 1001-npcname.sql" in a dos box that was 80 characters long and that's how you grabbed what you posted to us. Check out the file that it creates in some sort of text editor that will let you go longer than 80 characters in width (i.e., notepad) and see if the output from the program looks different.

Also, are you sure you're using version 0.5.6 of the grabnpc.pl program? You can tell the version number by editing it and looking at the first few lines. One of the recent changes I made was to make sure to put a set of quotes around every field for every line it outputs so that a blank/null character wouldn't produce a bad insert statement.

they stop at 80 because vBulletin truncated the lines.
as far as asking for help...... AH-HAH-HAHAH-HaHA...
your funny when your drunk dude.
I got it working thanks for the info it helped out a bit.

rogabean 05-25-2007 04:00 AM

I know this post is a bit old and I dislike bringing back an old thread, but does anyone have this tool still they could send me a link too as I'm not seeing it in the thread.


cavedude 05-25-2007 06:03 AM

If the purpose of this tool was to transfer data between my old db and PEQ's, then it is no longer needed. When I took over PEQ I slowly merged the two together and at this point the merger is pretty much done.

John Adams 05-25-2007 06:54 AM

This'll be a noob question (sorry, been out of it a while), but how does one get their hands on the latest-greatest PEQ.db? The link on ProjectEQ is the Luclin final release, and I think the /sql is just the schema... Is there a CVS or other downloadable source just for the current PEQ DB work?

rogabean 05-25-2007 01:29 PM

I understand that cavedude.. but I was wondering if it would be useful for importing some info from ax's database and the peq database into a new database.. I've been moving a few things by hand, but was hoping this old tool might still be around just to see if it would be of help.

and to answer John.. yes there is a CVS setup that if you check the latest server setup howto on the wiki will give you all the info on downloading it from cvs.


GeorgeS 05-25-2007 02:03 PM

Perhaps this is the file you need

If not I have about everyfile emu related from 2002


rogabean 05-26-2007 04:48 PM

Thanks! That's what I needed.

FindingKarma 04-02-2014 05:56 PM

Does this file still work?

I am wondering if I could use this to create an sql data file of an npc from the peq database?

Then I could make changes to the npc file and source it in place of the current npc. I figured this way I could make my own changes and keep both npc files as backup.

Hopefully it's not an inane question I've barely gotten started here and there's lots more to come.

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