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Null 07-15-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by GaG (Post 189821)
still does not work for me on newest db Rev it just wipes the table and stops

When you get to the login screen, does the version in the uper right hand corner of the login window say 'v1.1.9'?

Can you double check that the fields in your database are the same as the fields listed by AudioGarden21?

If they are, can you check that the user that are you using to log into mysql has proper permissions to insert/update?

GaG 07-15-2010 05:06 PM

The version is v1.19, and im using Root to login the spell fields Look the same but i might of missed one so exported them from my db and Pasted em here,
btw thanks for the Super fast responce and all your hard word on this Fine Tool

`field175` ,

Null 07-15-2010 06:35 PM

Yea, they are identical...

When you login, are the drop down menus for all the pages populated? If they are not then it might be tripping up on the file parsing for the *.h files.

Are you using the most recent version of Flash?

The only other thing I can think of is that Flash is throwing an error silently... If you download and install the debug version of flash player then you will get error popups when flash has a problem. The only issue with the debug version is that -many- websites, even well known ones have all sorts of runtime errors that you will have to click past/ignore.

Here is a link to the IE debug player

Here is a link to the Firefox/Opera/Chrome debug player

GaG 07-16-2010 01:09 AM

Yep all the menu items are there and no errors from the Flash debug version, could it have something to do with the fact im running Mysql 5.1x instead of 5.0x?

Null 07-16-2010 02:42 AM

I'm using 5.1 at home so probably not.

Can you try manually running these queries against your spells_new and let me know what happens?

TRUNCATE TABLE spells_new;

INSERT INTO spells_new(id, name, player_1, teleport_zone, you_cast, other_casts, cast_on_you, cast_on_other, spell_fades, range, aoerange, pushback, pushup, cast_time, recovery_time, recast_time, buffdurationformula, buffduration, AEDuration, mana, effect_base_value1, effect_base_value2, effect_base_value3, effect_base_value4, effect_base_value5, effect_base_value6, effect_base_value7, effect_base_value8, effect_base_value9, effect_base_value10, effect_base_value11, effect_base_value12, effect_limit_value1, effect_limit_value2, effect_limit_value3, effect_limit_value4, effect_limit_value5, effect_limit_value6, effect_limit_value7, effect_limit_value8, effect_limit_value9, effect_limit_value10, effect_limit_value11, effect_limit_value12, max1, max2, max3, max4, max5, max6, max7, max8, max9, max10, max11, max12, icon, memicon, components1, components2, components3, components4, component_counts1, component_counts2, component_counts3, component_counts4, NoexpendReagent1, NoexpendReagent2, NoexpendReagent3, NoexpendReagent4, formula1, formula2, formula3, formula4, formula5, formula6, formula7, formula8, formula9, formula10, formula11, formula12, LightType, goodEffect, Activated, resisttype, effectid1, effectid2, effectid3, effectid4, effectid5, effectid6, effectid7, effectid8, effectid9, effectid10, effectid11, effectid12, targettype, basediff, skill, zonetype, EnvironmentType, TimeOfDay, classes1, classes2, classes3, classes4, classes5, classes6, classes7, classes8, classes9, classes10, classes11, classes12, classes13, classes14, classes15, classes16, CastingAnim, TargetAnim, TravelType, SpellAffectIndex, field124, field125, deities1, deities2, deities3, deities4, deities5, deities6, deities7, deities8, deities9, deities10, deities11, deities12, deities13, deities14, deities15, deities16, field142, field143, new_icon, spellanim, uninterruptable, ResistDiff, dot_stacking_exempt, deleteable, RecourseLink, field151, field152, field153, short_buff_box, descnum, typedescnum, effectdescnum, field158, field159, field160, field161, bonushate, field163, field164, field165, EndurCost, EndurTimerIndex, field168, field169, field170, field171, field172, HateAdded, EndurUpkeep, field175, numhits, pvpresistbase, pvpresistcalc, pvpresistcap, spell_category, field181, field182, field183, field184, can_mgb, nodispell, npc_category, npc_usefulness, field189, field190, field191, field192, nimbuseffect, field194, field195, field196, field197, field198, field199, field200, field201) VALUES(3,"Summon Corpse","PLAYER_1","","","","","","",10000,0,0,0,5 000,2250,12000,0,0,0,700,70,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,25 12,2106,17355,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100, 0,1,0,0,91,254,254,254,254,254,254,254,254,254,254 ,254,5,20,14,-1,0,0,255,255,255,255,51,255,255,255,255,255,255,2 55,255,255,255,255,43,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,0,109,83,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,125 ,64,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,101,49 ,52,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0);

GaG 07-16-2010 07:39 AM

SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax: Check the Manual Thate corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near 'range, aoerange, puchback, pushup, cast_time, recovery_time. recast_time. buffdu' at line 1

AudioGarden21 07-16-2010 07:56 AM

I know exactly what he's talking about Null. I had this issue before your update as well.

Forgive me if I hadn't explained the issue as clearly as I thought.

So allow me to reiterate what's happening for me.

Step 1.

Log into the database, Load URLS and spell file from database works great now.

Step 2.

Copy any spell in the list, then click "Write Changes to Database". Check HeidiSQL and the new spell is visible, there is a copy of a custom spell of mine called "Recall". Database shows "Copy of Recall".

Step 3.

Change the name of the copy of the custom spell to "Copy of Recall Test", then click "Write Changes to Database". Check HeidiSQL and the file name is exactly the same as it was before, "Copy of Recall". No change took place.

The only function that works for me and "Write Changes to Database" is the "Copy" function. The Delete function doesn't work, nor does altering any data on a spell, including something simple like the name.

GaG's issue stems from the same issue as "Write Changes to Database". Neither functions are doing what they're supposed to do, which is alter the database.

As for "Full Write to Database" it will clear the database (it did this to me before I even posted on this thread), but it won't write anything.

Writing changes to database, full write, and delete do not write anything unfortunately. The only thing that actually writes any change to the database is the "Copy" function. You can copy something, alter it, then write that change to the database, but after you write that change you can no longer write further changes to that same spell you just copied. Basically a one-shot deal.

This applies also to spells that are in the spells_new file already.

It appears that the ability to write completely new rows is functioning only with the "Copy" function (as seen in the case when copying a spell and writing a whole new row) but you cannot update a spell after it has been inserted and saved into a row on the database.

I hope I've made it a little more clear this time around.

You've been a great help with this tool and your support for it. I'm behind it all the way and I hope that we here in this thread can make it the highlight of spell editing tools. Love ya George but you have enough tools that we all love, so you can share some of the lime-light. =p

You've done a great job Null, keep it up!

Null 07-16-2010 11:54 PM

I am pretty sure I fixed the problem. Apparently I rolled my face across the keyboard when I was updating my queries and caused a whole mess of issues. I added an error message so next time this happens it will be more apparent.

Null Spell Editor v1.1.10

Null Spell Editor v1.1.10 (No Videos)

Let me know if you have any other issues.

AudioGarden21 07-17-2010 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Null (Post 189881)
I am pretty sure I fixed the problem. Apparently I rolled my face across the keyboard when I was updating my queries and caused a whole mess of issues. I added an error message so next time this happens it will be more apparent.

Null Spell Editor v1.1.10

Null Spell Editor v1.1.10 (No Videos)

Let me know if you have any other issues.

LMAO! Well, I'm restarting my laptop (which runs my server) currently but I will be sure to check it and get back to you as soon as it's done.


Congratulations on a job well done Null. You are the frickin' man. Now all you have left is that minor issue we discussed earlier (I don't really care one way or another as long as the function of the program is operable) and you can call this a finished product ready for shipping.

I'm quite excited to have this fix to writing changes to the database because it saves me soooo much time testing spells. Before this fix I had to make the adjustments to the spell I was working on, export it, then use the GeorgeS' Spell IO program, which would take about 1 minute or 2 to finalize. Considering I only want to make a few minor adjustments to a single spell at a time, you can see how that adds up...

With this new version I can bypass all of that completely by just writing the changes and ignoring spells that are already there.

Thank you so much Null. You're a life saver. I've actually put off spell adjustments until this was fixed because I simply dreaded all the time involved in doing so.

Way to go Null, way to go. You're my new hero.

P.S. - Null for President! *throws ticker tape*


I just tested the "Delete" function and it's still on the fritz. Not that I care because deleting a spell manually isn't a big deal. As long as write changes works, I'm a happy camper. I just thought you'd like to know though.

I also tested "Full Write to Database" and that is functioning beautifully too. It does the full write AND removes spells that were deleted using the "Delete" function which fails to do it's job.

So everything is in pristine order other than the login screen layout and delete function, so once you've addressed those issues you're golden hoss.

P.S. - Your "Full Write to Database" function is probably 100 times faster than Spell IO. It literally takes about 3 seconds. A superior spell editor to anything else I've used.

Null 07-17-2010 03:16 AM

I have a fixes for delete and the positioning issue you were having, but I want to test it in the morning when I am a bit more sober.

Null 07-17-2010 08:57 PM

  • Redid Delete Functionality so that it will only mark a spell for deletion, but will not actually preform the delete until a write is preformed. (it actually works now too)
  • Improved the Searching functionality so it will take into account the search string, search filter and changed check box at the same time. Previously it would best case only take into account two of them.
  • Changed the Copy Incrementation so that if it finds a roman numeral or numeric value in the spell name, it will increment that value (III changes to IV or 3 changes to 4)
  • Added Undelete Spell and Undelete All to the menu drop downs.

    I also moved the initialization panel so that it would be fully viewable at lower resolutions.

Null Spell Editor v1.2
Null Spell Editor v1.2 (No Video)


AudioGarden21 07-18-2010 03:26 AM

I think you're done Null. Stick a fork in it.

Way to go man. I'm sure the community will be thankful for your hard work and diligence on this project. I know I am.

Have a good one Null.


Akkadius 07-24-2010 01:45 PM

Very very great editor once again. I do have one request though. An option to select a spell a reassign it to an id that is free of the lowest number (for the sake of Titanium clients). For example I weeded out spells that don't need to be used by us, but to be able to auto snap a new spell to a ID that is the lowest in the free range without conflicting and playing a guessing game would be awesome. Thanks tons Null!

Null 07-24-2010 05:39 PM

I have a new version up. If you pull your spdat.h from google code then you will need to use this version to get your pull downs populated correctly.

  • Updated the parsing for spdat.h on the latest enum formatting for google code. This change should work with the old way of formatting, so dont worry about your custom/outdated local files throwing up.
  • Added 'Set to Lowest ID' to the Spells menu. This will move a spell file to the lowest possible unused ID. It works with revert so that if you accidentally press it or otherwise decide the old id was better, you can send it back. Thanks Akkadius for this idea.
  • Did some minor text changes so that fields were a little more descriptive.

Download Links

Null Spell Editor v1.3
Null Spell Editor v1.3 (No Videos)

Enjoy the new build, and let me know if you have any issues or requests!

Bellos 07-27-2010 08:41 PM

Hey i can connect and everything but it seems like the changes are being saved to my spell file. I mean it looks like it in the editor, but when i try to add a spell to an item like a clicky. It doesnt show up in my spell list.

Im using georges item editor. Also im on titanium.

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