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Nerdgasm 05-28-2013 11:46 PM


Cannot connect to server!
Cannot connect to database "peq"

Is the error I get, all information is typed right.

Akkadius 05-28-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Nerdgasm (Post 221206)

Cannot connect to server!
Cannot connect to database "peq"

Is the error I get, all information is typed right.

Are you NATing your server? It will need to connect to your external IP (Public).

For an open public scenario (Public Address right on server) you simply need to enter your Internet facing address in the manual DB connection and your database info.

For a NAT private network scenario, you WILL need to forward ports (3306) in order for EoC to straddle your database :)

I made a drawing for this somewhere...


Akkadius 05-31-2013 08:21 PM

There's been quite abit of use of this lately. I'm waiting to hear what people think of it so far.

Cylex 06-02-2013 09:43 AM

The tool is great, and the Project Editor is amazingly useful.

There is a minor thing I noticed; when using it to create a new loot drop, it will not process the request, as there is no probability field.

ZionPhoenixGM 06-27-2013 02:31 PM

Disregard got it. was using the wrong IP

Bodmingaol 07-03-2013 02:26 AM

Never mind....lol I figured it out..../facepalm



jsr 07-04-2013 04:46 AM

this looks great, but I can't seem to get a db connection working. Here's what I've done;

1) Added port forward rule to router for TCP port 3306 to my mysql server IP

2) On the mysql server (windows 7), added firewall rule
- service MYSQL
- port 3306
- scope

3) Added a mysql user with host '%' and flushed privileges

Eq operations reports a connection error. Am I missing a step?

trevius 07-04-2013 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by jsr (Post 222195)
this looks great, but I can't seem to get a db connection working. Here's what I've done;

1) Added port forward rule to router for TCP port 3306 to my mysql server IP

2) On the mysql server (windows 7), added firewall rule
- service MYSQL
- port 3306
- scope

3) Added a mysql user with host '%' and flushed privileges

Eq operations reports a connection error. Am I missing a step?

Are you able to connect to your DB from your PC using a tool like Navicat with the same settings you are trying to use for EOC? If you try using your external IP for the connection, I think that should verify if you are setup to allow remote connections.

I don't use MySQL on windows too often, but I believe there is a setting when you install it which lets you enable remote connections. I don't know how to adjust that after installing it offhand, but you may be able to just run the MySQL install again and change that setting this time through. Make sure to backup your DB before trying anything like that just in case!

jsr 07-04-2013 07:38 AM

Nope, I can connect from local host but not to the external IP.

The only thing that feels like progress is when I use my default gateway IP, it gives an immediate connection error. Otherwise if I use my public IP (i.e. the one you'd see if you type "what's my IP" in google) or an invalid IP (201.201) it times out with a connection error.

Clearly I'm doing something wrong but I'm stumped.. I've added inbound and outbound filewall rules for port 3306 - in fact I've opened my firewall to the point where I'm sitting here paranoid, and the port forwarding is setup as per the rules for the emu server (which works fine).

If someone has this setup for a windows server and could describe the steps they took it would be great :)

p.s. I reconfigred mysql to make sure it was setup for remote connections (I think all it does is add a firewall rule).

jsr 07-04-2013 09:58 AM

Ok it was pretty straightforward in the end, I was confusing things by limiting connections to 1 .. and then using that connection to test locally :) /kick

Creating a MySQL user:
If using Navicat;
- Click 'User' on the main ribbon
- Right click 'root@localhost'
- Choose 'duplicate user'
- In the username field, change it to something preferable to root_Copy (or keep it if you think it has a nice ring to it)
- In the host field, replace 'localhost' with ''
- In the password/confirm password fields, enter a secure password. Note: A long password (e.g. dogsandcatslikerawfishfordinner) is exponentially more secure than one with uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols while also being much easier to remember
- Under the advanced tab, change 'max user connections' to 1
- Under the server privileges tab, uncheck the privileges 'File', 'Process', 'Drop', 'Shutdown', 'Super', and 'Create user' (there may be others worth disabling)
- Click Save

If you're using mysql command line you're either a) clever enough to do this part by yourself, or b) you should really get a copy of Navicat as it will improve your quality of life.

To create a filewall rule:
In windows firewall
- Click new rule
- Select 'Port' and click next
- Select 'TCP and specific local ports', enter 3306, click next
- Select 'Allow the connection', click next
- Select the appropriate network type ('domain', 'private', 'public'). This will typically be private but if in doubt tick them all. Then click next
- Enter a name for the rule (e.g. Incoming Mysql), click finish

For extra security:
- Refresh the list of rules (F5)
- Locate the new rule (e.g. Incoming Mysql) in the list, right click and choose Properties
- Under the scope tab, find Remote IP address and select 'These IP addresses'
- Click Add, select 'This IP or subnet'
- Enter
- Click Ok, and then click Ok again

jsr 07-04-2013 10:50 AM

Akkadius and Trevius, at a glance this looks fantastic and will hopefully replace the tools I've been writing for myself! I'll give it a good workout over the next month or so and provide feedback.

Any preference on how you want to track feedback?

Akkadius 07-04-2013 02:44 PM

Added your Mysql instructions to the placeholder post.

As far as feedback, I've used the tool extensively myself and I kind of know what needs to be done, however it doesn't hurt to have more.

EoC has been getting used very much but no one has been really coming forth and saying anything about it. But I know who is using it based on IP requests :)

The tools we created in it help a lot for customization development, but the PEQ Editor still is very much used by myself, very easy to setup.

Secrets 07-04-2013 03:34 PM

Make sure your MySQL connection isn't set up to use @% hostmasks. There was a pretty big exploit regarding that a few months back (that was patched in recent versions), and make sure you have a proper firewall installed for the MySQL server to prevent further exploits:


Raghnar 07-04-2013 05:13 PM

EOC is the only tool I use now. There are a few things I cannot do here that I still do by hand in the db itself, but EOC is much easier.

Task editing seems a little buggy and updates to fields sometimes do not show up, but as long as I am paying attention and know which ones I have updated then no problems and the tasks work fine.

If I am mass tuning npcs in a zone then it is usually just easier to do that in Heidi or MySQL Command Center, but for tweaking individual npcs or loot tables I use EOC.

For some reason when editing spells if the spell is checked as uninteruptable, EOC's query fails on update:

Query failed:
UPDATE spells_new SET `uninterruptable` = "on" WHERE id=1617 - Incorrect integer value: 'on' for column 'uninterruptable' at row 1

Akkadius 07-04-2013 06:07 PM

Sounds like you're using the PEQ Editor - which is going to fight with database schematic differences as well.

I've had a few things bomb out in PEQ Editor as well but nothing too crazy.

I could probably look at upgrading that partition of EOC.

As far as mass zone NPC editing type stuff, I do a lot of that through queries myself, though I have had thoughts in my head about doing mass NPC editing through EOC but I've been busy with other things.

As far as the task updating 'bug' what that really is, is you haven't changed the activity type value. This isn't necessarily an issue with you as it is the task editor should default that field to something else initially because it only 'updates' when the field has been changed, this is simple to fix. EDIT: I fixed the bug, the first field that pops up initially is '--- Select Activity Type ---' which defaults to 0, whenever the field changes it will update accordingly

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