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mattmeck 08-04-2006 03:06 PM

Asking for an ETA on working out bugs is like asking for an ETA on when I will win the lottery.

Fix one bug 2 more come up, fix another 5 more spawn.

moydock 08-04-2006 03:07 PM

Bugs make me sad :(

I dunno tho, this server sounds too good to be true. I'm starting to think it's someone elaborate plan to get back at the pvp community and there is no server!

Ellie 08-04-2006 03:09 PM

Yeah I know asking for an ETA is gauche, but if he encountered a mega disaster and it was clear the server won't be up for 24+ hours it would be good to know so I don't stay glued to the refresh button~

mattmeck 08-04-2006 04:02 PM

well his first post saying there were issues was over 17 hours ago, i wouldnt stay glued.

I am sure as soon as they get it fixed they will post it.

Smedy 08-04-2006 07:50 PM

ouch, thats sad mate, that you experience bugs, maybe if you say what the problem is someone could help you guys fix it faster? we all really want to play, ive been looking forward to this week for a long while :( dont make me wait to next friday to play !!

best wishes on solving the bug

rore 08-05-2006 04:33 AM

any update?
how you guys comming along with the bug fixes?

Smedy 08-05-2006 06:57 AM

kinda weird that we still havent gotten a single respons, i guess sony closed this project down before they even got it up for a second :/

Barl 08-05-2006 07:05 AM

The word "image" comes to mind.

mattmeck 08-05-2006 07:15 AM

Its people like the ones posting above that make people bring good servers down, or not want to run them.

Bugs happen, did you ever think there busy trying to fix them and dont want to waste time posting here? Or how about its saturday and they may have a life?

This is a game, pure and simple, people have family, jobs, lives. Just be patient and see what happens.

Droogan 08-05-2006 07:55 AM

have some patience lol

Less bugs>*

Smedy 08-05-2006 08:35 PM

Ofcourse less bugs > *

but seriously even if they now have "lives" and aint home on the weekend you would atleast expect some kind of answer why the server has been deelayed 2 days. I mean its not like they havent been planning this for long ive heard they worked on this server for almost a YEAR, such a big project shouldnt just sink below and die

I hope the guys are managing to solve the trouble and not giving up! If its host trouble maybe anyone on the forum can help, just that they need to post about it first :)

If you aint gonna put this server up this weekend then i would recommend waiting till next friday, since many people are working and wishing to play and get the same start chance as the others :)

Opadar 08-06-2006 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Smedy
If you aint gonna put this server up this weekend then i would recommend waiting till next friday, since many people are working and wishing to play and get the same start chance as the others :)

No offence but that sounds retarded. Should just get it up when it's ready, not delay it even more.

klamath 08-06-2006 03:43 AM

Image ? We don't take donations this is done free with out donations and we won't ever accept donations and yes it was saturday night and i wen't out.

We work on this server for fun and we are trying our best to sort the problems out a major error as came but i can say we are still working on it hard and trying to get it up fast. If you don't like it play on a server with bug's cheaters exploits get 50 in a day be my guess.

I am not going to give out an eta yet because when i do something does go wrong.

rore 08-06-2006 04:05 AM

Kalmath you and your team kicks ass, thanks for all your hard work.

mattmeck 08-06-2006 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by klamath
I am not going to give out an eta yet because when i do something does go wrong.

You just learned a big lesson, We never give ETA's in this community because of the responces you got here. I dont think they know what ETA means..

Just remember, there are good people they just dont post!

Take your time have fun with it, bring it up whenever you feel its ready, people will play.

Smedy 08-06-2006 06:49 AM

hope you guys get it solved asap, youre right i rather wait another year then to play on servers that are right now with team MQ ...

moydock 08-06-2006 08:29 AM

Yeah my only fear was that someone was just yankin the pvp communities chain. The server just sounded too good to be true ^^. Thanks for updating us and for your continuing work. <3

Mistervirtue 08-06-2006 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by klamath
If you kill a person under 30 now its been changed u will lose a full level anyone under 20 you will lose 2 levels.

This rule is here to stay. Because i have been on so many servers and its over real fast so this should last a while.

i am an old player from Sullon Zek, good team. at first glance, this rule appeared to me to be just... i don't know the right word, i was upset at reading, i felt it was so limiting..

though, after thinking about it a few days, it's actually not a bad idea.. i just have one idea that might make it a little more fair

at level 50, the hardcore pvp'ers will never group for pve content. they will just travel arround killing people... this 2 level lose thing though, will force them back into groups, keeping the higher end players, and top level people to continue grouping, and encourage the lower levels to level up to 48 bec becuase there will always be groups of 48+s who've lost 50 trying to re-level up...

the only thing i'd chance is maybe, after you've attainded level 50 once, maybe leveling up 48-50 a second time should go at 2x or 3x the speed.. becuase think it's quite absurd to be robbed of 2 FULL levels for pvp'ing on a pvp server... or just disable killing of anyone below say 40, at level 50.

anyway, an explaination of why this would/wouldnot work would be great, when you can spare the time away from server maintainance. thank you!

klamath 08-07-2006 03:56 AM

There is no need to kill anyone under level 30 because you won't gain a kill or be able to loot there corpse if you are 50. This is in place to stop people blocking people from leveling and haveing a good time around there level.

Mistervirtue 08-07-2006 06:25 AM

i guess i just have the average Sullon zek mentality... killing is fun... no matter who the victim is...

but thanks for the reply, if you feel this is the best way to keep the server populated, thats great, the more people who play, the more people who will be in range, and the more poeple for me to kill i suppose.

Smedy 08-07-2006 09:23 AM

Killing indeed is fun, but not when its to easy. Im for this rule a 100% good work on it, i hate people 20-30 levels above raping lowbies, its no fun, and it definitly does not require any skill whatsoever, great & fun pvp comes when the levels are close by, then its fun to pvp!

any updates on your progress?

moydock 08-07-2006 10:02 AM

I think you might want to lessen that exp blow. You will see more people quitting b/c a lvl 10 jumped into their ae and lost them two levels then you'll see ppl quitting b/c a 50 ganked them. Just don't allow 50's to loot ppl out of range or something. Maybe a small exp loss so it is a choice. Making it -2 levels is pointless, it would be better to just make it impossible to attack if you want to go that way.

wolverine 08-07-2006 11:08 AM

I have to agree. It's just as easy to reverse grief.

Make it no-loot / small xp loss for the level 50 and the guy respawns with his gear and no xp loss. Makes it pointless for them.

Mistervirtue 08-07-2006 11:54 AM

i usually stick to the once a day rule, if theres a lowby, kill him one time, in one day, just further encourage him to level up, so he's not such easy prey... and also... becuase if he has any higher level friends looking for a fight, they'll usually come running... more pvp for me...

but thats just the mindset of a 4 year pvp vet.

i think the best solution is to be a bard... i'll kill whoever i want, then go spend 5 minutes on an AE pull and get my 2 levels back, then go hunt more lowbies...

if you want to stop the lowby greifing, disable it...

but once agian, just my opinion

Ellie 08-07-2006 12:00 PM

For the record I agree that it should be lowered to, at most, 1 yellow experience loss per lowbie kill. There is a huge potential for exploitation here. I would be pretty damn pissed if I lost 2 levels because some lowbie intentionally ran through my aoe, or if I accidently killed one another way.

Especially considering how slow the experience gain is on this server. You want to deter griefers, not make it an enormous hassel if you accidently kill one. I am not trying to spend 3 days of experience grinding for 1 lowbie death.

Also, you have to think that there will be lowbies made with the express purpose of training raids and dungeon groups. Giving upper level characters no recourse against this seems wrong.

Making it a yellow experience loss per lowbie kill is plenty to deter the casual newbie griefer. And, yes, there will always be hardcore griefers who will do it anyway, but that's part of the pvp game. I played for years on SZ too, and while it sucked to be killed by the occasional griefer, it was no big deal. The only thing that really sucked is when the griefer would bind camp you and kill you over and over again. By penalizing them a yellow per kill, this will fairly eliminate the bind campers. Yes, they can kill you once with no big harm, but they can't kill you over and over without serious experience loss.

klamath 08-07-2006 06:48 PM

Ok aftar reviewing some of these option's we have gone with 1 yellow if you kill anyone under 35 and 2 yellows and half for anyone under the level of 25.

Mistervirtue 08-07-2006 07:17 PM

2.5 yellows is still a bit harsh, but much more reasonable, thank you for reconsidering. Ellie's idea makes perfect sence.

Barl 08-07-2006 07:18 PM

klamath how is the server progress comming ?

Smedy 08-07-2006 07:19 PM

Agreed i never though about reverse greifing. Good job on the change :)

moydock 08-07-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by klamath
Ok aftar reviewing some of these option's we have gone with 1 yellow if you kill anyone under 35 and 2 yellows and half for anyone under the level of 25.

Yeah I agree, you're awesome for listening to us, and I feel like an ass for asking for more, but even with 2 and half yellows there will be plenty of ppl reverse griefing. It should be 1 yellow at most. This would give room for a 50 to kill lower levels every once in awhile and gain it back casually. It also adds a new dimension to the pvp b/c if you're a low lvl you know high lvls are probably not going to kill you but you don't want to stick around and piss them off to find out :P. I also think this debt should only be on very low levels. B/c say a group of 30's try to kill a level 50. And that 50 is defenseless unless he wants to lose a level or two.

klamath 08-08-2006 04:30 AM

30's can't attack a level 50 person. the level 50 rule is there so people can allways full down in to level 49 and back up again. Thats why i put in the 2 level loss.

Barl 08-08-2006 06:43 AM

Klamath, i know your hesitant to give an ETA, but can we atleast know how the progress is comming. Before when everyone was upset, they were not mad at you, but at the fact that they could not play on your server. Can we atleast have a rough estimate? It will not be held against you.

Oh and when i said that image thing, i was joking it was not a personal attack on yourself :P

mattmeck 08-08-2006 09:02 AM

ETA is anytime from tomorow till next year, it will happen at some point within those dates.

moydock 08-08-2006 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by klamath
30's can't attack a level 50 person. the level 50 rule is there so people can allways full down in to level 49 and back up again. Thats why i put in the 2 level loss.

I thought you said a 50 can attack a 25 he'll just lose exp? What do you mean a 30 can't attack a level 50?

Mistervirtue 08-08-2006 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by klamath
30's can't attack a level 50 person.

not to be a bastard...

but say i am level 30, and i am attacked by a level 50, i just have to stand there and take it? i can not even defend myself? the ONLY thing i get out of the deal is knowing he lost some exp?

KB_Trader 08-08-2006 10:46 AM

open server imo

Mistervirtue 08-08-2006 11:27 AM

intirely open, no penality for killing anyone, or disable 50's from attacking anyone under 40, completely... i think those are the two MOST fair ways...
but thats just my opinion

Barl 08-08-2006 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by KB_Trader
open server imo

motion seconded

bobfred1 08-08-2006 11:49 AM

if there will be xp loss, make it at least so there is no anon on the server, otherwiseit could get really confusing of who you can kill.

klamath 08-08-2006 07:00 PM

PvP will not be open free for all. and what kind of chance you got killing a level 50 at 30 you might aswell take the beats and spawn back up with your corpse and watch him drop down to level 49 and hes got xp for hour or 2 to get it back.

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