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Huppy 12-09-2019 07:36 PM

Hence, I answered your first question ;)


Originally Posted by Sticz (Post 264147)
is there another client-side change I need to make? Am I supposed to use the everquest.exe or is it eqgame? Eqgame just tells me to use everquest.exe.

Step 5 Here tells you how to setup client.


Originally Posted by Sticz (Post 264153)
I had a shortcut to everquest.exe not eqgame.exe.

SouthernOgre 01-05-2020 01:47 AM

With the move over to gitbook, is there an updated link to download the basic installer package?

The link at https://eqemu.gitbook.io/server/cate...lation-windows never connects. Connection times out.



Akkadius 01-05-2020 01:48 AM

Are you sure you're looking at the most up to date page? The updated link is in there

SouthernOgre 01-05-2020 01:37 PM

Thanks! Killed the cached content and reloaded. I now see the link directing to analytics.akkadius.com/eqemu_installer_files.zip .

bigdaddyduergar 01-07-2020 04:53 PM

I set up the server for some local screwing around, downloaded the steam everquest install, followed all the instructions afaik, and when I try to log in I get "[LoginServer] [Info] New Titanium client connection from 1678616768:55607" and it just hangs. I've not been able to find any info on this, and was hoping y'all could point me in the right direction.

Uleat 01-07-2020 05:02 PM

The current steam client will not work.

bigdaddyduergar 01-07-2020 05:07 PM

Bah. Ok. I have a the titanium disks I can install on here. Do those work? Is there something better I should be using?

bigdaddyduergar 01-07-2020 05:26 PM

Ok Titanium edition seems to work, but the server isn't appearing in the list. I'll have to work on that. :/

Smoochie 01-22-2020 01:44 AM

Can't get #zone to work for non GM characters

I've tried everything. Read everything, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I just want to enable #zone for any character on my server, regardless of level.

I'm using HeidiSQL. I have changed min_level and min_status in the zone table to zero. I have set #peqzone to 0, and that command does not work either. I have started and restarted the server countless times. I have no idea what I"m missing or not doing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The reason I'm putting the in this thread, is because I used the github Windows installer. Thank you in advance!

laxative 02-08-2020 10:44 AM

Good day!

I used this installer too just to get something going so I could get back up to speed! Great stuff.

My question, when loading assets for login server, does the SQL statement include the tables required for local login server? I'm getting peq.loginaccounts not found.


laxative 02-08-2020 04:04 PM

scratch my question, I had to source in the schema in login util... I kinda thought that would be part of the login server process but not so.

After updating the schema my client connects and the weird errors in loginserver are gone


laxative 02-09-2020 05:40 PM

Hi Akka and Uleat.

I'm sure I'm probably doing something goofy but I'm having problems with the eqemu_server.pl -

I suspected I was screwing things up by doing it all on my own ground up.. so took eqemu_server.pl and ran new server to let it do everything.
I gave it my database username and password and such.. and let it rip

I immediately noticed "the system cannot find the path specified" messages. And eventually the system just goes into a loop trying to find sql updates..

I went back to the folder I was working on originally and decided to see if my bots were up to speed..

I ran check_bot_db_updates
I get a message telling me my executables are not compiled for bots(they definately are) - this could be a legacy notification?

But then it fails to load any bots updates.

So.. onward..

my client was booting back to character creation.. checking my executables zone was not loading.. running zone.exe gave me a clue.. "uknown columns" etc. etc..

I went in and manually sourced in all the "required bot" sql lines. Then zone would load.

I was getting zone not available now..

I ran zone.exe rivervale and got an error about spawn points (unknown column) so I sourced in the last two general SQL statements from 2020..
that seemed to work and I can connect, and actually got into the tutorial.

I didnt poke around much more from there as I'm pretty sure my exe's and my DB are still not quite in sync.
But I'm more worried I'm not running eqemu_server.pl right. it's such a useful tool and I must be screwing something up.. but when it's not running the new_server process, well it's hard to break that on my end..


I did a perl debugg with step through, but I'm not a programmer, but I get 2 "the system cannot find the path specfied" after the message "No script Update necessary... message

I get 4 of that same message after the db_version check happens.. Maybe the perl script cannot find mysql commands thus failing updates?


Newneedhelp 04-20-2020 08:18 PM

Also installed it easily and without a hitch, have been playing, reading a lot to learn, and editing a bunch of cool stuff

Is there working link to update my server to rof2? I got an old download of the rof client from steam the one required I extracted the download into a folder of its own but I have no idea what to do or which files I need to move from the rof folder to my server folder and how to update the server to use newer zones etc after, on the original download I can enter all zoned up to velious but cannot enter any luclin + zones so searched HOURS to get the rof download :)

hokken 04-23-2020 09:22 AM

Windows 10 install issues
I have installed the server smoothly on Window 7 but I have been running in an issue when trying to install it on a clean Bootcamp Windows10 pro.

After I ran the install script as an Admin I end up with the an endless loop of errors as below:

Installing MariaDB (Root Password: eqemu) LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...
WARNING: The data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

Uleat 04-23-2020 03:31 PM

That's not an eqemu issue .. that means you have too much in your system's environmental %PATH% variable.

There are ways around it.

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