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Chanus 11-23-2010 09:27 AM

Er, actually... split those lines...


mysql -u [username] -p
enter your password
source peqdb_RevXXXX.sql;
source load_player.sql;

(Remember your semi-colons)

Oaric 11-23-2010 12:13 PM

Well I followed 2 guides perfectly,but i cant get my server to launch im not sure what i did wrong in this mess lol had to many problems. Guess ima just give up on making one,hopefully i can find someone to make one for me lol,nice guide tho

HeavyHand 11-27-2010 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by kavren (Post 190330)
I have been reading
• On to Setting up the world server. Here's the sql statement to make the world server entry. Save the below statement as worldreg.sql onto your servers desktop.
• INSERT INTO `tblworldserverregistration` (`ServerID`, `ServerLongName`, `ServerTagDescription`, `ServerShortName`, `ServerListTypeID`, `ServerLastLoginDate`, `ServerLastIPAddr`, `ServerAdminID`, `Note`) VALUES ('1', 'NameOfServer', 'ServerTagDescription', 'ShortNameOfServer', '2', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL);
• Edit the above statement as follows:
• After VALUES, edit the following:
• NameOfServer is the actual name of the server.
• ShortNameOfServer is the shortname for client files in your game directory (i.e. UI_Soandso_ShortNameOfServer.ini).
• ServerTagDescription is what you will see in parenthesis after the server's name - i.e. NameOfServer(Come and have fun!)
• The number 2 signifies what kind of server it is. 1 = Legends, 2 = Preferred, 3 = Standard.
• In navicat, right click the PEQLoginDB DB and select “Execute SQL File…” and choose accounts.sql from your desktop. Do the same again but choosing worldreg.sql from your desktop.

If you find yourself getting stuck here, with Navicat, remove the single quotes from the bolded area (i.e. table name and all variable names in the first statement)

Wow. Took me a long time to notice the obvious. :wink:

Also, thank you very much for posting this. I tried to do the Linux walkthroughs, but I am a Windows Guy and don't need the extra headaches.

HeavyHand 11-28-2010 07:15 PM

Now a question of my own. From here:


Originally Posted by kavren
• Save your changes and open up eqemulogin.ini located in the server folder
• Port=5998
• DumpPacketsIn=true
• DumpPacketsOut=true
• Trace=true
• DatabaseServerName=localhost
• DatabaseCatalogName=PEQLoginDB
• DatabaseUserName=MySQL Login
• DatabaseUserPassword=MySQL Password
• OPCodePathAndFileName=login_opcodes.conf
• PEQLoginDB is the name of the Login Database
• MySQL Login and MySQL Password is the same as what you used above just a moment ago

eqemulogin.ini was not found. I made the assumption that the plain login.ini was the file needed, but once I got to the above steps, I noticed there were changes. Now what? There is different info than the above. It looks more like this:


Originally Posted by login.ini
host = localhost
port = 3306
db = peqlogindb
user = <your_username>
password = <your_password>
subsystem = MySQL

unregistered_allowed = TRUE
reject_duplicate_servers = FALSE
trace = TRUE
world_trace = FALSE
dump_packets_in = FALSE
dump_packets_out = FALSE
listen_port = 5998
local_network =

plugin = EQEmuAuthCrypto
mode = 5

port = 5998
opcodes = login_opcodes.conf

port = 5999
opcodes = login_opcodes_sod.conf

account_table = tblLoginServerAccounts
world_registration_table = tblWorldServerRegistration
world_admin_registration_table = tblServerAdminRegistration
world_server_type_table = tblServerListType

Suggestions on how to proceed? I, of course will check further down and put an answer here for people reading this excellent how-to.

Ciraith 11-28-2010 09:58 PM

Got a question regarding an error I ran into while trying to setup my server.

I can log in remotely and get as far as the character creation screen but when I try to enter the world I get the following errors in the log files.

The errors state:

"Client discconnected (not active in process)"

"New Client from"
"Client 'Pucr' was destroyed before reaching the connected state:"
"Client sent initial zone packet, but we never got their player info from the database."

Any ideas on where to look?

The database settings in the eqemu_config file look fine i guess


Im running the peq database rev 1667 and the latest eqemu server

Ciraith 11-29-2010 04:23 PM

Found the solution.

I had to update the PEQ database from 1667 to 1750

lerxst2112 11-30-2010 12:25 AM

You probably didn't have to do that, you just needed to apply the SQL changes that are required with the current version of the code that were newer than your database version. Updating the whole thing got you those changes, but it's a good habit to get into making sure you apply the updates regularly when you update code, because the PEQ database may not always have all of them.

Expletus 12-24-2010 11:19 PM

I got the meat and potatos of this tutorial. I'm very close to the end of it, the only request I have is, could someone possibly post a Screenshot of the folder structure of the EQEmu folder (c:\eqemu)

blackdragonsdg 12-25-2010 01:56 AM

Expletus, go here http://code.google.com/p/projecteqemu/downloads/list
download EQEmu-Rev1771.zip or EQEmu-Rev1771-Bots.zip then use the contents of either zip file as a template for completing your EQEmu folder.

Expletus 12-25-2010 02:42 PM

Couple of Questions:

1. Can i just copy and paste over what I have compiled into that folder from the zip files?

2. Do I have to have a version of perl installed if I used wammp?

blackdragonsdg 12-25-2010 08:08 PM

1) Short answer is yes. Just make sure you don't overwrite your config files or you will get to redo them.

2) What is wammp?

Expletus 12-25-2010 10:49 PM

Sorry, was tired...


blackdragonsdg 12-25-2010 11:57 PM

I have no idea what XAMPP is either. Maybe someone else can help you with that one.

Andrew80k 12-26-2010 12:18 AM

You should be able to just copy and paste. But make sure you have perl 5.10. I use that to build the executables. Backup your executables first just in case. Make sure you check the sql folder for updates to your database if you already have one installed.

XAMPP -- X is a placeholder for any OS (I think), and (A)pache, (M)ysql, (P)erl, and (P)HP.

Expletus 12-26-2010 08:20 PM

Okay, so I'm at the last part.. of course an error.


[12.26. - 19:19:05] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_debug_2752.log
[12.26. - 19:19:05] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Loading server configuration..
[12.26. - 19:19:06] [NET__WORLD] WorldConnection connect: Connecting to the server failed: TCPConnection::Connect(): connect() failed. Error: 10061
[12.26. - 19:19:06] [LAUNCHER__ERROR] worldserver.Connect() FAILED! Will retry.
[12.26. - 19:19:06] [LAUNCHER__INIT] Starting main loop...
any ideas?

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