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trevius 06-15-2009 06:06 PM

PM me your gmail email address if you have one. I have something that might help you with doing the opcode work.

Cavedude or KLS might need to chime in on if we want to start including these tools in the standard EQEmu download in the utils directory. Either that or we can always setup a new SVN page just for these tools. You may want to PM your gmail address to Cavedude and KLS as well in case they want to get you added to the SVN if it is decided that we want to just add them to the /utils folder. Sylaei might want to send their Gmail address as well to us just in case.

I think that many of the structures should be similar or matching EQLive with what we have already for SoF. For the ones that are not matching yet, it should be fairly easy to make the needed adjustments to make sure they do match.

Once the tools are on an SVN somewhere that I have access to, I can certainly help to finalize any structure or opcode issues that might remain. I am getting good at that stuff :P

It is going to be awesome to get this stuff working again. I have really been dreading trying to do SoF AAs all manually from ShowEQ packet logs. Once the tools are working again fully, collecting the AA information should only take me an hour or so to log in each class and collect and then convert them into the table. Then, I am sure there will need to be some cleanup done to finalize it, but that is much easier than the part of converting each packet manually into a database entry!

cavedude 06-15-2009 08:09 PM

Yeah, these tools should go in utils. Shoot me a PM with a gmail address (or an email address that has been linked to google) and I'll setup access. Just make sure you put World Building tools or something in the title so I don't miss the PM. :)

Sylaei 06-15-2009 09:45 PM

Andrew80k, I would like to get the collector to compile then attempt to remove the MFC crap. At some point I assume we'll try to merge the windows and linux code into one. I'm also going to move to 2008 after the MFC is removed.

I'll keep working on the windows version and you can put the linux version out there so we can get started collecting from live sooner.

Andrew80k 06-15-2009 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sylaei (Post 172256)
Andrew80k, I would like to get the collector to compile then attempt to remove the MFC crap. At some point I assume we'll try to merge the windows and linux code into one. I'm also going to move to 2008 after the MFC is removed.

I'll keep working on the windows version and you can put the linux version out there so we can get started collecting from live sooner.

Sounds good. I should be able to put something out in a week or two.

trevius 06-15-2009 11:51 PM

When you get SVN access setup, feel free to PM me if you have any questions about how to use it or how to do commits. It's pretty simple once you do it for the first time.

If possible, you can put what you have so far on the SVN before it is ready. Then I can help with structs and stuff. If you would rather wait until it is ready, that is fine too, but it doesn't have to be done to go on the SVN IMO. That is part of the reason for having the SVN so multiple people can work together :)

Sylaei 06-16-2009 12:21 AM

I have it down to 3 linker errors. Getting close I think. :-)

Andrew80k 06-16-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sylaei (Post 172273)
I have it down to 3 linker errors. Getting close I think. :-)

Sweet! I pulled all the code out separate from the build, reorganized it and got it compiling under utils. As soon as I get it going with the current live stuff I'll put it on the svn.

Andrew80k 06-16-2009 11:12 PM

Got my first pf dump tonight. So that's progress. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to read it, so I don't know if it's any good or not. So... I started working on the extractor too. I need to make a few tweeks to the collector to get rid of some errors that I'm getting but once I do that I'll post it and folks can get to collecting and hopefully by then I'll have made enough progress on the extractor to determine if it needs more tweeking...

trevius 06-16-2009 11:28 PM

I think Wireshark can read the .pf files, but I dunno for sure with the way that the collector uses them since I have never used any of those eq collecting tools before.

Sylaei 06-17-2009 01:00 AM

I have had some luck tonight also. It built. Won't run but it is a Zlib1.dll error and easily overcome I think. Also got it moved up to VS 2k3, so it has been an exciting couple of days for the collector.


Shendare 06-17-2009 01:36 AM

Zlib1.dll is an easy one.

1. Go to http://www.zlib.net/ and download the "compiled zlib dll"

2. Extract it somewhere useful. I just stuck it in C:\Program Files\zlib, but if you have a dedicated place for coding libs and dlls and such, that would be better.

3. Add the appropriate paths (include, lib, etc.) to your IDE C++ directories settings.

4. In the Project Properties under Linker -> Input, add the additional dependency zlib.lib

Depending on your system config, you may need to add "libcmt.lib" as an "Ignore specific library" setting, since it's a multi-thread library and can conflict with zlib's single-threaded nature.

I think that's all there was to get zlib-based projects to work on my machine.

- Shendare

Andrew80k 06-17-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by trevius (Post 172341)
I think Wireshark can read the .pf files, but I dunno for sure with the way that the collector uses them since I have never used any of those eq collecting tools before.

I never thought of that. I'll give it a try this evening. I mostly got the extractor up to date with the collector though. Still much to do, but it's coming along.

Andrew80k 06-17-2009 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sylaei (Post 172353)
I have had some luck tonight also. It built. Won't run but it is a Zlib1.dll error and easily overcome I think. Also got it moved up to VS 2k3, so it has been an exciting couple of days for the collector.


This is really good to hear, as I think it'll be easier to get a lot of people collecting if we can get a windows compile.

provocating 07-08-2009 05:43 PM

I will be happy to enable my live account and help. It may be the only way I can ever help so I will be glad to pitch in.

Andrew80k 08-10-2009 01:43 PM

Wanted to give a small update on this since it's been a while. I'm still working on this and ran into a snag. While it appears that I have the collector working mostly, I have been working on trying to get the extractor working so I can validate the collector. It's been an uphill battle just getting it to compile. I finally have it nearly working, just a couple small things left and I should be able to get it going. It's taken a little longer than I expected but am hoping to have something that the community can use here in the next few weeks.

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